Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 472

Chapter 472

Chapter 472

Chapter 472

Chapter 472

When Samuel found Tina was with Leo just now, he seemed to want to tear her up.

However, after knowing that she was rummaging in the garbage for her design drawings, Samuel suddenly changed his attitude.

Taking Tina to the bathroom to wash, Samuel dried her hair and even wanted to apply a plaster to her. novelbin

‘His change was too sudden, wasn't it?’

Tina felt very strange.

Noticing her gaze, Samuel said impatiently, "why are you always having so many problems?"

"Obviously, you hate me very much. You said a lot of slanderous things in front of Leo, but now you are so good to me. of course,

I can doubt it."

Samuel took a deep breath. This woman always made him feel up and down with only a few words.

"You think I've slandered you, right? It seems that you care a lot about your impression in Leo's mind. That's right. If he knows your nature, how can you hook up with him?"

"Besides, I'm not treating you well. You're not qualified."

Samuel's tone was sharp and full of contempt.

"What I did is for Cindy."

Tina was stunned.

'What does this have to do with Cindy?'

Samuel continued to explain, "Cindy threw away the things in your room. It was nothing at all. However, you deliberately made things in front of so many people, which made Cindy lose face. She was even so embarrassed in front of Leo."

"You also deliberately went to the garbage to find out the design drawings, causing injuries all over your body. If anyone else knew about it, they would think that Cindy, the president's wife of the Langford Group, would make trouble for an unknown designer."

"Cindy is my wife and Keith's mother. If she is being vilified, it's not good for me."

"Do you understand? Tina, don't think too much. Don't think I care about you."

Tina suddenly felt very upset.

Sure enough, Samuel couldn't be good to her for no reason.

She had expected it. But when she heard what he said about Cindy, she only felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Come on, don't waste my time. You put your hand out and deal with your injuries first, and then you can do whatever you want."

"My only worry is whether you will implicate Cindy," Samuel said coldly.

Tina thought it was ridiculous.

Samuel and Cindy really loved each other. Even if Cindy wanted to give her a hard time, what he worried about was whether Cindy's reputation would be damaged!

Now she thought that the tenderness when he dried her hair should be left to Cindy.

Tina suddenly felt a little bitter and she stretched out her hand with a cold face.

Samuel was no longer gentle and careful when he dressed her wound.

Samuel took out a bottle of purple-black liquid, which was Iodophor for disinfection.

The liquid was applied to the wound and Tina could barely bear the pain.

However, Samuel seemed to retaliate deliberately. The cotton swab relentlessly touched the wound. The pain made Tina's hand

curl up. Samuel's cold voice came over her head.

"Stop it."

Tina knew that her pain would not cause him any sympathy, so she could only endure it.

When the wound on her body was coated with Iodophor, her back flowed with sweat. She just took a bath in vain!

Samuel put away the medicine box with a cold face.

Just when Tina thought Samuel was finally going to leave, he stopped. He looked at the stack of design drawings on the desktop.


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