Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 564

Chapter 564

Chapter 564

Chapter 564

Chapter 564

Seeing the woman leaving with her purse, Tina was a little anxious.

"What did you just say to her?"

Over the past five years, in addition to learning design, she had also learned French, but what the woman just said was a

language she did not understand.

However, she was sure that Samuel must have understood!

He even talked to that woman!

Samuel did not answer her question but asked her with a cold face, "Tina, you are so bold now. Were you not comfortable in the

hospital? Why did you help other people to chase the thief? "

"Am I wrong?" Tina was a little angry.

"You are alone, so the first thing you should do is to protect yourself. Even if you want to do something, you should look at the situation first! If I hadn't come, you would have been hurt by the thief's knife. Do you think you are helping other people or letting yourself hurt? "

Samuel's words make Tina angry!

She originally was kind and wanted to help other people, so she hadn’t thought about the consequences. Now when she was reprimanded by Samuel, she couldn't help pushing him away and said, "Well, I got it. You just want to say I am stupid and ungrateful! okay, I’m ungrateful. Please leave

me alone and let me die alone! Anyway, aren't you sick and tired of me?" As she spoke, she angrily wanted to leave.

The next moment, Samuel grabbed her hand and said, "Don't leave. Come back with me."

Tina's face suddenly turned very white.

"It hurts!"

Samuel only then noticed that although he kicked the thief in time to let him not hurt Tina’s critical part, there was a long bloodstain on Tina's arm...

Although the wound was not deep, it looked terrible!

Samuel couldn’t maintain calm and quickly picked Tina up.

"Come back with me right away!"

The situation just now was so critical that Tina didn't even notice that she was hurt.

At this time, when she saw the long wound on her arm, she immediately felt extremely painful, as well as the grievances that had been accumulated, all of which made her burst into tears.

Before long, Samuel hurried back to the hospital with Tina in his arms.

The moment they entered the room door, they saw a familiar figure.

"You?" Samuel frowned.

The Duke was also surprised, "why do you happen to be here?"

Then the Duke noticed that Samuel was still holding a woman in his arms.

Although Samuel had Mrs. Langford around him and was entangled with the woman named Linda, the Duke had never seen

Samuel like this!

Samuel's behaviors outside had always been sharp and impersonal, but at this moment, he was very nervous about the woman

in her arms. Maybe Samuel himself didn’t know it!

"Who is she?"

The Duke asked doubtfully.

Because of the pain of the wound, coupled with the exhaustion, Tina’s consciousness was a little blurred, she huddled in

Samuel's arms like a quail and did not show her face.

The Duke suddenly frowned and felt that this woman seemed familiar to him...


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