Overlimit Skill Holder

Epilogue Chapter 2.2

Epilogue Chapter 2.2

Overlimit Skill Holder Epilogue Chapter 2.2

Epilogue 2 (2)


When we returned to the mansion, I found Zerry-san calming down Asha, who was about to rampage due to my absence.

「Bochan! I’ve been waiting for you!」

The look on Zerry-san’s face said that she had never prayed for me to come back this much from the bottom of her heart.


The sparks dancing around Asha – they were igniting because her mana was too concentrated – slowly receded, and she ran towards me with tears in her eyes.

I felt the passing of a year even more than when I saw Dante-san.

Asha’s appearance seemed to be much more mature than what I remembered.


At that moment, another voice came from behind her, and Asha’s legs suddenly stopped midway.


When I heard that voice, I immediately knew who it was.

However, it was "impossible". I couldn’t believe that person was here…

「M-My lady…?」

Turning around, it was certainly Lady Eva.

And the young lady had also grown taller.

Not only the dress she wore, but also her atmosphere around her made her feel like "a girl who has stepped into the adult world" or "a girl who is completely accustomed to the adult world".

「And… Lark!?」

Next to the young lady was Lark, who looked embarrassed and scratched her cheek with her index finger.

「…Yo, Reiji.」

She was in her travel attire, but I could see that her breasts had grown.

Considering the diet of mine slaves who had no concept of nutrition, she must be eating properly now.

「When I heard that you had woken up, I borrowed a magic airship from my father and rushed here. Lark-san happened to be in the Holy Kingdom, and she was staying with us, so she accompanied me.」the young lady said.

「Yeah, I was a little surprised by this young lady’s ability to take action. I mean, when she heard that you had woken up, she skipped an important meeting at the Holy Palace and rushed straight here. She was restless the entire time in the airship…」Lark said.

「Lark-san also insisted on coming with me at all costs! So I brought her here!」the young lady said.

I had thought that the young lady had completely become a noblewoman, but somehow I felt that she was still the same person as before when she interrupted Lark. I found myself feeling somewhat relieved.

Behind them were Captain Maxim, the knights, and Lark’s sky pirate companions.

They were smiling and waving at me.

(Thank you…For going out of your way to come see me.)

Warmth permeated my heart.


Why is my vision blurry? Am I about to cry?

Perhaps I’ve finally come to realize that everything has come to an end.


Dante-san called my name.

「I’m sorry to interrupt your touching reunion with the beautiful ladies, but there is an important matter we need to talk about. It’s about your future.」

He looked very serious.

Eh, eh…?

It’s not over yet…?


The owner of the mansion seems to have a big heart. He welcomed even the sudden, large number of visitors.

He said, "Right now, Reiji-dono is the one the world is paying attention to, after all."

I wish it was a joke, but his eyes were dead serious…

「Well, at any rate, we are all glad that you have woken up.」

Sat around the table were me, Dante-san, Mimino-san, Lark, Lady Eva, and Asha.

Zerry-san? She said she was going to a gambling house today and happily left.

Lady Eva brought along her own butler, who was standing by the wall. The same went for Captain Maxim, the lady’s escort.

「Thank you. Sorry for causing everyone to worry.」

When I said that, Dante-san smiled. However, his face immediately stiffened.

「Now, then. Gurgio-sama, the master of the entire Adventurer’s Guild, wants to hear about the series of events that happened a year ago. Only you know about the battle with the goddess, Reiji. Furthermore, the dragons have disappeared.」

「The dragons…? What about the Vision Ogre?」I asked.

「He is probably dead. After helping you reach the goddess in that white space, he was no longer moving. After the white space collapsed, we were sent back in front of the cathedral, but the Vision Ogre was not there.」

「I see.」

Unlike the dragons, it was difficult to understand what he was thinking.

But even so, at the very end — he helped me defeat the goddess.

I wonder if he was also resolved to die at that moment.

When I told him that I was “ready”, he joined my side.

He wagered his life on me.

「…So, Reiji. You’re the only one who understands everything. But you were in a coma for a year. So many things are still unsettled.」

「Unsettled… What do you mean?」

「What is the cause of this chaos? Who should be held responsible? The Pledgers are all mentally unstable, and can’t talk much. That is why, I want you to explain to Gurgio-sama.」


「I’m sorry. I know you just woke up.」Dante-san said.

「No… I understand that this matter cannot wait.」

「I see. You’re still as smart as ever.」

Dante-san burst out laughing.

「…Dante-san, wouldn’t it be better to explain a little more about the situation?」Lady Eva said.

「No, Lady Sillys. I thought so too at first, but it would only be a burden if I gave Reiji information he doesn’t necessarily need.」

「Maybe so, but Reiji has a right to know. If anything, I think he would want to hear about it sooner rather than later.」she said.

Hmm? What is this about?

I wonder if there are other behind-the-scenes circumstances.

「Well… okay. W-What do you think, Reiji?」Dante-san asked nervously.

「I don’t know what it’s about, but I don’t think it would be a burden. So it would be better to hear about it now.」

「I-I see… that’s alright.」

For some reason, Dante-san nervously glanced at Asha.

「…Several countries claimed that you, the black-haired black-eyed person, was the one who set it all up, and have called for you to be executed.」


Ah… I see now.

I didn’t think about that.

But, considering the prejudice against black hair and black eyes, I suppose it’s normal.

「Please tell me the names of those countries, Dante-san.」

Asha said in response, with a faint smile.

I had never seen such a smile on her before

The word "bewitching" seemed to suit that smile…

「Umm, Asha? What are you going to do with that information?」I asked.

「It’s obvious. I’ll burn it.」

Ah, burn it, I see.

Such an obvious answer, right.

That’s why Dante-san put his hand on his forehead and looked up at the ceiling.

「Asha, you shouldn’t do that.」I said.

「But Reiji-san is the hero who saved this world! And they want to execute you!? …Don’t you think it’s a chance to get rid of the imprudent royalty and nobility who have grown senile?」

Was Asha always like this!?


I stared at her.



Asha responded in a small voice with a sour look, like a little child.

「If you’re going to burn something, it should be the prejudice that discriminates people by appearance.」

I tried to say something nice.

「Brother, that’s cringe.」

My sister poked in. …How embarrassing!

「As expected of Reiji-san. What wonderful words!」

No, seriously. Was Asha always like this!?

「……Anyway, King Geffelt suppressed the countries that started saying such irrelevant things. The World Conference was reconvened, and there were overwhelming voices in support of getting a testimony, so the usually politically-neutral Adventurer’s guild… Gurgio-sama said that Reiji is also an adventurer, so the guild will be in charge of obtaining the testimony.」

「I see……」

I’m always indebted to Gurgio-sama.

It was through his connections that my dagger was repaired.

「Let me just say this, Reiji. There is no need to think that you owe Gurgio-sama anything.」


The young lady saw through me.

「The Adventurer’s Guild is active in countries where security has become unstable, and its status as a guild has improved. And it is all thanks to you, Reiji, for defeating the goddess. Who knows what the world would be like if you didn’t win.」

「But I wasn’t the only one, right? Everyone here fought together, didn’t we?」


When I said that, the young lady blinked in surprise.

「…If you want to feel indebted to me, that’s okay.」

She said in a playful tone.

「Anyway, Gurgio-sama is grateful to Reiji, and you are not indebted to him.」she said.

「I understand.」

Her remarks as a grown-up noblewoman were very impressive.

「I think the testimony is fine, but the problem will come after that.」Lark said.

「What do you mean?」I asked.

「What will you choose to do, brother? After that, I mean. You may have already heard this, but the leaders of every country are aiming for you. I think that Gurgio fellow might also be trying to bind you to the guild. Even the guys who are calling for your execution are just using it as a way to get you to bend to their will.」


I heard a little about that from Zerry-san, but it seems to be quite serious.

「What do you mean “ugee”! It’s not someone else’s problem… Think carefully about what you’re going to do from now on. It’s not something as simple as saying, “I’ll continue being an adventurer!” and going about your merry way.」

Eh, really!?

「Will you make your presence properly known to the world and do your best to steer this world in the right direction…or will you ignore the troubles of the world, cast away all wealth and fame, and continue being a simple adventurer? You could do that, but isn’t it boring to have saved the world but not receive anything in return?」

Boring, huh.

That way of speaking is very typical of Lark.


I couldn’t help but laugh.

「What are you laughing at?」

「No, it’s nothing. Thank you… for telling me my ultimate choices. I’ll think about it.」

It seems that I will have to think about it.

My choice for a future that I won’t regret.

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