Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 115

Chapter 115: Midnight Cuddles

Shoutout to Dwight Christian Nobela~

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Observing his slightly glazed eyes as he blankly stared at the jar of wine, Suki felt a little blocked. A little heavy. Naturally, this wasn't something she wanted to hear but next, Suki trembled a bit due to the sheer ambition hidden in Nik's words— an ambition that he was either not aware of or just kept to himself.

Turning to look at Suki, he added, "I want to dominate you, but not only you," he leaned forward, his face gradually getting closer to hers as his warm breathing brushed past her cheeks, causing her to feel her heart race against her chest, "But not in the manner that resembles abuse. Neither in a manner that is remotely close to lowering your sense of self into the belief that you are someone's pet... No, when I see you in your uniform, leading masses, I have this urge to slowly strip you."

As if making sure how serious he was, Nik's hands shifted to her collars, his thumbs stroking her nubile neck while he continued spurring Suki on, "And when I have you without a single article of your uniform, I would gently have my hands rewarding these generals," his determined expression broke into a lewd smile while his fingers slipped down, cupping Suki's breasts before playfully thumbing the poking nipples as Suki exhaled hotly from her nostrils.

"But I would save the best part for the last. Only when you secured your victory would I lean down to your lips," he pulled Suki into a chaste but lasting kiss as she closed her eyes for a moment, "And then I would reward you the mighty victor deserve at its best."

With shuddering lips, Suki questioned, "What if... I lost someday?" A moment of fear and anxiousness was overtaken by brazen passion as Nik chuckled, "I can't have you losing. So I would be right behind you in the event of confrontations of your choosing. And later, as I reward you, I would still be behind you... at times."

"But what if I still lost?" Suki pressed firmly.

"Then you're a human, silly," Nik smiled, wrapping Suki into a warm embrace from the side and pulling her close, "I would keep you close to me. If I can heal at that point... then yeah, heal your wounds, too."

"And... what if... someday, I don't want things in the same way you do? What if Katara... and even Michi decide for something else?"

"It would be a pity. I'd persuade you all to stay. But... who am I to control your lives? If you stay, you're mine to ravish alone... if you leave, I'm confident that dreams of our time together will keep you comforted and warm." Nik had a confident smirk.

"Tch," Suki clicked her tongue but her smile gained a bit more affection as she let out a soft, nasal hum, "I forgot how much you like to boast..."

"Hey, I convinced you to share the rewards... I think it isn't just being boastful anymore," Nik smiled.

"Ho? When did I agree explicitly?"

"Fine, fine, play it that way." Nik rolled his eyes, "Michi was easier to agree in that regard."

Suki gasped, pulling herself out from Nik's embrace and glared at him, "You shameless—"

"Is it a bad time?" Katara peeked her head down slightly from the stairs. Her gaze fell on the jar set in front of the bickering couple and gained grew brighter since she wanted something to make her transition easier and what better way than to get drunk? josei

"Right on time!" Nik's smile widened as Suki scoffed and refused to answer. At least, agreeing silently with a sober mind didn't mean she had to openly announce the type of man she had landed accidentally.

"Um... yeah, so... what were you talking about?" Katara cleared her throat with a bit of her awkwardness infecting the environment of the room as she sat down in front of the two with a wry smile of her own.

"We were discussing about that night," Suki responded without mincing her words. Playing with words would only serve to make Katara misunderstand the situation as she took a deep breath and let her thoughts bare, "It's still strange for me... just a little. But, I want to be able to enjoy the change and would try being more accommodating since I feel that you two would have done the same for me."

Nik nodded seriously, "Yeah, I would have."

Blinking in surprise, Suki looked at Nik, "You wouldn't find it uncomfortable if another man was courting me?"

"Oh... you meant a man? I meant a woman," Nik shrugged.

"Isn't that the hypocrisy," Katara scoffed but then coughed, "Thank you, though..."

"Hey," Nik muttered, "I never said I'm not a hypocrite..."

"Ehm... so..." Suki looked at Katara as the waterbender returned the gaze with an equal amount of confusion.

What next?

The two looked at Nik but while they would have sought his 'guidance' before, now seeing his injured self, they didn't have the heart of making him take the brunt of the situation but true to his words, Nik did plan a proper, rewarding night.

"Before we go any further... Katara, the two of them are asleep, right?" Nik inquired.

Katara nodded but still expressed her concerns, "But... wouldn't they wake up?"

"Isn't it simple?" Nik shrugged and waved his hand as the staircase suddenly grew under Nik's command and shut the opening to the next floor with relative ease. Blinking, Katara was now reminded that the houses could be shaped in any way they wanted! It was just ice.

"See? No disturbances," Nik smiled broadly, his gaze turned bolder and he made no attempts to hide where he was looking, causing Katara's, and in turn Suki's, shoulders to slouch slightly in the vain attempt to stop him from stripping them with his eyes.

"Oh, well, now we have to discuss something important..." Nik exhaled deeply and stopped teasing the duo. He gazed at Katara with a serious expression and inquired, "Would you... show me what Suki saw that day when she said she walked in on you? I'm a little curious—"

"No," Katara cut him off with a deadpan expression.

"Tch, just delaying the inevitable..." Nik shrugged while he leaned back and patted his lap, "So? What are you guys waiting for? Who's going to be the first one?"

"Aren't we going to drink?" Katara inquired rather meekly with a needful expression touching her face. In her mind, alcohol had gained a substantial position in just one use. It may be hard to feel it slide down her throat at first but as the warmth would accumulate, the freer Katara felt.

Yet, surprising her, Nik shook his head, "I don't want to dull my senses by drowning in wine, not until my knee is healed. If drunk, even I'm not sure how I would act and may just end up aggravating my injuries."

"Oh, I see," Katara lowered her gaze with a sigh.

"But you can drink if you want," Nik smiled.

"Yeah, two of us drunk and in your hands," Katara scoffed and glared at the youth as if seeing through his schemes but there weren't any coy plots abound— merely a hard work intended for the night.

Seeing their exchange, Suki couldn't help but smile slightly. Still, hearing Nik admitting himself that his knee could be a hindrance put a damper to her thoughts and she opened up, "If possible, I don't want my... ehm, reward tonight."

Her words caused Katara and Nik to look at her as Suki grinned, "I just want to sleep. I'm a bit tired and I would feel better next to you."

She subconsciously glanced at his knee as Nik sighed a bitter smile.

His own knee cockblocked him... no, Koh did. Even after death, the spirit continues to haunt him, it would seem.

Katara hummed in agreement, "Then I should probably open up the stairs."

As she said so, Katara promptly reverted the stairs in their previous structure before flashing a smile, "Why not sleep here? It would be bothersome for you to walk up, right?"

Sensing that she wanted a little bit of privacy, Nik nodded.

"Since we're just going to sleep... how about a mug or two?"

Nik inquired while taking out mattresses for Katara and Suki while also bringing out three wooden mugs. The two woman's gaze brightened finally. Although much different from the night they had planned and expected, as it ended into a snuggling sleep, it turned out much better and more calming.


Nik woke up groggily. His head ached slightly, the wine's gentle reminder, if you may. Yet, he couldn't rub his forehead due to the weight of certain responsibilities resting on his arms. Heck, his shoulders, too, pinning him down. Suki hugged his waist from the right, her painted face enticingly close to his but the clear and thin trail of drool on the side of his shoulder revealed that it would do well to let Suki rest. On his left, clingier than her warrior counterpart, Katara had Nik's entire arm for herself as she seemed to be curled like a kitten with her knees wrapped around his forearm. He could feel multiple spots at once, especially Katara's warm, soft, and generous bosom. Yet, similar to Suki and tired, Katara slept with a peaceful expression much different from her perverted drunken stupor last night.

Still, he felt even luckier by the fact that his left knee was wholly untouched. Sleeping like this was a risk but then again, Nik didn't want to keep slighting everything good thing that came his way that included spending time with Katara and Suki even if it didn't lead to getting him in their panties.

His thoughts soon came to a pause as he viewed a sand brown fox sitting on one of the benches. Its unmoving eyes stared at him silently while its mouth kept a bamboo scroll clenched.

Fearing the worst, Nik was about to make a move when he thought for a moment and decided against it. The fox was here while he slept... it meant that the fox could have done anything but chose to stay quiet and still.

Seeing how Nik had woken up and was looking at it, the fox deliberately lowered its head and let go of the bamboo scroll in its mouth.


The flimsy scroll made a soft noise before it rolled a little and then came to a stop. Nik's gaze briefly landed on the scroll but when he looked up, the fox was no more as if it was a play of Nik's own mind.

Frowning for a second, Nik decided against picking the scroll up and leveled his head against the mattress once again. One look at the window revealed how early it was and Nik woke up due to the lesser time needed to recover in his case. Still, he decided to take this period of silence as a gift it really was and decided to form priorities.

After last night's events, Nik was relatively revealed by the fact that even if the lack of mobility affected his waterbending, it wasn't too drastic in a battle and he could hold his own for a short period until his injury is used against him. It didn't happen last time due to a large crowd already in support but Nik didn't want to leave things for chances.

So, now that he had some experience in waterbending and would continue to train in it, Nik wanted to try and expand his pool of abilities. His Kyoshi training had come to a temporary halt but would continue with a renewed vigor the moment his knee heels, until then, Nik decided to learn a method that gives him more options in long-range, like archery or something similar, and airbending.

Of the four elements, water came to him relatively quickly. However, it was a short burst of wind that he began with when he contracted Mokshi. Not to mention the fact that only Aang could guide him in airbending as of now and he would appear in the tribe shortly. Who knows what will happen next? So, Nik wanted to learn as much as Aang could impart and he could learn given that his knee doesn't try to impede him there, too.

Nik did consider Firebending for a moment but then dropped it. Aside from the fact that he would stretch himself too thin, there were many firebenders around and unless any other nation decided to go on another genocide, they were here to stay. Finally, his talent in firebending seemed more volatile than his consistency in water and air element. After all, the moment Nik felt the most connected with the flames and heat stemming from his stomach was during his intercourse with Suki and Katara. Something to note was that this sensation didn't happen always. It only occurred twice and both times when he 'conquered' Katara and Suki for the first time.

It was as if his heat was looking maidens left and right in great variety to develop his flames. Of course, pushing aside his own nonsensical thoughts, Nik never considered Earthbending. First, there wasn't any earth to bend, and even if he did enter his personal space, the fact remained that earth is called the most stubborn of the elements and Nik only felt connected to the element once and that, too, barely.

It was during the moment when Hama taught how to spread chi and take over the will of the elements to bend them.

While keeping to his thoughts, Nik slowly and gradually drifted to another short nap only to be woken up when Katara suddenly squeaked and let go of his arm, almost flinging it away.

This caused him and Suki to wake up simultaneously.

Of course, Nik's gaze landed on Mai, whose cold expression betrayed all her frustration and a rather amazed Yue who would shift her gaze around only for her to open up while waving a bamboo scroll in her hand, "Um, whose map is this?"

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