Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 565

Chapter 565

Chapter 565

Chapter 565

Chapter 565

Samuel wasn’t in the mood to chat with the duke.

He was carrying Tina in his arms, so he apologized, "Mr. Duke, I'm sorry. I have an emergency. I have to go now."

After that, Samuel hurriedly walked away and got into the elevator.

The duke could see that Samuel was in a hurry, so he didn't care too much, and he had never been curious about others' private


Even though the woman in Samuel’s arms looked a little familiar, it did not matter. The duke was old, and sometimes his eyes

were blurry.

Watching Samuel leave, the duke suddenly remembered something, and he asked his men, "what about Linda? Did you get in

touch with her?"

The man shook his head at once, "We haven't gotten through to Linda yet..."

The duke frowned.

Although Linda's phone couldn't be reached, he happened to meet Samuel at the hospital. He might get his men to ask Samuel

about the woman.

But Samuel obviously couldn't spare the time right now, so the duke had to give up.

"Let's talk about it tomorrow!"

Anyway, now that Kara had started taking her medication, it wasn't the duke who should be worried, but the girl's mother, Linda.

He would find her eventually!

On the other side, Samuel found the doctor and nurse with Tina in his arms.

The doctor and nurse were startled at once. Seeing Samuel rushing in so anxiously, they were worried something serious had happened.


"It's just a flesh wound, no big deal. We will take care of it!"

The doctor examined the wound on Tina's hand and disinfected it. After that, the doctor instructed, as was customary, "The wound is not deep. But she needs to rest well. Don't let her eat spicy food lately."

"Does she need to be hospitalized?" Samuel asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

The doctor couldn't help but have an awkward smile.

"It's not necessary."

But Samuel was uneasy, "She's not been well!"

'Tina has always been so stubborn. Her temper is like bamboo that never bends, she never gives up on anything. However, her physical condition was fragile. From time to time, she would fall ill...'

Deep concern was in Samuel's eyes.

The doctor said, "If I remember correctly, your son is in the hospital, right? Anyway, your wife usually stays with the child. If she feels uncomfortable, ring the bell."

Tina was dumbfounded at the doctor's words.

"Doctor, you misunderstood..."

Keith, who was staying in the hospital, was not her son, and she was not Samuel's wife.

Tina subconsciously tried to explain to the doctor.

But before she could finish her sentence, Samuel interrupted her, " Okay, I get it."

Tina tried to say something else, but she was carried to Keith's ward by Samuel.

However, Keith was not in the room!

Tina got worried, "where is Keith?"

"He's fine. Don't worry. You should be worried about yourself! Lie down and rest!" Samuel demanded in a stern voice, "I have

businesses to attend to. Rest here!"

Then he left.

Tina's heart had mixed feelings. Samuel was always there to protect her in times of need.

However, he was Cindy's husband, Keith's father! novelbin

She wanted to sleep, but she couldn't, she took out her phone and checked it. She was surprised to find lots of missed calls from


'What was going on?'


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