Pampered Wedding Marry Me, Mr. Langford

Chapter 592

Chapter 592

Chapter 592

Chapter 592

Chapter 592

Samuel arched his brow. His deep eyes fell on her.

Tina immediately tensed up.

All along, she had been trying to evade Samuel, which was not only for herself but also for Kara.

Aware of the disparity between their status, she believed the woman standing by his side could only be Cindy.

If Kara were really his seed, he would take her away.

Tina couldn't imagine what Cindy would do to her daughter.

'If Samuel shut me out, I might not be able to see my daughter again.'

Tina was lost in thought. Her mind was a mess.

"I... I..."

For a moment, she didn’t know how to bring it up.

All along, she didn't trust Samuel.

'Should I believe him now?'

"Why are you stammering?" Samuel just found her hemming and hawing cute.

He couldn't help but flick her forehead. "Cat got your tongue? You were aggressive when you bickered with me. Now what? You can't even finish a sentence!"

His intimate move crept Tina out.

"Why did you hit me?" she took a step back and grunted.

"Why the fuss?"

"It hurts!" Tina grumbled.

"Does it?" Samuel's face changing, he added, "Let me take a look."

Once again, the man stretched out his big palm and coaxed Tina like a child.

Tina's heart skipped a beat. Not used to Samuel's intimate behavior, she subconsciously evaded his hand. "Don't give me that.

I wasn't born yesterday!"

"But you're childish at times. Like mother, like daughter. Am I wrong?"

Although Samuel's attitude had softened a lot, he was still King Cobra.

Tina was annoyed. 'Are you calling me stupid in a roundabout way?'

'What a jerk!'

She shot back, "That's nonsense. She's not just my daughter.

You're also responsible!"

Her words blew Samuel's mind.

"What do you mean by that?"

Tina panicked after spilling the beans. For Kara's wish of living with her family, she clenched her fists and bit the bullet.

"I mean, Kara is your daughter, so it's impossible that she completely takes after me. Your genes are also at work" Samuel

freaked and wrinkled his brows.

"How is that possible? Isn't Kara John's daughter?"

His skeptical gaze exasperated Tina.

She shouldn't have told him.

Didn't she know that the man would not believe her?

"No, I've told you that Kara is your seed, she has to be!"

Tina sulked, "Do a paternity test if you don't believe me."

Samuel was still frowning.

"A paternity test? Before that, tell me about the one John and Kara had."


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