Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 471

Chapter 471

Chapter 471

Chapter 471

Chapter 471

Samuel thought it was funny.

"You're in the bathroom now. what are you so nervous about? Like I’ve never seen you naked before. I just picked you up from

the trash. What do you think I'm going to do to you?"

Tina did fear what Samuel might do to her.

However, no matter how alert she was or how much she tried to resist him, there was no way she could get away from Samuel.

He was cleaning her body like treating a dirty kitten...

An hour or so later, Tina rushed out of the bathroom wrapped in a bathrobe, her face totally flushed.

She walked with a limp and almost fell to the floor.

Samuel came out of the bathroom after her. Watching Tina's back, he couldn't help but snicker, "Tina, what are you afraid of? I'm

not going to eat you. Even if I want to do something to you, do you think you can run away?"

Tina became even more irritated, what had just happened in the bathroom had made her feel incredibly ashamed.

But Samuel was right. If he really wanted to do something to her, there was nothing she could do...

Tina shut her mouth tight.

When Samuel saw Tina so miserable, his irritation dissipated.

He sat down on the couch and beckoned to Tina, who was sitting afar from him. "Come here."

Tina subconsciously shook her head.

"You don't want to dry your hair?" Samuel raised his eyebrows.

After taking a bath, Tina's body was cleaned of all the dirt, but her hands were hot and sore after the inevitable touch of water.

"I can dry my hair myself!"

Having just been taken to the bath by Samuel, she felt so ashamed that she wanted to kill herself. Her hand wasn't broken. She didn't need him to dry her hair. She could do it herself!

And yet...


Before Tina could get the towel in her hand, there was a sharp pain in her hand.

Looking at her teary eyes, Samuel yanked her into his arms.

"Stay quiet." He warned, "Think about your design drawings. You don't want me to ruin what you've just got back, do you?"

Tina stopped moving.

She was small in stature. Sitting on Samuel's lap, she was like a kitten.

Feeling the man's body heat burning against her back, she didn't dare to continue leaning against his body. She tried to move forward a little, and Samuel's stern warning rang out from above her.

"Dare you move again!"

Tina didn't dare move anymore. She sat there rigidly, letting Samuel dry her wet hair with a towel.

However, to her surprise, Samuel was very careful. After drying her hair with a towel, he turned on the hair dryer and blew her

hair from root to tip.

When her hair was almost dry, he turned off the hair dryer. "It’s done."

Tina froze. The whole time, Samuel blew her hair with care!

"You're not leaving?" Samuel's tone was impatient.

She came to her senses and got off his lap.

"I'll go to the attic first..."

"Stay here! Don't go anywhere." Samuel ordered. Then he left the room.

After a few minutes, he was back, carrying the medical kit in his hand.

"Come here, г 11 dress your wound."

Samuel was like a totally different person.

She couldn't help but question, "Why are you suddenly so nice to me?"


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