Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 310

Chapter 310: Leaving the Cultivation World Part Two

Alicia did not mention Wendy since she did not want Wendy to be harassed in any way. Mainly because even with the contract, Wendy could still be targeted by others in different ways. Luckily this contract was something that would allow Alicia some peace of mind. Since if someone went against her original orders of the contract they would cease to be. Their souls would be burned and they would never have a chance at reincarnation ever again. This was the true form of the contract. It was something that could essentially enslave a person. Alicia was using it as a means to make sure those she brought to Phantasia would not harm Alastine and because she was giving them refuge from the Machine Empire and also stopped the invasion of the Machine Empire after fighting for many years she wanted them to pay back their dues by becoming her soldiers. 

Of course, this many powerful people will always have different thoughts after a while. They might act friendly and upright in front of those more powerful but they were also very scheming and will do things behind your back. In order to control such behavior, Alicia came up with this contract idea to stop such things from happening. She wanted to make sure that by giving refuge to these cultivators Alastine would not only have a large powerful defensive army but would also be safe from the same powerful army from staging a coupe or harming its people and its lands. Alicia never forgot the virtues of a knight. She wanted to protect her homeland from outside threats while at the same time defending it from inside threats as well. 

"This is your last chance. After hearing what I have said, if you do not wish to be bound by such a contract please leave now." Alicia gave everyone present one last option to leave. Which some did after hearing her words. Most of which seemed to have been devil cultivators. 

After waiting a while Alicia saw that no one else was leaving, she nodded her head and waved her hand. "I will now commence the contract. Do not resist. If you do it will be very painful for you." 

As she finished her words millions of strains of spiritual qi shot forth and entered each person below her. There were many screams of pain as this happened since she was literally stripping a strand of their souls while at the same time imprinting a mark on the rest of the soul that bound them to her. With this one imprint, it would only take a thought for Alicia to kill that person if she so pleased.

After what seemed an eternity to those below her even though only a few seconds had passed Alicia now had control over a few million cultivators. With a sigh of relief, Alicia could now feel the presence of every person around her. She could feel that their lives were now in her hands. 

"I will now bring you all into my space. The journey to Phantasia will be a long one. Please feel at home within my space. I will also pass every clan leader and sect leader a copy of the cultivation method I promised. Take this time to begin raising your cultivation!" With that Alicia waved her hand sending every person around her into her space before entering it herself. She then looked at the group of people who were massed together and pointed towards the cottage. "That area is off-limits. Those who touch the barrier will be ejected from this space and will no longer be able to follow me. The area I will be traveling is basically a void with nothing. If you are ejected from this space for not following my simple rule here then you will be stuck in that void where your life and death are up to you. I will check on you all periodically. Please make yourselves at home." 

"Young Miss, I will be here to take care of things. You and Old Mu should worry about your journey." Tang Guanting reassured Alicia. He wanted to let Alicia know that he would not let anything happen at all while he was around. 

"Thank you Uncle Guanting. Here are the copies of the cultivation method if you do not mind passing them out. I will go visit with my daughter and the rest before heading off." Alicia took out a bag of jade slips which each had a record of her cultivation method. Tang Guanting took the bag and said a few more words to alicia before going about his task. 


"Moooooottthhhhherrrrr!!!!!" Frey yelled out as she slammed into Alicia's cheek. 

"Sorry for being gone so long Frey!" Alicia smiled brightly. Her eyes warm as she petted the top of Frey's head. "Mother has missed you a lot Frey." Alicia truly missed seeing her daughter every day. She noticed since she came to this world there were times when she did not get to spend too much time with Frey and Loeri. They were both her family but she was not able to do much in the line of caring for them. It was not just Loeri and Frey either. She also missed her friends and family back on Phantasia. Now that she was going home she was truly happy.

"Frey, know's mother is busy! Frey doesn't mind waiting. Even if Frey does miss Mother she can wait no matter how long it takes!" Frey said honestly. She did miss Alicia. She missed her a ton but she knew Alicia was working on finding a way home for them. So waiting five, six even one hundred years was fine by her. Because she knew her mother would return and see her.

"Frey is a good girl!" Alicia looked over at Loeri who was waiting patiently at the side. "Loeri We will be returning home. I had wanted to look for the fairies of this world to see if I could find some friends for Frey but with the threat of the Machine Empire, I do not dare to do so anymore. We will head home and roam Phantasia like I had set out to do in the first place. I want to see what Phantasia has to offer. And see the wonders that I have yet to see there." 

"It's about time we returned home! I also want to see the sights of our home world as well and take care of the threats that will cause our peace to be disturbed." 


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