Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 588

Chapter 588

Chapter 588

Chapter 588

Chapter 588

When she heard those words, Tina was a little surprised.

Not only was Samuel very cooperative, but Keith also looked as if he did not care about being photographed.

"You can take pictures. Please take a picture of me looking handsome."

"Okay! Alright! No problem!" The photographer instantly became happy and hurriedly raised the camera in his hand.

"Now, please listen to me. And the children hold hands."

The photographer wanted to shoot a family photo that looked intimate and warm, which put Tina in a difficult situation.

"Are you really going to shoot? what if the photo gets out..."

She hesitated, but Samuel calmly took Tina's waist and wrapped it in his arms. Then, Tina smelled Samuel's masculine scent.

"So what if the pictures get out? It's just a few pictures. I didn't care about that when I kissed you in public, what are you afraid of now?"

Samuel's tone sounded domineering and forceful.

At once, his words made Tina so angry that she choked.

How could he have the nerve to bring up the incident of forcibly kissing her in public before?

Samuel was such a jerk! He was so shameless!

"Click! Click! Click!"

At this time, the photographer not far away captured such an image and hurriedly pressed the shutter button.

"Good shot!" He immediately raised his hand and raised his thumbs up.

Tina then looked back and was a little surprised. "Are you done? That fast?"

"Yes. Wait a minute. Soon, I can develop these photos."

The photographer was carrying a lot of bags of equipment. After a few moments, he soon had the photos he had just taken developed.

The two children in the photo look lovely. Keith looked cold and handsome while Kara looked cute and gentle.

Samuel and Tina were standing beside the two children. Samuel looked dominant and held Tina tightly in his arms. It seemed as

if he could shield Tina from all the storms.

Tina was petite and huddled in his arms. Her cheeks were slightly flushed. She lifted her face and seemed to be saying

something to Samuel. And Samuel listened to her carefully. There was a look of affection in his eyes!

The photographer couldn't help but exclaim, "You couple are really close. You two are such a good-looking couple. And your two

kids look like little models. If I were an agent from a scouting company, I wouldn't be able to control my desire to make them novelbin


The photographer's compliments made Tina feel even more embarrassed, she thought it was all a misunderstanding.

However, Kara said with great satisfaction and joy, "That's right. My mom is the most beautiful person in the world. I want to be

the most famous star too. I want to be the center of attention!"

Keith was speechless. He thought Kara was such a naive child, who was always daydreaming. Unfortunately, given Kara's young

age, he didn't bother to discourage her.

The four of them spent the day wandering around the amusement park.

When they got back to the car, Kara was so tired that she fell asleep in Tina's arms, she couldn't help but mutter, "Mommy, I'm so

happy today. I want our whole family to come out and play in the future, okay? Then, we'll take many more family photos that

others will envy."

When Tina heard Kara say family, Tina's heart did a flip.


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