Overpowered Soul Transmigrate In Apocalypse

Chapter 98

Chapter 98: EP14: The first awakens at night deep

Not only that, Dracula was also taller than Feng Mei.

Anyways, Feng lost in his excitement was ready to directly activate his Magi-Mech without any consideration to Dracula's naked body.

The power-up and shut-down operator was on the backside of Dracula head, hidden beneath his soft and fluffy black-hairs. The operator only identifies Feng's fingerprint, hence only Feng Mei can activate and deactivate Dracula's system.

The excited Feng pulled the slumbering Magi-Mech near him so that he could re-activate Dracula, who has been successfully upgraded into a transcendental grade Magi-Mech.

Feng gently pressed his right-hand forefinger on the operator. The operator scanned his fingerprints and voila, the slumbering robot began to power-up.

The system(Dracula's mechanical-brain) absorbed some electricity from one of the six energy-tubes contained in the metallic blue-box to start the complex programs.

Feng saw Dracula's eyelids fluttering slowly, which suddenly opened wide. The eyelids opened and Dracula's mesmerizing black eyeballs and enchanting snow-white sockets were revealed.

"Welcome back, Dracula!" Feng announced as he ruffled the hair of his trustworthy companion.

Dracula still processing the current situation nodded in response.

"Master, how long has it been?" Dracula asked Feng Mei in confusion. 

"It hasn't been long, maybe an hour or three. I don't know since I was busy upgrading you al this time. Hmm, let me check," Feng said as he took his Hub-Tub 100 holographic smartphone that was also enclosed inside a divine energy-barrier. He opened it up and saw the time. "it's 2:30, deep night time." Feng answered to Dracula whose wandering gaze has turned weird.

It's because Dracula found himself lying in the laps of his manly Master!

"Master, why are we in this weird pose?" Dracula murmured in his soft voice to Feng Mei as he fastly stood up.

But he fell down on top of Feng Mei lap, as if a magnetic pull had pulled him towards his Master lap. In actuality, Dracula height has suddenly increased to 1.82 m/182cm from the previous 1.63cm. He wasn't used to his newly created body that's why he stumbled and fell back on his master laps.

Feng Mei stared at Dracula, who had mysteriously returned back to his lap, and calmly replied, "A misunderstanding it is, so are the next few one."

Feng deepened his gaze and resumed the eccentric apology letter "Believe me or not, these misunderstandings are caused due to my sheer excitement."

Dracula felt something fishy from his master words. His face was also near to his Master, who was staring at him in the eyes. Dracula saw the reflection of his body from his master eyes.

His body was naked!!!




Dracula screamed as if he was the sleeping beauty whose chastity was stolen by a shameless thief during her slumber.

"Why am I naked? Master, you fiend, how could you do this to me?" Dracula shouted as he covered his chest with his hands.

Feng also averted his gaze from Dracula due to guilt.

"Master, How could you break the fundamentals robots right!" Dracula who was still processing the situation had gone hysteric at this point.

«Fundamental Robots rights: A: A proprietor must always feed its robot!

B: A robot must be fully dressed at all times.

C: Love relations with robots are forbidden, unless if they both consent!»

His master has broken the second fundamental robot right.

Dracula stood up and went away from Feng Mei. In actuality, Dracula rolled away from his master as he needed more time to control his new body 

While rolling away the hystaric Transcedental-grade Magi-Mech shouted, "Master, I will file a lawsuit on you."

Feng also stood up and went after him in a hurry.

"Dracula, Believe me, your master... 'I' am innocent! I was too excited to activate my First ever Magi-Mech which I after create five whole years, hence I forgot the fundamental robot rights!" Feng said to prove himself innocent. But Dracula kept on dropping on the cargo, trying his best to walk on two feet and reach the dresser which stored clothes his master size.

"Don't worry, I created your entire body. I have also seen you butt naked. Furthermore, you are still butt naked, and it doesn't really matter to me even if you streak through this world butt-naked." Feng once again said to the hysterical Dracula, who was pacing around the room.

Dracula the dropper robot turned towards Feng Mei, still butt naked. He stared dead into his master eyes, "Master, I don't have weird fetishes. I am not a pervert like you!"

"How could you say that to me..." Feng said, heartbroken. The words 'I am not a pervert like you' repeated 999 times in his mind.

Feng's heart suffered 999 damage and his health bar dropped to 1.

Dracula had also reached the dresser while his master was losing his hp.


After Dracula was clothed...

Dracula stood up in amazement as he saw his reflection through the Hub-Tub 100.

His eyes and hair remained the same but his height has increased to 1.82 m. Red petal like lips and a lot of tattoos(Magical symbol) decorated his outer-shell, slim yet powerful arm and legs enchanted his handsome look.

His gaze wandered around and it finally stopped at his master.

"Master, I feel different. I feel strong and..." Dracula words were interrupted by Feng Mei narcissistic laughter

"Hahaha, it's all because of me. I have successfully upgraded you into a transcedental-grade Magi-Mech. That too without creating a Magi-Mech for a whole five-years. Huhuhuhu, " Feng head was tilted as he kept on laughing 

"And I don't need to tilt my head to look up at you!" Dracula completed his words and stopped his master from laughing like a maniac. He literally shoot down his master laughters.

Feng stopped laughing as he tried to ruffle Dracula's hair but he had to extend his hand!

"Oh shit, I need to extend my hand to ruffle my hair. Goddamn! I will remodel you and decrease your height, " Feng announced as he tried to shut off Dracula.

"No, Master, I am perfectly in love with the new me. There's no need for remodeling" Dracula replied in his low-key voice as he evaded his master hands.

Feng grunted, "Anyway, make sure you are always wearing this" Feng commanded as he made Dracula with perfect eye-sight wear the glasses.

Dracula wore the glasses but they didn't fit him at all.

"I was just kidding, lol" Feng said.

"Finally, I don't have to wear glasses, thx God" Dracula said and there the glasses away.

Frng and Dracula both looked at each other and giggled.

There play continued on as Feng continued trolling Dracula and Dracula teased back.

But it ended soon, as a mysterious feeling bubbled up inside Feng Mei body.

Feng felt his evil empyrean soul line resonate.

Feng felt that the soul space of the first has opened up.

"The first has awakened from his slumbers." Feng exclaimed like merlin

Feng internal thoughts: What a pervert, no a legendary pervert he is, to awake at nights deep, the only reason for a person to awake so deep at night is to shake the wand. A wisdomful pervert indeed.

"Master, is first the godfather you told me about? The one with wisdom surpassing heaven's!" Dracula excitedly asked. josei

"Yes, he is the one." Feng replied. He hurriedly sat down on the floor of the cargo, cross-legged he was, eyes squinted and seriousness enchanted his face.

"But master how do you know that he has awakened from his slumber," Dracula inquired.

"The matter is too complex to explain. I may explain it to you at an appropriate time," Feng replied as he tried to remember... Remember the must ask questions written on his flesh by the 'serious Feng'.

"Ok, Master," Dracula replied like a good boy or rather a good man.

In some seconds, Feng has remembered all must ask questionnaires to heart. Then he looked at Dracula who was standing near him.

"Dracula, I will go to meet the elder. So no matter what, don't let anyone come near me or bother me. Not until I re-open my eyes. No matter what!" Feng instructed Dracula, and he closed his eye.

"As you command, master!" Dracula answered back. He stood on guard, standing near his master.

Feng focused and his consciousness entered the first of the nine blue lines. His consciousness drifted along the blue line and entered into the Celes void.

In the celes void, there was a huge golden door. The door upside extended far beyond the measurable limits, such that it was unseeable by Feng's eyes.

The golden door, also called the doorway of the celes river, wasn't shining like the one in Feng's memory.

But Feng knew that this was the same door!

The door that connected 'Celes void' with the soul space of the First Evil Empyrean 'Divinator'.

Feng walked near the door and his hand touched the gigantic door.

The door creaked the moment Feng's finger touched it.

The huge door was slightly opened, from behind the door a golden ray of light shone on Feng face blinding his eyes.

The ray vanished and an extended hallow path appeared in front of Feng Mei.

Feng walked through the middle of the doorway of celes riveria and entered the soul space of the first.

The soul space also called 'Celes Riveria'

Feng's eyes blazed with excitement as he was going to meet the elder bail, the one who may hold the answer to all of his questions.

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