Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 380

Chapter 380

Chapter 380: Sabotage Him.

Dan-Han patiently waited in his car as he thought about Ji-Tae and the best approach to handle this.

Alain Smith was the alias name he had secretively given himself. It was the name on the off-shore account and the name with which he owned Kwon-Nara’s so called company, so there was no doubt he wasn’t the one involved in all of this.

For years, he thought he had his eyes on the boy, and had him under control, but it appears he didn’t. Ji-Tae has eluded him for five years while he fell deeper into a life he’d probably wouldn’t be able to come out from.

His parents would be heart broken to know they’ve fully lost their son.

“Boss, we’re ready.” Tae-Ho announced when he knocked on Dan-Han’s window. Dan-Han nodded and gave him permission to drive ahead while he followed behind.

He thought about calling Eun-sun to ask her to go to bed because he knew she was probably still waiting for him, but he decided against it. Tonight, he’ll let her do whatever she wanted to do.

An hour later they arrived the docks. Dan-Han stepped out of his car and approached Tae-Ho and Mr Yang, who for the first time saw who his torturer actually was.


“Pres... president Lee?” He muttered in shock. He hadn’t made his acquaintance before but it wasn’t so hard to recognize the man who’s name and company was mentioned in every business and economic news.

Dan-Han coldly glanced at him, before scanning around the docks.

“Where is it?” He frigidly inquired, and Tae-Ho brought out an invoice slip which he had taken from Mr Yang’s table and passed it to Dan-Han. It had the container details.

“Don’t waste my time.” Dan-Han snarled and the man vigourosly bobbed his head and led the way. They took a few turns around the yard till they finally stopped in front of a very large vessel. He tipped his chin towards it indicating that was it. Dan-Han looked at the slip and confirmed the numbers. It was a match.

He was surprised at the size of the container. It was surprisingly too big to carry just illicit materials such as drugs and ammunitions. He wondered just how much it’d take to fill it, or maybe they were concealed in some other material like a car?

“Is it usually this big?” He curiously asked Mr Yang who shook his head. He had also been surprised when the vessel docked

earlier today.

“No. They’re the largest we’ve ever received.” He told them.

Dan-Han’s brows furrowed as he turned towards the man. “They?” he asked.

Nodding his head, he replied, “Yes.”

“How many?”

“Twenty.” He replied, pointing at the containers by the side. josei

Dan-Han frowned as he looked at them. There was no way there would be drugs in all twenty containers. What was he running? A syndicate?

Dan-Han impatiently reached for the gun tucked away in Tae-Ho’s waistline. Mr Yang quivered in fear at the sight of it. He flinched and shut his eyes when Dan fired a shot, he feared the shot was meant for him but he was surprised when he heard a large clanking sound. He peeked from beneath his lashes and he heaved when he saw the padlock sealing the doors break and fall to the ground.

Dan-Han pulled the doors open, revealing the content of the container, but the moment they all saw it, they stilled in shock surprise.

What laid within the containers was clearly not guns or drugs. It was something different and unexpected. Something they wouldn’t have guessed in their wildest imagination.

“I...I...” Mr Yang stuttered at the sight of the content. They hadn’t opened any of the container when they arrived. He has only signed at the relevant papers and instructed where they should be kept. The instructions was not to open them, but to have them sent to the another location, which they were yet to do.

He fell to his knees and immediately began to plead especially after seeing Dan-Han’s inscrutable countenance. “President Lee, I...I didn’t lie. This...” He trailed off as he tried to make sense of what was going on. In the past five years all they’ve received were crates which contained drugs and illegal ammunitions. They kept them while some unknown men comes to claim them from them. “I don’t know what’s going on.” He honestly explained.

Dan-Han looked at Tae-Ho who was also puzzled, before stepping into the container. The container was filled from edge to edge with building materials. He trailed his hand along the building pipes and other materials. He felt their texture in his hands.

This shouldn’t be what he was thinking?

He turned towards Mr. Yang who was still on his knees beside Tae-Ho.

“Where are you taking this to?” He inquired, even though he could already take a wild guess. He’d be 99% accurate if he did.

“Country A.” Mr Yang replied.

“Of course.” Dan-Han nodded in understanding. He dryly chuckled.


“Tomorrow, sir.” Mr. Yang replied. “But sir, I honestly had no idea what was inside this. I thought it was the usually package.” He hurriedly added. Though they weren’t the usual package he still wasn’t at ease as he didn’t know what was going through Dan-Han’s mind. The man was said to be mysterious and his reasoning, unfathomable.

Dan-Han ignored him and turned to Tae-Ho. “Open the others.” He ordered, and Tae-Ho did immediately as he instructed.

Dan-Han looked at all the containers and they were all the same. They all contained building materials from the very company he has banded Pk Corps never to purchase from as they produced substandard and faulty materials. From their looks, he couldn’t already tell they were damaged goods.

How coincidential was it that materials which were needed for the just commenced centenary project had faulty replicas leisurely sitting in twenty 53ft containers? It might be a minute proportion of the materials actually needed for the project, but this was enough to dent his name and send him out of the company.

This was Ji-Tae’s plan all along. To sabotage him and he had his father’s support.

The first and only loophole to his impeachment was right before his eyes.

There was no doubt about this.

Just as Dan-Han had figured what was going on, Tae-Ho had also put a few things together and he had a clear understanding of what was going on. Knowing Ji-Tae’s personality, something like this wasn’t out of the ordinary for him. He has always known Ji-Tae to be crafty. The boy played dirty and that was the only way he knew how to play. That smile always etched on his face was just a camouflage to fool those who didn’t know him well.

“Sir, what should I do?” Tae-Ho was ready to take his orders. Dan-Han wasn’t a merciful person, so he expected he wouldn’t let Ji-Tae off the hook.

Hearing Tae-Ho’s question, Dan-Han fell deep into thought. No matter how bad Ji-Tae was, he was still family. And this didn’t just concern him but the entire Lee family.

Putting him down wasn’t going to be much of an hassle, but...

He oddly stared at Mr. Yang before turning to Tae-Ho.

“Let him be.” He paused. “For now.” He added before gesturing for Mr.Yang to come closer. The man fearfully took a few steps forward, his breath hanging by a thread.

“Do as he says and send the containers.”

Tae-Ho frowned when he heard him. Why was he allowing this? What was he up to?

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