Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 382

Chapter 382

Chapter 382: “Way Worth My Life..”

Hey lovelies, the previous chapter has been replaced. If you can’t access it, please clear out your cache. I’m so sorry for the mistake.


A-Yeong blankly stared at Hei-Ran in silence. There was a look in Hei-Ran’s eyes, one she’d regard as that of concern, but she knew better. Hei-Ran would never be concerned with her, not because she was incapable of it, but because of the condemnable history between them.

“It’s no business of yours.” A-Yeong rudely replied, her eyes darting away and staring at the ceiling.

“No business of mine?” Hei-Ran scoffed in disbelief. “For your information, it became my business when I brought you to the hospital, and I’m seated right here.”

“I didn’t ask you to, so leave, Hei-Ran.” A-Yeong snapped as she turned to her. “Leave because I don’t need your sympathy or your damn care, and I know you don’t really care what happens to me. You’re just trying to get at me for what I did to you and Hei-Ran, I don’t judge you. I’ll do the same and even more, so please don’t come here and act sanctimoniously with me because I know your vengeful heart doesn’t give a f*CK about me.”

Hei-Ran silently stared at her as she tried to keep her emotions in check. She didn’t want to be the person fighting with a sick girl.


She sighed. “I don’t know what has come over you or whatever is eating so deep at you, but whatever it is, I’d advise you to come clean with it before it destroys you. Yes, I might be pissed at you, but you’re still family, and family doesn’t push themselves over a cliff. If you need my help, you know where to find me.” She said as she rose to her feet.

She looked at A-Yeong one last time. Ahe was still holding onto that damn pride of hers. Well, she wasn’t going to force her to come out clean with whatever she got herself in, and neither was she going to tell her about what she had found, lest she ruins everything.

“I’ll call your parents, so they’ll send someone over.”

“There’s no need. I’m getting discharged.” A-Yeong announced, and Hei-Ran couldn’t help the grim look on her face.

“Are you really going to be stupid?” Hei-Ran asked with lividity. “You’re going to leave the hospital because you don’t want anybody to see you like this?”

“I didn’t say anything, and I thought you were just leaving.”

“This thing you’re hiding, is it worth more than your life? Because if it’s what I think it is, I really don’t know what to say.”

A-Yeong stared at her in silence as her words reverberated in her head. Worth more than her life?

“It is way worth my life, and I’d rather die than let my-” She paused.

“Let your what?” Hei-Ran pressed.

“Nothing. Just be on your way.” A-Yeong dismissively said and turned away from Hei-Ran.

Hei-Ran nodded her head in understanding. If this was what she wanted, then fine. She wasn’t going to help someone who didn’t want to be helped.

She dropped A-Yeong’s phone by her bedside and her purse, which she had picked from the house. She paid her one last look before walking to the accounting section, where she sorted out the bills.

Hei-Ran had just stepped out of the hospital when she saw Jin-Hai striding toward her. She was somewhat surprised to see him, but the moment he stopped in front of her, she couldn’t help but sink into his arms and exhale deeply at the comfort of his embrace.

Jin-Hai put his arms around her and soothed her. “It’s been a long night for you.” He said, and she nodded agreeably. It has indeed been a long night. She had shuffled through a series of meetings with shareholders and directors breathing down her neck, and then she had continued with A-Yeong’s case, which finally brought her to the hospital.

“I’m so tired. Just hold me.” She said and sank deeper into his embrace, her arms slightly tightening around him, and Jin-Hai did as he was told. He held her firmly to himself because that was exactly what he wanted to do, hold her and comfort her.

“When this is over, I’m going to take you on a trip.” He said.

“Like a vacation?”

“Yeah. A vacation to clear your mind and make you feel relaxed before we step into bigger and more important things.”

Hei-Ran pulled her head away from his chest and looked at him quizzically. “Important things, like what?”

“Like seeing your parents and asking for your hand.” He replied. “I bet I have to put your mother’s heart at ease because soon she’s going to resume trying to auction you away if I don’t seal the deal.” He leaned and dropped a feathery kiss on her forehead.

Hei-Ran chuckled at his words. “Seal the deal, huh? And who said my mother has ever tried to auction me away?” She shot a brow at him.

“I don’t need to remind you about that call in my car when you had me play boyfriend.” He cocked a brow. Hei-Ran’s face instantly flushed red with embarrassment. How could she ever forget that call. It was the day she had promised her mother she’d bring her boyfriend home, and she had taken Jin-Hai instead, not intentionally, of course.

“If I remember currently, it was you who offered yourself.”

“And you took me without hesitation.”

“Same way you tricked me into dating you.”

“And you agreed too.”

Seeing the smug look tickling the edge of his lips, Hei-Ran pulled away. “Jin-Hai, would I be wrong if I said you did all those things on purpose?” She suspiciously asked.

Shaking his head, he replied. “No.”

“So you tricked me.” Realization finally dawned on Hei-Ran for the first time.

Jin-Hai pulled her closer to himself, his fingers trailing the side of her face. “I didn’t trick you. I only went after what I wanted. You were driving me mad, Su Hei-Ran, with your denseness. You were making me lose my fucking mind, and you still do, every second of the day.” josei

Hei-Ran’s face split with a smile. “You were the dense one, Jin-Hai. It took you six years to come up with such a trick, how dense could you be?”

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