Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 381

Chapter 381

Chapter 381: Stalking?

Despite leaving Dan-Han’s place so late at night, Hei-Ran didn’t find herself returning home, instead, she found herself standing in front of the condominium complex as she stared at a window on the fifth floor. With the faint light lighting up the room, she could see the frame of the girl leaning against the window with her arms folded across her chest. She looked lost and deep in thought.

Hei-Ran looked at the time, and she marveled to discover it was past midnight and that she had been staring for over twenty minutes. She glanced back at the window again.

What was she thinking about? She asked herself as she continued staring. A-Yeong had never been someone to be so deep in thoughts. Her arrogance made her lunge at every idea that comes through her head and her tenacity throws Its heavy weight around, ensuring she never fails.

Hei-Ran picked up her phone when she heard it ring. She sighed when she saw who the caller was.

“Why aren’t you sleeping?” She asked the moment she answered the phone.

“I was worried about you. How did it go?” Jin-Hai asked.

“Better than I anticipated. He’s helping me.” She replied.


“That’s good.” He said, a sigh of relief easing off his breath. “Are you home now?”

“No,” Hei-Ran replied, her gaze still fixed on A-Yeong who was now sitting by the window which has suddenly opened, while she blankly stared into space. What was truly wrong with her?


Hei-Ran jerked at the sound of her name. He had been speaking to her but she hasn’t been listening.

“I’m sorry, what did you say?”

“Where are you?” He curiously inquired.

“At A-Yeong’s.” She replied.

“What are you doing there? You shouldn’t be-”

“I’m not going to question her or start a fight.”

“Then what are you doing there? It’s past midnight.”

Indeed it was. It was past midnight, but there she was staring at the person she has been desperately trying to tear down, with varying thoughts in her mind.

Dan-Han’s discovery of the forged signature has once again stirred up the thoughts of A-Yeong being framed or blackmailed. Maybe she was in deep trouble and she didn’t know how to possibly get out of things without being scathed? She didn’t know.

Hei-Ran hated the feeling in her heart but she couldn’t help it.

“I’m just...seeing her,” Hei-Ran replied.

“Did president Lee say something?”

“Sort..” Hei-Ran suddenly paused as her heart skipped when she saw A-Yeong suddenly fall back to the ground as she had collapsed.

“Jin-Hai, I’m going to call you back.” She hastily said and disconnected the call. She instantly dialed A-Yeong’s number, funny how she still had the number saved up in her head, but there was no response. Hei-Ran kept looking at the window while she kept calling, but there was no response.

Her heart suddenly rammed hard against her chest as the feeling of foreboding suddenly began to settle in. She dashed towards the building and informed the receptionist in the lobby to get help. Soon some security men were trailing behind her and they rode the elevator to the fifth floor.

“A-Yeong, open up!” Hei-Ran called out as she heavily banged on the door, but there was no response. They all called out for her still no answer came.

“Break it down!” Hei-Ran anxiously ordered while she kept dialing A-Yeong’s number. She considered calling her parents or A-Yeong’s or even her grandfather, but she quickly decided against it. She didn’t know what happened to her yet, so it would be too worrisome for them to get involved now.

“Hurry!” Hei-Ran yelled as they struggled to pull the door down.

She dashed into the apartment the moment the door was open and hurried towards the room. She gasped when she saw A-Yeong helplessly sprawled on the floor.

“A-Yeong?” She vigorously shook her but the girl was unresponsive. She checked for her pulse and breath and she felt slightly relieved to see she was still breathing.

“Please call an ambulance.” She cried out and the men hurriedly did.

All through the trip to the hospital, Hei-Ran held her breath at the pale sight of A-Yeong. All her life, she had never seen the girl look this feeble and fragile, almost lifeless.

She was used to seeing her undermining and arrogant look when she steps into a room. Yes, she was manipulative and shrewd, but she has always carried an air about her that makes one stay on their guard. But right now, this wasn’t that same girl. She looked vulnerable.

Hei-Ran anxiously waited in the hallway of the hospital while they attended to A-Yeong. Jin-Hai has been calling her back, obviously, he was worried because of how urgent she had sounded over the phone.

“Hei-Ran, what’s going on? You got me worried.” He rapped out.

“I’m sorry. Something happened to A-Yeong.” She explained. josei

“What happened?”

“I don’t know, but she just passed out. We’re currently at the hospital.”

“What hospital?” He inquired.

Knowing what his question meant, Hei-Ran looked at the time. “Jin-Hai it’s late.”

“Are you telling me or not?”


“I’ll be there soon.” He said and disconnected the call, while Hei-Ran resignedly sighed. There was no stopping him, was there?

Hei-Ran turned towards the door of the Accident and Emergency ward when she saw the doctor approaching. “How’s she? What happened?”

“She probably fainted because of exhaustion, and her blood pressure is quite high. Has she been under a lot of pressure lately?” The doctor asked.

Pressure? Hei-Ran wondered. She wouldn’t know, so she replied as such. “I don’t know.”

“Well, whatever is stressing her out, she needs to step away from it and rest more as well as eat more.” The doctor advised while Hei-Ran nodded.

“So how’s she doing now?” Hei-Ran was more concerned about her well-being at the moment.

“She’s fine. We’ve given her something to stabilize her blood pressure. She’ll come around soon.” The doctor told her.

Hei-Ran appreciated him before joining A-Yeong by her bedside. Hei-Ran’s eyes trailed her from head to toes. Despite being asleep, she still looked uncomfortable, like she was still worried about something. She looked more emaciated than the last time she had come to pay her a visit at the hospital.

Several thoughts ran through Hei-Ran’s head as she stared at the girl. She could tell something wasn’t wrong with her. Something she was trying so hard to keep away.

Hei-Ran stayed by her side till she finally stirred up. “A-Yeong.” She called. She didn’t miss the look of surprise that flashed through her eyes.

A-Yeong slowly adjusted on the bed and Hei-Ran helped her. “What are you doing here?” She coldly asked making Hei-Ran frown, but she calmed herself recalling that A-Yeong was sick.

“What you should have asked was, how you get here.” She sternly corrected her.

They both peered at each other before Hei-Ran deflatedly sighed.

“I was outside when I saw you pass out.”

“You were stalking me?”

Hei-Ran scoffed. “Stal... stalking you?”She incredulously asked. “I just saved your life.”

“And you want a thank you?”

“No! I want you to tell me what the hell is going on! Why did you pass out? And what in the devil’s name have you been thinking about that made you this sick and lean?” Hei-Ran flipped at her irritating and ungrateful attitude.

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