Overpowered Soul Transmigrate In Apocalypse

Chapter 99

Chapter 99: EP14: Kill me? Nani(What?)

Jo Pov.

While Feng Mei was assembling Dracula in the cargo, Jo has been trying to strike a conversion with his female-counterpart 'Beverly'.

He was interested in her and reckoned that she is his destiny, destiny as in love.

Jo the robot believed that he could embark on love adventures with Beverly. Who knows, maybe he will fortunately win her heart in a day or two?

Jo began the conversion by telling Beverly about his knowledge related to the current affairs. He told her about the destroyed land and the deadly creatures he saw to pique her interest.

Soon, she started to actively participate in their conversation...

"So Beverly, what do you think about the current world," Jo said while driving his sweetheart, cupid, the name he gave to the black-truck.

"It's a lot different than the data present in my files. But it's also exciting since I will experience everything new," Beverly replied as she didn't know that the world was overrun by zombies. 

Jo also didn't know that zombies had infected the world as he hadn't seen one.

"It's really not exciting... You saw the man with crazy red-eyes, right? The one who came inside cupid," Jo said to her.

"Yeah, why?" Beverly nodded.

Jo continued "Be careful of him. Try your best to stay away from him. My programs calculated that he is a very dangerous alien. He is definitely not a human from what I have seen. He might very well be the cause of the destroyed Muffin city." Jo warned her about the alien 'Feng Mei.

"Oh, is he really dangerous? Let me see what you saw. I am curious," Beverly, the sweet female robot said in her sexy voice as she pulled herself closer to Jo and held his powerful mechanical arms.

Robots could share their files, as long as they were in physical contact with each other. A BlueTooth connection will be established between two robots who are in physical contract to each other.

"Sure," Jo replied as two blush enchanted his sturdy face. Thankfully, Beverly didn't notice as she was looking at Feng Mei files.

The file contained the video of Feng Mei bombarding a huge path with his [Origin flame Magic] «Anshun» and having his ass destroyed~

"He really is weird, yet.." Beverly said as she touched her stretched lips, a huge smile has formed on her face.


An ancient-being with long hairs that reached the soles of his feet and long white-beard that dropped on his knees sat cross-legged on top of a simple wooden plank. A chessboard was placed on top of the wooden plank. The wooden plank drifted along the golden-pale ocean waves.

The ancient-being with a very long white-beard was extremely human-like. He had all body parts just like a human, two hands, two legs, a torso, and a face.

Except for one fact!

The Ancient-being was super-tall both in width and height. He was approximately ten times bigger than sky-scraping building and the wooden plank he sat upon spanned a massive 6900 thousand kilometers.

The Ancient-being was Elder Bai, the First Evil Empyrean and the wooden-plank was his galactical weapon. Sadly, the wooden plank was riddled with holes and deep cracks. Almost as if it will break the moment a wave crash on top of it.

Elder Bai height was an innate blessing as he was the descendent of the galactical colossi race.

He was wearing a glorious robe, edges linen with gold. The robe was gilded with mystical rubies which excluded the light of luxury, the lower edges of the robe was drowning in the ocean, golden-pale their colors. This robe was a precious gift handed over to Elder Bai by his Master.

All around the wooden-plank of Elder-Bai was water and nothing else.

The skies of this world was intertwined with rivers that fell down from the starry heavens, and there was no ground in this world. This soul space was solely made out of the golden-pale water, water dripped from the skies on top of the ocean below.




Feng Mei strode upon an endless ocean which stretched thousands of miles. The ocean wasn't blue rather it was pale-gold.

The pale-gold water is called the Celes


Feng was striding on Celes Riveria for the past five minutes trying to reach the wooden-plank.

"I should have directly appeared before Elder Bai but I didn't. Maybe he is mad at me." Feng muttered, as he reached near the edges of the continental sized wooden-plank.

He could see the silhouette of Elder Bai even though he saw striding on the celes riveria.

The chessboard of Elder Bai altered and showed Feng Mei, who had reached near the edges of the wooden plank. With one step Feng managed to cover a huge distance, gliding like a dragon he moved towards Elder-Bai.

"Even the multitude twist of fate did not manage to bring doom upon us. Thankfully, the grand scheme has operated as planned and we managed to escape the nefarious plans of the Death True God. But the soul cleanse has damaged little wind. According to the Tenth Evil Empyrean words, if the damage is causing memory loss than we will have to kill little wind first. We ought to kill him if the soul cleanse has damaged his memories."  Elder Bai stroked his white-beard while looking at Feng Mei who has stepped on top of the wooden plank.

Feng locked his eyes on to the Elder Bai and immediately teleported before him.

"Hi," Feng said while showing Elder Bai a smile and waving his flirtatious hands.

"Take a seat, little wind," The elder calmly said to Feng Mei. He gently gazed ahead admiring the starry oceans. In actuality, he was lost in thoughts. The thoughts of whether he should kill Feng Mei or not rang in his mind.josei

The elder couldn't decide.

"I was gonna do that. After all, this is my house" Feng replied shamelessly as he treated Elder Bai soul space as his own home.

Feng moved ahead to sit in front of the chessboard. He sat opposite to the gigantic Elder Bai(white).

In size, Feng, a human was like an ant when compared to Elder-Bai, a galactical giant.

"Elder Bai, I know you are angry. I am sorry for keeping you locked up in here for the past five years like cinderella, alright? Though it's not really my fault. Because for some reason I couldn't remember about any of you guys." Feng admitted his wrong to the giant, who was gazing at the distant starry oceans. Though his apology didn't work as Elder Bai brows wrinkled in displeasure.

"You were shameless before but now you have gotten even more brazen. A few more years of being shameless and you might even reach the power level of Truth in being shameless," The elder scolded Feng Mei.

The elder voice so loud that it caused a ripple to arose in the starry rivers. Naturally, Feng heard it but his consciousness was not shaken.

"Elder Bai, you knew who Cinderella is? Damn dementia, I must have forgotten that I told you about her," Feng exclaimed while laughing like a shameless man.

"You are suffering from dementia?" The elder gaze turned gentle as he worriedly ask Feng Mei.

"Yes, I guess" Feng replied. Feng didn't know that he has sealed his own fate with a simple 'Yes'.

The elder confirmed that Feng was losing memory. 'The damage caused by soul cleanse is indeed extensive. We must kill him,' the elder thought as he began to prepare a plan to kill Feng Mei.

Feng saw the elder lost in thought, he wondered why. Feng had many things to talk about, hence he disturbed the elder. "Elder Bai, Hello!" Feng shouted to distract the Elder. He continued, "I had a lot of serious business going on, so let's talk. First of all, why are you in my soul space? And..." Feng was interrupted during his talk by Elder Bai.

"It's not time for us to talk, not yet," The giant said in his archaic voice. He gently gazed down at the ant(Feng Mei).

"Eh, Why not?" Feng inquired in a cool voice.

"Little wind, it's because we haven't killed you yet," the elder replied in his archaic voice.

"Kill me? Elder, this joke isn't funny," Feng said.

The elder simultaneously pointed his gigantic right-hand at Feng Mei. 

"Nani? You are really gonna kill me!!!" Feng exclaimed as his eyes opened wide. It is because Feng understood that elder Bai is not fcking joking. He was really gonna kill him.

The gigantic hand pointed towards him withheld an emblem. The emblem could only be created by those who have achieved the power level of 'Truth'. 

"Don't worry, we will only be killing your consciousness." The gentle giant said.

"Killing consciousness my ass! At best I will be unconsciously for some week and at best I will enter a permanent state of vegetable! Don't do it." Feng shouted as he stood up to rush out of this soul space.

"[Truth Emblem] [Commandment of wisdom]

« Joker's judgment»," elder Bai simultaneously said, his archaic voice spread far and wide.

All the divine energy that Feng Mei has deposited in this soul space rushed towards the emblem and was absorbed by it.

All the divine energy was used to activate the [Commandment of wisdom] «Joker's judgment»

The truth emblem shone with blinding light which shot towards Feng Mei, who was rolling off this soul space.

'Damn, the old man has gone senile after slumbering alone in this place for five years.

I am never gonna come back to this place' Feng thought as he rushed towards the gigantic doorway of celes riveria by teleporting.

Sadly, the blinding lights were extremely fast and it hit Feng Mei before he could roll off the First Evil Empyrean soul space.

He was pulled inside the judgment boundary of the joker.

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