Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4523

Chapter 4523: You should kill!

Fairy Yuheng smiled heartily: "Three, now, I will take you to the top of the sky!"

After all, the figure flashed, and the three of them flew towards the arch.

With a brush, everyone entered the archway.

But it didn't come out from the other side, but the figure disappeared directly.

At the same time, the ripples in the archway that rippling like water waves also flashed quietly.

At the next moment, Chen Feng felt a flash in front of him.

It has appeared directly in a space-time channel.

He is already familiar with this feeling.

But this time, Chen Feng clearly felt that it was different from every time he traveled through the time tunnel before.

Chen Feng just couldn't control his body before.

This time, he felt the pressure.

That's right, it's an extremely strong pressure!

Chen Feng saw that countless barriers like rainbows of light appeared in the space-time tunnel. These wave-like barriers were like doors after another.

And every time he crossed a door, Chen Feng felt that he was squeezed almost to vomit blood, extremely uncomfortable!

These barriers, the further back, the stronger the resistance.

The breath from the barrier seemed to be full of indifference, squeeze, rejection, and unwelcome!

Chen Feng looked at the colorful lights one after another, gleaming with cold light, as if hearing them repeating a sentence: "You are also worthy of coming here? You are worthy of being here too!"

A torrent of thrust was pushing Chen Feng and others outward.

But whenever the thrust hits, on the golden rope tied around the waist, there is a lot of power gushing out, offsetting that thrust.

The Heavenly Canal Beast Slave next to him was obviously enlightened, and his eyes showed a touch of anger.

Chen Feng suddenly realized: "I understand, this is a world's rejection of me."

"Presumably, this time we are leading to a world that is countless times stronger than the world we went before!"

"This is a stronger world! And this world, obviously does not welcome the arrival of the weak!"

"It's examining my strength!"josei

"If there is no Fairy Yuheng here, with our strength, it is estimated that it will be directly squeezed out!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "I am not welcome, are you?"

"Then, I have to show you, Chen Feng, am I qualified to come here!"

He has been in an extremely complicated situation ever since he entered this deserted ancient ruin, or to be precise, ever since he received the invitation of Fairy Yuheng.

There is shock, excitement, excitement, and more!

And the root of all this comes from those four words: the top of the sky!

This mysterious place, the root of all secrets!

Now, finally going to the top of the sky!

Suddenly, Chen Feng looked at the Tiancun Beast Slave next to him.

When they met their eyes, they both smiled.

In that smile, they all understood what the other party meant!

"The top of the sky, we are coming!"

Mei Wuxia's gaze was a little ecstatic.

"Master Grandpa, I am coming to fulfill your last wish!"

"In the beginning, did you enter this passage like this, and then came here?"

I don't know how long I have been in this space.

Suddenly, everyone felt weightless, and then they appeared in a space.

It was dark all around, occasionally dotted with stars.

The place where everyone is located is a stone island similar to an island in the sky, with a radius of about kilometers.

At its end, there is a huge bronze gate.

After seeing the giant bronze gate, Chen Feng suddenly jumped in his heart.

"I've seen this giant bronze gate!"

That's right, this is the third time he has seen such a giant bronze gate.

This huge bronze gate is no different from the huge bronze gate that he saw but couldn't open when he went to the site left by his master Yan Qingyu before.

At the same time, it was exactly the same as the giant bronze gate he saw when he went to Daqinglian Temple!

Full of hideous fangs, engraved with all kinds of reliefs!

Miraculous, magnificent, and full of the desolation of ancient wildness!

Although simple, it contains infinite mysteries!

However, the difference is that the giant bronze gate in front of Chen Feng at this time, one after another, does not know the end.

It was dozens of times higher than the giant bronze gate left by Yan Qingyu, and hundreds of times higher than the giant bronze gate leading to Daqinglian Temple!

"On the top of the sky, what secret is hidden?"

"Master, what kind of connection does it have with the top of the sky?"

"What about Daqinglian Temple?"

All these made Chen Feng's heart full of doubts.

But at this time, a voice suddenly sounded, interrupting Chen Feng's thinking.

Next to the gate, sat a golden armored general.

He is more than 300 meters tall, and his body is covered with a thick layer of golden armor.

The armor was in the dazzling gold, and there was an indescribable dullness and coldness.

It feels as if it is extremely strong and cannot be destroyed at all.

He couldn't see his face clearly, he wore a battle helmet on his head, and his whole body was wrapped tightly.

Like a dark golden fortress!

But at this time, after feeling the breath of several people, his head slowly lowered.

Behind the armor, two dim red lights flashed at the position of the eyes, which seemed to be looking at several people.

When the dark red gaze swept across Chen Feng and the others, Chen Feng felt that he had been exposed to the light all over.

Unspeakable uncomfortable!

There seems to be no more secrets!

And the jade medal of reincarnation in his arms jumped directly, exuding a burst of green light, enveloping him.

As a result, the golden armor of the dark gold fortress looked away.

It also swept the Tiancun Beast Slave and Mei Wuxia,

He didn't even show his breath at all, but his blood-red eyes flashed, and Chen Feng felt his breathing almost stagnated.

"This kind of breath, this kind of feeling, seems to be 10,000 times stronger than Xiahou Jiuyuan, the Eight-Star Martial Emperor!"

"Fairy than Yuheng, I don't know how much stronger it is!"

"It's just a look, it almost makes my whole body freeze!"

"How terrible is this person's strength? What is his identity? Is it to protect the existence of this top of the sky?"

Fairy Yuheng looked relaxed and smiled at everyone: "This person is the gatekeeper at the top of the sky."

The gatekeeper's voice sounded like a stone crash.

Deep, cold, and emotionless!

"Xie Yuheng, you brought the stranger here!"

At the next moment, that cold and ruthless voice sounded like a ruling by heaven:

"Xie Yuheng, you take two people without the jade card of reincarnation into the top of the sky without authorization!"

"According to the rules of heaven, pawn!"

He paused slowly, spit out a cold and merciless word: "Kill!"

With his voice falling!

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