Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 591

Chapter 591

Chapter 591

Chapter 591

Chapter 591

Cindy ran desperately in the direction of the villa.

She could tell these people were not kind people at a glance!

‘If they really take me away, I will suffer a lot?

‘I don’t want to die! I want to live!’

"Help, help, Samuel..."

As Cindy ran, she shouted desperately. She was about to rush to the gate, so she opened her eyes wide with surprise.

However, the next second the man who was chasing her caught her mercilessly, covered her mouth, and dragged her to the car!


The door of the van closed, and the outside was quiet again as if nothing had happened.

The man who had just driven looked at Cindy, who was tied up tightly, said proudly, "Wien we bring this woman back, remember to send a man to report that the plan is half finished and that we can start as soon as possible! Remember, don't use communication tools, so as not to leave clues!"

"These two women have offended our boss, so neither of them can escape!"

"Yes!" Several people on the van replied.

Soon, the van left slowly...

In the villa...

Tina and Samuel came to the room with their children in their arms.

The children slept so soundly that they did not even frown when they were covered with quilts.

Tina looked at this scene and suddenly felt so warm.

She had been alone since childhood. Her dream was very small. She just wanted to set up a warm family with the person she liked. She didn’t need her husband to be rich and just needed him to be good to her and Kara.

They would have a simple but happy life.

Later, she dared not expect to realize this dream. She just wanted to live a better life with Kara.

It was not until just now that Tina suddenly realized what she had neglected.

She always thought Kara's character was careful and considerate.

Kara was only five years old, but she already knew not to let Mommy worry. Even if she felt aggrieved, she endured it alone in order not to let her mother worry.

However, on that day at the amusement park, Kara suddenly became like a five-year-old child!

Kara laughed so happily, showed her cute face to ask for something, and even said that she wanted the four of them to go to the amusement park again later.

At that moment, Tina understood thoroughly.

Kara never put forward the idea of wanting a father, and it was not because she didn't need a father but because she didn't say it

to her.

Deep in Kara’s heart, she wanted a complete family.

Tina felt very sad whiling thinking. After gently covering Kara and Keith with quilts, she walked out of the room.

Samuel was walking in front of her.

He was tall, nearly one meter nine, with broad shoulders and a narrow waist, wearing a well-tailored suit, looked dignified, and

made people feel secure, which she couldn't give Kara.

Kara said Samuel was a bad guy, but she slept so deeply in Samuel’s arms, so she must like Samuel. After all, their blood

relationship couldn’t be indelible.


Tina took a deep breath and suddenly said, "Samuel... I... I have something to discuss with you. May I? "

Samuel turned around.

"What's the matter? Say it."


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