Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4524

Chapter 4524: Welcome to the new world!

Suddenly, the four of Chen Feng flew up, and there was no way to fight back!

There is no possibility of struggle at all!

The whole body was stiff, bound by a bunch of red light!

And the golden armored general stretched out his finger and ran over them!

Under the pressure of the sky and the earth!

Chen Feng felt that in the next moment, he would be crushed to pieces!

Unable to resist, the strength gap is so big that it is desperate to think about it!

It's not crushed to pieces, but crushed directly and completely!

Fairy Yuheng is no exception.

Obviously, Fairy Yuheng had no power to fight back in front of him!

Fairy Yuheng sternly shouted: "I am an envoy from the sky. I specialize in finding amazing talents in every world and bring back to the top of the sky!"

"Although these two people have not been recognized by the jade medal of reincarnation, I think they are extremely special!"

"You have no right to kill me!"

"On the contrary, I did a great job!"

In the face of the golden armor, he is not afraid!

The finger slowly stopped in the air.

Then, the gaze of the Golden Armor God General fell again.

But this time, it was not red, but cyan.

Through the two in an instant.

The cold and merciless voice was silent for a moment, and then the voice said mechanically:

"These two people, one of them, are exceptionally talented, suspected to have a special race, have extraordinary origins, and have a powerful summoning power."

"Secondly, it seems that there is a great chance with a certain fairy in the sky that has passed away on top of my sky!"

The next moment, he stood up slowly and said four words: "Wait, you can come in!"

After saying this, the red color disappeared in his eyes.

He stood there again quietly, like a dark golden fortress.

Obviously, this gatekeeper has no favoritism.

Fairy Yuheng said something reasonable, so he allowed everyone to enter.

And just now, if Fairy Yuheng couldn't give a reason, I'm afraid Chen Feng and others are already dead now.

Fairy Yuheng didn't thank him, but walked forward, took out his reincarnation jade card, and stuck it on the gate.

Suddenly, the door made a soft noise, and a crack opened.

Chen Feng took a deep breath, and the shock in his heart faded instantly.

Instead, there was an extreme expectation and incomparable yearning, and there was an indescribable excitement.

In his eyes, it was like flames burning.josei

What he saw in just a dozen breaths just now exceeded his imagination.

"This kind of power far exceeds my strength."

"No, to be precise, it exceeds the power of the Dragon Vein Continent!"

This made him suddenly see a brand new thing, this kind of thing is unknown, shocking, but also hopeful!

"Sure enough, it's right to be here. Only by coming here can I solve all my doubts, and only by coming here can I see countless masters!"

"Come here, I can find, the real road of martial arts belongs to me!"

He took a deep breath:

"Before, I was stuck in the Dragon Vein Continent, like Longyou Shoal, what I saw was nothing more than small fishes and shrimps. I had never seen a real master."

"Here is the real world of strong men. Any one of these real masters can crush me!"

"But, so what?"

"In the future, I can definitely stand on top of everyone!"

He was full of great excitement, and he felt that a new world was about to be opened before him!

The strong are like forests, mysterious and unpredictable!

Countless powerful magical powers, countless top masters, countless powerful bloodlines, new world!

At this time, Fairy Yuheng seemed to feel something.

He turned his head suddenly, looked at everyone, and smiled: "Everyone, welcome to the new world!"

In front of Chen Feng, there was a sudden burst of strong light.

The light was so dazzling and so bright that Chen Feng had to stretch out his hand to cover it slightly.

After a long while, he just raised his head and looked forward.

Then, an extremely bright world bloomed in front of him.

Chen Feng's face was filled with a touch of stunning shock.

Rao is that he is very knowledgeable and has never seen this kind of place in the future!

In the void, countless fairy mountains seem to have been born!

The waterfall emerged from the void, descending from above the nine heavens, like a milky way.

A huge tree that couldn't be seen at the edge, grew out of the void, and its roots stretched wantonly in the void, suddenly haunting Qingmeng's power.

The huge canopy is luxuriant with branches, like the legendary tree of the world.

There are countless fairy mountains floating in the sky mountain.

Each one is small in scale, the largest one is only a few thousand meters in radius, and the smallest one is only ten meters in radius.

The heights of these fairy mountains are also different. The higher the height, the larger the fairy mountains, but the fewer the fairy mountains.

The fairy mountains closest to the continent below are numerous, but each one is very small.

But no matter how big or small, every seat above is beautiful.

In every fairy mountain, between mountains and rivers, and between mists, there is a gate tower.

All the fairy mountains are distributed in a ring.

At the center of all fairy mountains, there is a continent with a radius of thousands of miles!

On the mainland, there are many towering buildings, which are not clear for a while.

Between these countless celestial mountains, in this dreamlike scenery, there are countless powerful men riding various monsters passing by.

There are also people who step on flying swords or other weapons to cross the void!

Misty as a fairy.

And on the periphery of all this, there is a layer of cyan sky, covering all of this.

Like an inverted bowl.

What is even more shocking is the scenery outside the sky!

Outside the sky, in all directions, there are nine suns in total, exuding brilliance!

And around the sun, countless stars undulate.

But even so, the nine suns and countless stars cannot illuminate the dark void outside.

In the emptiness of the universe, there are even more inexplicable and unspeakable huge creatures quietly passing by.

To the extreme, it feels like it is bigger than this world!

And farther away, there are some stars that are so small that they are almost invisible.

Extremely desolate, revealing the meaning of ancient desolation.

For some reason, the scene before Chen Feng fell in Chen Feng's eyes, but suddenly a sense of indescribable desolation arose!

As if, came to the end of the world!

And this scene made him inexplicably familiar.

Vaguely, he felt even more, it seemed that somewhere, in the fairy mountain at a very high altitude, there were waves of calls.

Something seemed to attract him.

Mei Wuxia let out a startled sigh: "Is this a fairyland?"

Fairy Yuheng smiled slightly: "It's not a fairyland, it's better than a fairyland."

"Speaking of the level of strength, it is definitely not as good as the fairy house, but I think that the geniuses of all worlds are definitely more willing to come here."

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