Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 587

Chapter 587

Chapter 587

Chapter 587

Chapter 587

Tina was confused, staring blankly at Samuel in front of her.

Just a short distance away, a white light flashed. A camera captured this scene.

But the man and the woman standing there did not notice it at that moment.

For the first time, Samuel gave such a gentle and restrained kiss.

He resisted his impulses to do something else to her, straightened up, and looked at the dumbfounded woman. He couldn't help

but pinch her cheek and raise his eyebrows.

"Why are you still in a daze? Didn't you say you were going to buy ice cream cones for the children? Hurry up. Those ice cream

cones will melt later."

Tina was annoyed but could not say anything.

After all, she had said that. How stupid she was!

When she came back with the ice cream cones, both Keith and Kara had returned.

Seeing Tina and the things she was holding, Kara jumped excitedly and cheered loudly. "Great! Let's eat ice cream!"

Keith put on a look of pride and disgust.

"Only kids like ice cream. What are you so surprised about?"

Kara ignored his words. Anyhow, she was a kid, so why couldn't she be surprised? Besides, her mommy rarely allowed her to eat her favorite dessert for the sake of her health.

Kara took the ice cream cones from Tina's hand and held one of them out to Keith.

"Keith, try it. It's delicious!"

"I won't eat it." Keith refused.

"Keith..." Kara's cheeks puffed up, which made her look like an angry little hamster.

She was cute and childish that no one could resist her. Keith could only take the ice cream and said, "Alright. I don't like to eat dessert, but since you ask me to try it, I will eat a little. Just this once."

"Keith is the best." Kara would say honeyed words when she was happy.

Just when the family of four was having a good time, a person with a camera on his back came over.

The man said, "Sorry to bother you.

"I'm a photographer. I've been taking pictures to record moments in life. The four of you look so happy. Do you mind if I take a picture of you?

"Also, I can immediately develop the photo and give it to you.

What do you say?"

The photographer's tone was sincere. Hearing what he said, Kara got excited.

"Mommy! I want to be photographed. I haven't been photographed with Mommy for a long time. I want a family photo! novelbin


Since Kara had said so, Tina could only agree. She brought Kara to the amusement park just to cheer Kara up. After all, they had

been separated for some time. Tina didn't mind being photographed.


Tina felt embarrassed. She could be photographed with Kara, yet the other two people were Samuel and Keith.

The father and son were both bad-tempered, cold, and picky. Moreover, Samuel was the president of the Langford Group. If the

photo leaked out, there might be rumors.

How would he easily agree?

Just when she was hesitating, the man beside her said in a calm voice, "Taking a picture? okay."


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