Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 114

Chapter 114: Midnight Philosophy

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The truce may just live only for the night but that was enough. Leaving half the benders and hunters on the walls to not only rotate the prisoners so that Zhao and his men can get an approximation on whoever has been caught, but also keep them safe from the biting cold wind, Pakku led the remaining forces to the affected tribal region and served to wake everyone up. Though, Pakku admitted that the process of sharing the news that the Northern Water Tribe had been freed would have gone far simpler if Princess would have been here, the condition which Hahn left her in made Pakku's blood boil and simultaneously made him sigh in pity for the fact that she simply couldn't show her face as such.


"Please, if they see me like this, I am sure that it will solidify the fact that Hahn was a terrible chieftain!" A silver-haired woman pleaded and resisted Katara. They were in a small house singled out for the 'dream team.'

Katara sighed and stayed her hand with a gloomy expression.

"There's no point in forcing it," Suki patted Katara's shoulder as the waterbender nodded and promptly apologized for her pushy behavior to which the white-haired woman smiled and dismantled the entire situation with a shrug, "Please, don't be. I could never feel slighted by the saviors of my tribe."

"We saved you, too," Mai narrowed her eyes, a hint of suspicion flashing through her eyes as Nik kept his quiet, too. His gaze lingered on Princess Yue's slightly swollen cheek and the imprint of fingers around her delicate neck. His stare, however, did not betray any emotions and turned out to be a rare moment where Mai's and his expression seemed to be a match.

"Saving me is inconsequential," Yue smiled gently and added, "The survival of tribe far outweighs concerns for my own being."

"Princess Yue..." Suki began, she couldn't help but feel saddened at this point but didn't dare reveal it.

"Just Yue," the woman shook her head, her smile turning a notch brighter, "Honorifics are reserved for strangers, and that, I can't consider you four to be." Holding out her hand to cover Katara's, the woman couldn't help but add with a short huff, "And I truly don't want myself healed using waterbending. Even though I don't consider Hahn my husband now, it is through his nefarious schemes that the sacred art of waterbending is facing such dire circumstances. I don't deserve to have my pain subdued by this art itself."

Before Katara could dispel Yue's concerns, Nik suddenly chuckled, "As long as we're treating others as friends, Yue," his words catching the woman's attention, "Hahn was stripped and made to stay on the edge of the wall... as he cried. I think, he would have pissed himself... and maybe he did but it probably froze up. But by the looks of Master Pakku's face when he saw you, the man will be also used in water whip practice."

For the first time, agreeing with Nik, Mai nodded and added, "Quite a boring torture..."

"Hey now," Nik frowned and scoffed, "We don't torture people... that's a slot reserved for your dad."

Flinching at the sudden accusation, Mai gritted her teeth, "What does that have to do with anything right now?"

"Nothing. Just wanted to make sure that with all those cusses you've been issuing at me, I only need a few attacks to dismantle you," Nik smirked, "It's high time someone knocked you off a peg."

"Because your knee clearly is?" Mai narrowed her gaze and responded coldly.

"Why? Afraid that I wouldn't be able to bend? Believe me, it's not me who bent that night," Nik mused as Mai's eyes widened.

"I think couples bicker all the time so don't let this fight stop the two of you," Yue smiled sincerely, "And I'm grateful. This helped distract me quite a bit."

"I'm not going out with him," Mai hissed softly.

"Hey, the parentage is there," Nik didn't relent and added with a gentle smile while bleakness flashed through Suki's and Katara's expression as they saw Nik strut his old 'accomplishment' and for reasons they were well aware.


Although Nik may have endured Mai's insults during the raid, that didn't mean he was willing to do so without a shred of annoyance and now that the opportunity presented itself, words simply rolled off of his tongue.

"The parentage?" Yue grew confused.

"Nothing," Mai responded, afraid that pushing Nik more may just end up revealing a few things Mai would rather want it kept hidden.

"I'm going out..." and with that, a tiny bit depressed at how easily Nik choked out the rebuttals out of her, Mai walked out but not before throwing a hateful glare in his direction. Yet... as much as the 'white' of the tribe bored her, why did she feel strangely relaxed when issuing insults at Nik and engaging in a proper argument for the first time?

"There she goes..." Nik muttered.

"And whose fault is that?" Katara scoffed.

"See, Yue, now you can say that bickering won't stop what's already going on." Nik's words made Katara stunned as she suddenly felt a slight rush to her cheeks and an apparent blush darkened the affected regions. Yue promptly glanced at Katara only for Nik to quickly seal the deal based on what he had already seen, "Oh, I didn't mean her... well, alone."

Surprised, Yue glanced at Suki who lowered her head in embarrassment.

'That easy, huh...' Nik wondered himself.

"It seems interesting. In our tribe's history, there have been chieftains and outstanding hunters alike who enjoyed the benefits of such a union," Yue opened up naturally. Even now, she was more interested in staying up and conversing with them than actually resting and getting healed which she should be doing in the first place. Not because for her sake, no... Nik had promised his proud warrior the rewards of saving the princess and was itching to whip the delicacy out.

"Is that so?" Nik inquired curiously while sighing at the futility of it all, Suki sat next to Katara.

"Although, I'm more interested in how such a thing can work without appropriate title or achievements. I don't mean to be offensive, of course."

"Not at all," Nik smiled, "The secret lies in performance."

"Performance?" Yue canted her head sideways for a second and pondered on what Nik meant.

"He's just pulling your leg, Prin— Yue," unable to take it anymore, Suki huffed an annoyed scoff from her nostrils and concluded the topic but had the heart to deny the fact that it wasn't just the 'performance' but such interactions that made her heart race and cheeks flush in embarrassment and excitement at the same time.

Katara was the same.

"Oh..." Dispirited, Yue nodded with a barely audible mumble as Nik sighed, "Katara, just heal her cheeks."

"What?" Yue's eyelids fluttered in surprise as she resisted once again, "Please, no. Just as I explained—"

"It's bullshit, Yue," Nik frowned, "Redemption is not an act of resistance but an act of improvement."

His words, for a moment, surprised not only Yue but the other two, too.

"And if you think you would feel better all of a sudden... I'm sorry to say but it takes time."

"I don't understand," Yue pursed her lips.

"You don't need to call us friends," Nik explained, "Just because we saved you. You feel like we may be the kindest souls ever but don't chalk it up to this single act... Just because your husband was a screw-up doesn't mean you can't rest, heal, and feel better about yourself. It won't go easy... that unnecessary guilt but it does pass eventually."

Flashing a hint of annoyance for the first time, Yue frowned, "And why... should I believe all this? I genuinely believe in not getting healed using waterbending."

Nik heaved exhaled loudly and arched his head backward by a slight margin with a thoughtful expression, "Would you want someone else who went through the same thing you did speak the same words you proclaim?"

Yue's lips quivered for a second while her eyes moistened gradually, "I don't want to sleep..."

"Why?" Katara couldn't help but inquire.

Yue lowered her head... her shoulders began to tremble as soft sobs broke out.

"What if... *hic* I wake up tomorrow... and Hahn is back?"

Tears began to drip down the curve of her cheeks while she balled her fists over her lap. Her helpless tone struck a chord with others, especially Katara.

With an almost motherly expression touching her face, Katara didn't inquire for permission anymore as a small sphere of water warmed up over Yue's cheek and began to glow. Meanwhile, her soothing words echoed, "If that happens... and you ever feel helpless... don't ever feel anything stopping you from asking our help again until you have a solution for yourself."

For a moment, Katara turned and smiled at Suki and Nik before chuckling, "But as Nik said, you would truly find Hahn's sight interesting. Any man who is only capable of achieving his position through deceit and abuses those one must hold dear... can never really harm someone else in any capacity. Cowardice is often fearful of true bravery and lashes out helplessly, too."

"May I... sleep here?" Yue gulped and fear of rejection was visible on her face. This time, this fear was viable once since even after her beauty reached up another notch after healing, Nik was fully intending to kick the princess to the curb.

"About that," Nik began with an awkward and almost wry chuckle.

"Of course, you can stay!" Suki giggled, "Why would you even need to ask?"

As she said that, Suki glanced at Nik with mischief clear in her eyes.

"But... if Nik doesn't want that then I don't want to impose..." tear-stained, Yue looked at Nik with her light blue eyes no longer holding the same stoic light and fully revealing her emotions at this point.

"Forget it," Nik smiled, "Please do stay."

'I can plow... oops, reward my heroes the same. After all, why would a damsel damn the path of rewarding their heroes?' In Nik's eyes, Yue was clearly the damsel but since she couldn't 'reward' Suki... and hopefully Katara, he would gladly take the responsibility in her stead.

With this late in the night, Pakku was much sensible to dismiss the youth with the mind-numbing political shift of power, however, Nik wasn't a kindred spirit. Seeing up the slightly warmer mattresses on the rug layered floors, Yue watched with fascination how things would appear out from Nik's left hand.

"Can you make anything vanish?" Yue couldn't help but gasp. She was briefed on Nik's ability but seeing was another thing altogether.

"So does Master Pakku says," Nik replied sensibly. His trust for Yue didn't give him the right to botch Pakku's plan since it was clear by now that Pakku never explained Nik's abilities in full detail fearing any spy.

Seeing how Nik evaded the answer 'legally,' Yue couldn't help but feel a tiny bit disappointed as she took a hit to her curiosity.

Just while they were setting their mattresses, Mai entered the room with markedly measured pace and steps. As if already sensing the inquisitive gazes, she replied with scorn all dumb enough to be curious about it in the first place— "Where else am I going to sleep?"

"Ah, Suki, don't you remove your face paint?" Even if agreeing to rest and take her freedom in a healthy and positive outlook, Yue continued to add questions innocently.

Blinking in surprise, Suki subconsciously glanced in Nik's direction.

Quick to catch on, Nik cleared his throat, "Uh, we will have a tough day tomorrow. Instead of spending more time scrubbing and reapplying the paint, it is efficient to just keep it on..."

Of the group present, Katara quickly understood the hidden meaning and she felt a fluttery sensation in her stomach while recalling the thigh trembling delights Nik had to offer. Still... Katara was even more appalled and excited by the idea of doing it with someone else in the earshot. Now more certain than ever, she knew that Suki and Nik did a lot of 'training' while she was around and Katara wanted to have the smidgen of that excitement...

Surprisingly, Mai didn't catch on as she looked at Suki, momentarily impressed, "Neat..."

"So... I will be waiting downstairs," Nik smiled, "You girls have pleasant dreams."

Yue secretly exhaled a soft sigh of relief but as she saw Nik limping away, she couldn't help but ask, "What would you do?"

"I have a few things to read. Hopefully, I can find something to heal my knee with. Of course, I will return the tomes once I'm done."

"Please, do take your time... if it's not impossible, I would also like to bring you to our most spiritual location tomorrow. Katara, too. Maybe it could inspire you," Yue smiled.

"I look forward to it," Nik nodded and slowly descended.

As he settled on the snow (ground) floor, he began perusing through the scrolls he had acquired. Most of them were in good conditions but a few scrolls already had their contents faded and were kept for the sake of safekeeping itself.


'So much for traditional entries...' Nik pursed his lips. The contents of the scrolls ranged from accomplishments of various chieftains and warriors to even the Avatars born in the Northern Tribe. Another set of scrolls glimpsed on the history of the tribe as how the various tribed united to form the Northern Water Tribe and those that didn't want to enter this centralized union traveled to the other side of the world in search of a similar climate. josei

Sighing, Nik realized that it had already been quite a long time since he entered and couldn't help but glance at the stairs. If he focused hard, he could contract the range of how far he could hear... or smell, now. It was actually crazy how he was able to barely control his senses. And that he did to keep himself in the constant state of expectations and didn't want to ruin his surprise by who would walk down the stairs.

Of course, it was reasonable that none of the two might come down in presence of each other but Suki's recent boost in charisma stated otherwise.

Fortunately, Nik didn't have to wait long. Making his intentions clear enough back then, it would be hard to not meet up to 'celebrate' their victory on Fire Nation once again. Watching Suki step down and instantly lock her gaze with his, Nik's lips curved into an inviting smile. Even though she had removed the red armor, Suki still wore the red tunic of the fire nation's military uniform, and her face still remained adorned by the grace of a Kyoshi Warrior. Of course, Suki had taken off her headdress... it's simply too much to keep the ornament on her head even this late.

"Did I keep you for long?" Suki inquired, sitting next to Nik on the ground since she was fully aware how much at ease he would feel to sit while keeping his legs straight.

"Not really. I just finished going through the scrolls," Nik chuckled.

"Did you find anything?" Suki inquired, her eyes gaining a tinge of selfish hope for his quick recovery but seeing him shake his head, she felt her mood plummet.

"Sigh... sorry, I shouldn't have asked," Suki muttered under her breath.

As if not taking note of her behavior, Nik chuckled rather jovially, "It's not like I made no discovery."

His words made Suki look up curiously as a small earthen jar with its mouth tied down by a leather-like covering appeared in Nik's hand.

"I found many, many jars like these when I was loitering around the palace. Oh, don't tell Pakku though... hehe," flashing a notorious grin, Nik began freeing the mouth of the jar while Suki gently knocked his arm, "Hey, that's bad!"

"Oh, don't worry. I left them two or three jars..." Nik chortled, "Besides, how can I reward the struggles of the Water Tribe's Saviour without a glass of fine wine?"

As if recalling something, Nik added a question, "Did they sleep?"

Suki shook her head, "Yue still isn't asleep... while Mai wasn't speaking so I wouldn't know. Katara is keeping Yue company and talking about our time in Makapu Village."

"Ohh, I don't blame her... the tales of Nut Cracking Messiah are ever popular." Nik mused as Suki rolled her eyes.

"Listen... Nik, about that night... I don't think it's a good idea to drink," Suki whispered.

Pausing for a second, Nik placed the jar on the floor and looked at Suki without blinking, "If you are uncomfortable with it... then I won't push it."

Suki was distinctively aware that he wasn't talking about alcohol and neither did she mean to focus on alcohol either. Whether truth or lie, hearing him say it with so much certainty made Suki sigh in relief for a moment but then she shook her head, "I still can't believe we're together... to be honest, that night... I enjoyed myself. I think it's mostly because of how the three of us have been traveling for some time now."

Not eager for the answer, however, Nik chuckled softly and leaned back, his arm coiled around Suki while he gazed at the jar of wine set in front of them, "I think it's the alcohol to blame."

"Given how eager you were to get us drunk, Katara and I decided that you were to blame for the night," Suki pouted, leaning against his chest. After a few seconds of silence, Suki was inclined to ask something, "Do you... want it like that?"

Though not specifying what she was talking about, Nik grew silent for a second. It didn't matter what he wanted... well, not particularly when it came to this question. Even if he manages to seduce a hundred women, Nik felt all would fall short when it came to his true origins. Yet, he wasn't inclined to delve into the topic now... maybe, never.

Still, he expertly dropped the ball back in Suki's court fully knowing that it's better to adjust and respond to a decision than making such a delicate decision itself.

"I... want what you want," Nik replied gently.

Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, Suki pondered deeply.

"First... it was Michi, then me... and now Katara. I just feel that I won't be able to be the only one next to you... but when I think of you with someone I don't know..." Suki's words grew weaker and weaker but Nik understood what she was getting at.

A compromise. If not the entirety of him then at least, control on who he could mingle with. But to Nik, it just felt the worse option, however, he didn't blame Suki for that. Every being deeply craved control over some aspect of their life just to feel safe and secure. The fact that Suki was willing to relent to a more open but still one-sided relationship meant just how much she valued him and craves his affection.

"Before meeting you all... I was in a terrible world. The best description of my situation could very well be the term— Slave—"

"I didn't mean to—" Suki hurriedly explained as Nik shook his head and smiled, "I know. I would never think less of you just because you were honest with me," he added while rubbing the bridge of his nose, "I just want... a big... I don't know, family? No... friends, yes, but not entirely that. I've stolen wealth and riches so I am distinctively aware how valuable resources can be, I don't want to run after the material gains..."

Seeing his confused expression, Suki bit her lower lip and whispered, "Again, Nik... what do you want? Don't avoid the question."

"Hearts and loyalty," Nik muttered, "Affection, and smiles. Not only from you but many, many people."

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