Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 261 - 261

Chapter 261 - 261: How Can I Not Take Benefits?

Chapter 261: How Can I Not Take Benefits?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“With this kidnapping incident in the county, I’m afraid the city gates will be closed early. I’ll go back early in a while. We’ll still have time to come to the county to watch the show tomorrow or the day after that, but the children’s safety is the priority,” Ye Muyu advised.

She was afraid that she would not be able to spare the energy to take care of her family.

When Old Madam Ye heard that it was Soft Fragrance Cake, she suddenly understood. “So it’s this. But my daughter, you’re wrong. You said that Soft Fragrance Cake is very expensive and really delicious. How can you let it go and not take advantage of it? You even paid the entrance fee to enter the city today.”

“I’ll go back after taking the Soft FragranceCake. Madam Han, you take the two children back first. Just stay with the villagers. Don’t wander around. Call your father for lunch when you go back. Don’t sleep so much and starve yourself.” Old Madam Ye made arrangements for Madam Han in just a few sentences.

“By the way, Lan ‘er gave us a catty of meat. Don’t just keep it when you take it back. Cook it and eat it. We’ve only been eating vegetables for so many days. It’s so bland,” Old Woman Ye said.

Only then did Madam Han look at her in surprise. “Mother, a pound of meat can be sold to others. It can be sold for more than twenty copper coins. It would be a pity to eat it…”

“I don’t need to eat. I’m in good health.”

Ye Muyu looked at Madam Han, who had no reaction to Old Woman Ye’s arrangement but had a strong reaction to eating meat. The corner of her mouth twitched.

Old Madam Ye glared at her. “What nonsense are you talking about? That’s not just for you to eat. Don’t the children and your father-in-law have to eat? Moreover, your sister-in-law is pregnant, so doesn’t she have to eat?”

“It’s not like you can’t save money now. If you’re worried that you don’t have any money, go home and help me make pickles. I guarantee that you’ll earn copper coins every day.”

“Also, take back the gifts that Lan ‘er gave you. Don’t wander around when you return to the village.”

“Mother, I understand…” Madam Han was still a little unwilling as if eating a catty of meat was too extravagant.josei

However, Old Madam Ye always kept her word, so she probably wouldn’t change her mind.

She felt a little helpless, but she still left.

Seeing Madam Han carrying big and small bags of gifts and the two children holding pastries in their hands, they first went to greet Madam Liu and Chu Zhiwen, the two elders, before being sent by Old Madam Ye to the city gate and taking the ox cart back.

Ye Muyu nodded and looked at the back of her family who had left. The reason why her family had sold all the items they had taken from the original host and were dressed in rags was most likely because of Madam Han.

With Madam Han’s personality, it was obvious that she was reluctant to spend money. She could even tolerate her tattered clothes. She might be afraid of being poor, but it was more of self-pity.

Ye Muyu’s personality was completely different from hers. If the two of them lived together, there might be conflicts.

Seeing that Madam Han listened to Old Woman Ye’s words, it was obvious that she was a very common woman in the village. At home, she obeyed her father; After marriage, she obeyed her husband, and once her husband died, she obeyed her son.

Ye Hai was too young and she could not rely on him, so she subconsciously leaned on Old Woman Ye.

She only needed to subdue Old Madam Ye, and the days of her maternal family would not be difficult.

Ye Muyu understood and went into the kitchen.

Seeing that Chu Heng was almost done with the calming soup. Madam Zhang and Madam Wang had prepared the dishes, but they hadn’t made them yet.

“Third Sister-in-law, did anything happen in the county?” She asked subconsciously when she saw her enter.

“The county magistrate won’t let there be any trouble in the county.

Sister-in-law, don’t let your imagination run wild.” Ye Muyu knew that Madam Zhang was just asking casually, so she answered casually..

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