Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 262 - 262

Chapter 262 - 262: Inside Story of Liu Jiao’s Marriage

Chapter 262: Inside Story of Liu Jiao’s Marriage

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Sure enough, Madam Zhang went on to talk about other things.

Ye Muyu walked to Chu Heng’s side, squatted down, and took out a fan to fan the flames.

“Go to the main room and talk to Uncle for a while. I’ll watch over here.”

“Okay, call me if you need anything.” Chu Heng nodded. Although he did not want his wife to suffer, he did not want outsiders to gossip.

Chu Heng was not the type to lose the bigger picture for the sake of a small matter. Ye Muyu was also sensible. Seeing that she did not show any unhappiness, he knew that she understood his intentions. Only then did Chu Heng leave with peace of mind.

“Third Sister-in-law, is Third Brother usually this gentle?” Madam Zhang asked Ye Mu Yu with a smile as soon as Chu Heng left. As expected, it is said that even heroes would be charmed by beauties. It seemed that Third Brother is the same.”

“Eldest Sister-in-law, you’re speaking like a scholar now. You’re starting to read now? Then should I learn from him?” Madam Wang asked hesitantly. She was willing to spend money on the child, but she was unwilling to spend it on herself and Chu Cai. Chu Cai had a similar personality as her. They were two honest people. They clearly had savings, but they lived extremely simply.

However, the two of them seemed to be enjoying it.

Speaking of studying, Madam Zhang thought of her son-in-law, Song Lu. She had greeted him before she left, but she had forgotten to remind him about the kidnapper. She did not know if her husband would remind Song Lu.

For a moment, she was a little worried.

She wiped her hands on her apron and said to Mrs. Wang, “Second Sister-in-law, we’re short of soy sauce at home. I’ll go get some. Help me look after the pot.”

“Okay, go ahead.” Madam Wang did not even raise her head.

Madam Zhang hurriedly left the kitchen and went to the central room. She said a few words before leaving.

Ye Muyu quickly boiled the soup and called Chu Jin over to drink it.

The dishes in the kitchen were all ready. It would be appropriate to cook them in an hour.

Ye Muyu and Madam Wang entered the central room and listened to Liu Cheng and his wife.

At this moment, there were only their own people in the house. The men and women did not sit separately, but they sat on two sides.

At this moment, Madam Liu had already finished talking to her younger brother, Liu Cheng, and was talking to her sister-in-law, Madam Luo, about Liu Jiao.

After Ye Muyu entered, she sat down on the stool beside her. Chu Ziluo came in after she was done playing and snuggled up to Ye Muyu.

Speaking of Liu Jiao’s marriage, Madam Luo was a little hesitant.

Seeing her expression, Madam Liu knew that there might be some inside story.

She remembered that a few days ago, her family sent a letter saying that Liu Jiao was betrothed and that the man was from the city. He should be a good person.

However, althouqh she was worried about her familv, she would not take the initiative to speak up. If there was really a problem, as a mother, Madam Luo would not watch her daughter suffer.

Madam Luo wanted to ask Madam Liu for help, especially when she saw that her sister-in-law’s life was getting better and better.

However, she wanted him to take the initiative to mention this matter. Otherwise, when she went back, her mother might be angry with her.

The two of them were in a stalemate for a moment, waiting for each other to speak.

The one who could not hold it in was Liu Jiao herself.

Liu Jiao saw that her mother did not get to the main topic after talking for a long time. She was a little anxious. She could not help but interrupt. “Eldest Aunt, please help me with my marriage. I will be filial to you in the future.” Madam Liu was not surprised by her niece’s straightforward personality.

Just as she was about to speak, Madam Luo slapped Liu Jiao’s shoulder. She looked at Madam Liu nervously and interrupted awkwardly, “Second Sister, Jiao’er is becoming more and more willful. She’s spouting nonsense. Don’t take it to heart.”

Madam Liu frowned slightly when she saw her behavior..josei

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