Overlimit Skill Holder

Epilogue Chapter 1.2

Epilogue Chapter 1.2

Overlimit Skill Holder Epilogue Chapter 1.2

Epilogue 1 (2)

Ah… that was such a good sleep

I slept for quite a while.

There was a ceiling I had never seen before.

I was on a bed with a canopy rather than a ceiling.

I feel like I had a long dream, but I couldn’t remember.

What was I doing?

Ah, right… I remember fighting the goddess…


I tried to get up but couldn’t.

I couldn’t move, as if my body had forgotten how to exert strength—no, it seems that my muscles are weakened and I can’t get up.【World Ruler】informed me.

I thrust my hand into the bouncy futon and stood up, pushing aside the lace hanging from the canopy. I seemed to be inside a room.

I didn’t know where I was. But it was not a clinic.

As I looked through the window, a city I had never seen before came into view. It was midnight.


While I was looking at the view, the door to my room opened and someone entered while tiptoeing.

「I don’t like the winter… In times like this, bochan’s futon is the warmest and the best.」

Zerry-san, who was slightly tipsy (World Ruler analyzed it even though I didn’t even ask), pulled over the lace with familiar motion and slipped onto the futon.

「Fuh, it’s so warm……. Huh? It’s wider than usual.」


What is this person doing?

Is she warming up in my bed?

「H-huh? Bochan’s body is missing…?」

I went back to bed and pulled the futon from under her.


「GYA——————!!!! Bochan’s ghost has appeared!!」

「Don’t just kill me off like that.」


Zerry-san blinked as I dropped a handchop on her head.

「B-Bochan… you’re alive?」

「I just woke up. Where is this place?」


「Eh? Zerry-san?」

Zerry-san burst into tears.

She was crying her eyes out while I was on top of her on the bed.

Yeah, this scene doesn’t look very good.

「Excuse me. Zerry-san, it’s forbidden to enter this room without permission–!?」

At that time, the maid who entered the room froze when she saw us.

As I expected, it ended like this!


After that, the residence was in an uproar.

They suspected that I had an unusual relationship with Zerry-san and then— No. It wasn’t like that at all, it was because I had woken up.

When I asked Zerry-san about it after she had stopped crying, it seemed that I had been asleep for a year.

What a surprise.

Since I could feel the signs of winter, I thought it had only been a few days, maybe 10 days at most, since the battle with the goddess…

A normal person wouldn’t even be able to stand up, but I seem to have been able to stand up naturally with the assistance of magic.

What’s more, I didn’t eat for a year, but I still survived.

Even though it was late at night, the doctor who came to see me said, "It’s a miracle."

(This…… is not a miracle.)

I guess my【World Ruler】has learned –【Unyielding】.

A skill where if you have enough willpower, you would be able to survive sleeping for a year without food.

「Zerry-san, can you tell me what happened after I lost consciousness?」


Zerry-san, who cried so hard (apparently she thought I would never wake up…well, I had been in a coma for a year, after all), blew her nose, and started explaining.

First, I was in the capital of the Windle Republic.

The Pope, who barely escaped with her life in the cathedral at that time, officially notified every country not to build a goddess temple.

Although the Pledgers who were mentally controlled by the goddess were freed from the goddess’s restraints, they fell into a state of shock and are taking a longer time to recover.

The Holy Queen reascended the throne in the Holy Kingdom, and Duke Grenjido and his faction were arrested. Due to Duke Grenjido himself being affected by lethargy, he was unable to stand trial for his crimes and was imprisoned in a certain place within the kingdom.

As for the other regions, although there was some confusion, they have largely returned to normal.

「Well, it’s been a year, after all.」I said.

「That’s right… I can’t believe you’re a person who has been asleep for a year.」

「Hmm, my body doesn’t look like it, but I’m actually extremely hungry.」

At first, I only received warm water. But I couldn’t help but get more hungry, so when I got soup to eat, I couldn’t stop myself.

Bread, meat dishes, vegetables, fruits.

I stuffed everything into my mouth.

My body was screaming, but I somehow managed to digest and absorb the food with magic.

This… might be the work of【Unyielding】… I have mixed feelings.

「So, what about Lady Eva and Silver Balance?」

「The world is still pretty much in a confused state. It seems that the guild can’t afford to let a skilled adventurer go. Boss Dante is traveling around the continent and taking on difficult jobs. Ah, right, Silver Balance is now Mithril-rank.」


Zerry-san took out her adventurer’s guild plate, and it was indeed made of Mithril.

「The boss also refused at first, but… that person from the adventurer’s guild, hmm… you know, that bigshot.」

「The guildmaster, Gurgio?」

「Right right, him. He said this was the only thing the guild could award in this matter. Because the overall adventurer rank has risen.」

The overall adventurer rank has risen– Ah, I see.

The "Rank-Up Martial Arts Tournament"-like idea that I came up with to keep adventurers in town in conjunction with "World Union".

Thanks to that, the damage to the cities was kept to a minimum, but it should have had the side effect of raising the ranks of the adventurers overall.

「…Well, it seems that this incident will be completely buried in the dark. I don’t really care for honor, but I want the boss, Mimino-san, Anastasia-san, and Non-san to be rewarded for their efforts. That’s why I’m glad that we got promoted to Mithril-rank, at least.」

「Ah, I see. It would not be good to make something like that public.」

A global invasion by the goddess.

In order to prevent that, I, along with the dragons and my allies, carried out acts similar to terrorism in every country.

In the future, I think people will understand that brainwashing is no joke. Everyone was a victim of the goddess.

There’s no way we can proudly say, "We destroyed the temples!"

「Then what about Non-san? I haven’t heard about Lady Eva yet either.」

「Non-san is still staying in Lake Brunstalk. But she said she would return to join Silver Balance. She should have made a request to the Pope by now. That is all she asks as a reward for the incident… Seriously, there should be a limit to being modest…」

「How Non-san like.」

She wanted to be by her father’s side, even if it meant throwing everything away.

「Lady Eva is of course in the Holy Kingdom. She is at the center of Her Majesty the Holy Queen’s new era, or something like that…」

「I see.」

This was also very Lady Eva-like

A civil war split the Five Great Dukes into two factions.

The disorder won’t subside within about a year– there’s no way Earl Silly’s would just sit idly by.

I am sure he’s energetically working behind the scenes, and the young lady must be helping with that.

「Come to think of it…why did you stab Her Holiness in the back at the cathedral at that time?」

「Oh, I didn’t explain that yet.」

According to Zerry-san, while she was running around the castle to cause chaos, Her Holiness the Pope returned unsteadily, and Non-san took care of her.

Non-san, who hadn’t been able to contact us, seems to have escaped the goddess’ mental corruption. That was because Non-san’s master, Riviera-san, the "sex appeal monster", had a magic potion that strengthened the mind, and she was continuosly taking it.

Non-san was collecting information in the church on her own, and on the day we challenged the goddess, she also put her own plan into action.

She tried to do something about the goddess through the physically weakened Pope.

While the goddess was distracted in the battle with me, Her Holiness secretly told Non-san –"Inside this body, there is a vessel of the goddess. Remove it.".

Zerry-san came and joined them, and the three headed for the cathedral.

「Why in the cathedral?」I asked.

「We didn’t know what exactly the vessel was. So, she decided to go to the place where the goddess’s power can be exhibited the most and to confirm it…」

It seems that Her Holiness always fainted when she entered the cathedral and has no memory of it.

This time, if she fainted, she said, "Don’t hesitate to kill me."

Her Holiness also seems to have felt that this was her last chance to confront the Goddess–.

「…Her Holiness seems to have known that leaving the goddess alone would be bad.」

「That’s right. It seems like she intuitively knew that it wasn’t “god”.」


「Yes, I asked her about it. It seems like she sometimes receives “oracles”… And the feeling from the oracle and the goddess felt different, it seems.」



(Is there really a god out there? Please tell me it’s a lie… Well, I don’t care anymore.)

I stopped thinking about it.

I don’t know what to do even if new higher-ranking beings appear.

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