Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 470

Chapter 470

Chapter 470

Chapter 470

Chapter 470

Tina was determined to leave, but Samuel grabbed her hand.

His face was gloomy. His eyes were cold and sharp as he said, " Stop. Did I allow you to leave?"


Tina felt furious. No matter what she did, this damn man would not be satisfied.

"Then what do you want?"

She tried to shake off Samuel's hand, but he tightened his grip, making Tina’s face turn pale.

"You're hurting me! Let go of me!"

"I'm hurting you?" Samuel sneered, "when you rushed up and tried to kill me, you were not that delicate at all."

Tina wanted to retort, but her face turned ashen. She could hardly speak. Her legs went weak, and she was about to fall.

Samuel's expression changed. He subconsciously supported her.

He looked down and noticed that Tina was in a mess and that her hands were full of small wounds. The wounds were bleeding because of his grip, looking terrible.

He raised her wrists and asked, "What happened?"

Tina then realized that her hands were painful, mostly because she had just been in a hurry to look for the design drawings and had accidentally hurt her hands.

She gritted her teeth and said, "Please stay away from me. I've just come out of the garbage!"

Samuel's face suddenly darkened.

"What did you say? Garbage?"

Tina felt the man stiffen and remembered that he was a neat freak.

She said mockingly, "Thanks to Mrs. Langford, all my design drawings were thrown in the garbage by her servants.

"To get them back, I stopped the garbage truck and rummaged for a long while before I found them!

"I have not even taken a shower, let alone have washed my hands. You'd better stay away from me, or you may be infected by me!"

Sure enough, as Tina described how she dug around in the garbage, Samuel's expression became more and more frightening.

"You hugged me just now. I advise you to take a shower and disinfect yourself."

Tina wanted to anger him.

However, Samuel looked at her face and suddenly gave a cold laugh.

"Okay. Since you have said so, let's take a shower together!"

Tina froze, "what?"

The next second, she was picked up by the man. He directly opened the door and walked in.

Tina was stunned, "what are you doing? I'm serious. I came out of the garbage."

"I'm serious too!" Samuel said word by word. "You'd better shut up, or I'll throw you and your design drawings back into the

garbage truck!"


Tina was brought to the bathroom. The man turned on the shower head, which immediately made the petite woman shiver and

get wet.

"Samuel, are you trying to kill me?" she accidentally choked, coughing and falling weakly to the floor.

"How come you are so useless?"

Samuel raised her and reached out to take off her wet clothes.

"What are you doing? Don't do that!"

Tina gripped her clothes in shock and looked angrily at the man in front of her.


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