Overlimit Skill Holder

Epilogue Chapter 3.1

Epilogue Chapter 3.1

Overlimit Skill Holder Epilogue Chapter 3.1

Epilogue 3 (1)

Three Brides

「——And then I lost consciousness, and a year passed.」

I was in the Adventurer’s Guild of the Windle Republic.

In the guildmaster’s room.

The room was so small that no one would have guessed that there was an ongoing confidential talk about the goddess who plunged the world into disorder and of her demise.

The giant sitting in front of me was Gurgio, the man who oversees the entire Adventurer’s guild. He usually serves as the guildmaster of Valhalla City.

It seems that Gurgio also rushed over to Windle after hearing that I had woken up.

Only the two of us were in the room

The local guildmaster and Dante-san were not present.

Gurgio said that if possible, he wanted to talk alone, and I didn’t necessarily want to keep the incident a secret. Furthermore, I didn’t want to worry Dante-san about this matter anymore.


I suddenly realized.

(Strange. There is nothing to be worried about anymore…the goddess is dead, after all.)

When I was smiling wryly in my heart at that aspect, Gurgio let out a deep sigh after listening to the details.

「…Everything I just heard sounds unbelievable, but I am going to have to investigate it moving forward. First of all, let me thank you, Reiji. You saved this world.」

「No, that’s…」

I didn’t really fight for a lofty ambition like saving the world. I was desperate to survive. And I just didn’t want my loved ones to become puppets of the goddess.

「What you said is consistent with what I heard from Her Holiness the Pope. It’s probably true… I’ll investigate the ruins of the temple where you fought the goddess.」

「Ah, that’s right.」

Is that place still intact?

I don’t think there would be a corpse there anymore, but thinking about what happened there made me uneasy.

「What’s wrong, Reiji?」

「No, it’s nothing……」

「You can be proud of yourself. Your accomplishments are extremely great.」


For some reason, I realized that there was a part of me that wasn’t happy.

「So, as soon as the investigation of the temple ruins is completed, I will share what I just heard with the world leaders. I think it would take about a month to process everything. After that, every country would want to invite you and the members of Silver Balance to hold a victory parade.」

「A v-victory parade?」

「It’s a strange thing, isn’t it? You were the only ones who fought and won, and most of the countries were rushing to build the goddess temple. However, those countries are exactly the ones who would probably want to welcome you. Probably feeling indebted for having built the goddess temples.」


「You may have heard from Dante, but many countries are wanting to bring you under them. Some of their offers would be ridiculously high and lavish, but… don’t easily agree, okay? But of course, if you personally wish to join any of those countries, then that’s up to you.」


「What? Why the long face?」

「No, no… that kind of thing means that I will be bound to that country, right?」

「I can’t say it’s the same unconditionally… For example, they might ask you to make an exclusive contract with them as an adventurer, instead. That said, it’s human nature not to refuse a request once you’ve received money. You will lose your freedom partially.」

「I see……」

I was still hesitant about the two choices that Lark posed to me.

A shackle which will give me everything.

Or freedom which will give me nothing.

「Oi, Reiji. You also have a chance to attain the fame that every adventurer longs for. Don’t forget about that! I wouldn’t be able to say anything if someone like you vies for the position of guild master. Gahahahahha…」Gurgio laughed.

That’s true…….

I wonder if all adventurers… Dante-san and Mimino-san were aiming for that as well.

Fame and reputation that rivals the heroes of legend.

If Dante-san was in that position from the beginning, many people would have tried their best to save him when he was afflicted with petrification.

Mimino-san and Non-san wouldn’t have had to go through so much trouble.

「I’m honored… more than I deserved.」

My answer, however, was already decided.

「I choose freedom.」

I pondered, and pondered, and pondered.

It was clear that my decision would have a big impact on other people as well.

「…May I ask for the reason why?」

Gurgio didn’t look so surprised, perhaps because the answer was what he had expected.


The reason, huh.

「I was… a slave. A mine slave.」

What came to my mind when I was making my decision was the scene at the mine.

Lark was there, and also old man Hinga.

If it weren’t for Lark — if she hadn’t found an unimaginable skill orb.

If it weren’t for old man Hinga — if he hadn’t taught me to read, and the path of a good man.

If a mine collapse didn’t happen.

I think I would still be working in the mine.

I am here right now because of those series of coincidences.

For me, the most important thing is… freedom.

「Is that so…」

Gurgio probably didn’t know my identity, as he was more surprised to learn about this.

However, he seemed to understand my answer because of that.


「What do you have to apologize for? It’s your life, you can decide. That said, every country knows that you’re staying here. I’ll return to Valhalla and let everyone know your answer. It’ll take about 1 month. Since the Adventurer’s guild is in charge of this case at the moment, none of the countries are pestering you yet. But once they hear your answer, each and every one of them will rush towards you.」

「Uh… I-I suppose.」josei

Being free also means that you have to protect yourself.

Many royals and nobles will try to pressure me to obey them, thinking that I’m just an adventurer.

「Only one month left. Prepare yourself.」


One more month.

I see. I understand what Gurgio is trying to tell me.

He is telling me to “disappear”.

「Understood. I’ll prepare myself.」I said.

「…To tell the truth, I don’t want the hero who saved the world to escape like a common thief…」

「No, thank you for your concern.」

「At the very least, I would like to give you a farewell gift. Will you accept it?」


「Hmm, what’s wrong? There is no catch to it. It’s just a farewell gift.」

「Ah, no… I remembered something from the past.」

It was about the time when I was leaving the Holy Kingdom.

Border Earl Mule gave me a dagger saying, "It’s a farewell gift," as I was forced to leave the country because of my "black hair and black eyes".

When I think about it, Gurgio has a somewhat similar atmosphere to Border Earl Mule.

「It’s something you wear, is that okay? There are enough for your party members, too.」

「Thank you very much.」

I said with a smile.

「I am thankful to you too. …I know you are an adventurer with tremendous ability, but let me say this. If anything happens, I will always be of help. Don’t hesitate to contact me.」

Gurgio held out his right hand, so I grabbed it.

「Alright, thank you.」

I’m sure the connection I have with this person will never disappear.

Because he instinctively knew that after gaining freedom, I would continue being an adventurer.

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