Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 311

Chapter 311: Leaving the Cultivation World Part Three

"Just do not fall in love with my male persona!" Alicia teased. She remembered the love struck look that Loeri would give her when she had the necklace on that turned her into a male version of herself.

"Humph! You wish!" Loeri blushed and quickly changed the subject. "By the way, what is with the halo above your head?"

"I broke through to the demi god realm and it is a sign of that realm. But I feel there is more to it for some reason..." Alicia couldn't really figure out what it was that made her feel this way. But she felt that even after she hit the next cultivation realm, she would still have the halo above her head.

"Hmmm… Either way, it is cute. I am sure Blake will love it." Loeri teased, causing Alicia's face to turn bright red. Even after all this time she still felt embarrassed when being teased about Blake.josei

"Alright let's go have some food, then Grandpa Mu and I will head out and begin our journey." Alicia quickly changed the subject. She wanted to have a quick meal and then begin her journey. The faster she left the quicker she could be reunited with everyone.


"Are you ready?" Grandpa Mu asked.

"Yeah, I am ready."Alicia nodded her head as she answered.

"Good. I will create a tear now in order to escape the world's plane. Before you enter make sure you wrap a thick layer of either celestial power or spiritual qi around your body. You can use a layer of Magicules if you prefer but they must be two times as thick." Grandpa Mu explained.

Alicia wrapped her body in spiritual qi and nodded to Grandpa Mu to signal she was ready. Grandpa Mu touched the air in front of him creating a tear in space. He then motioned for Alicia to step inside and he followed right after her. Seconds later the tear disappeared and Alicia disappeared from the cultivation world.

In the large scar that was left after Alicia's attack was a group of old men still pushed firmly into the mud by gravity magic. Their eyes were turned upwards as they watched the little devil who did this to them leave without releasing the spell that was on them. Despair filled their eyes that slowly turned to hate before turning to despair once again. Inside the void, Alicia was walking along with Grandpa Mu when she suddenly remembered something. "Ah! I forgot to release them!" 

"Release who?"

"The old men from the Immortal Realm who tried to pick a fight with me after I destroyed the Machine Empire's army." Alicia said with a wry smile. She did not mean to leave them there, they had slipped her mind. She only meant to punish them for a short while but after going through the tower and rushing to leave to return home, she had completely forgotten about them.

"Haha! Serves them right! They will eventually get free…. Maybe..." Grandpa Mu said with a laugh.

Alicia shook her head and smiled as she looked at her surroundings as they exited the tear. "Were in outer space!?"

Alica was shocked! She had no idea that they would be traveling in outer space! "Yes if you turn around you will see the planet we just left." 

Alicia did as Grandpa Mu said and turned around. She was shocked at what she saw. It was not a planet in a sense of how it looked. But many floating landmasses hovering above one another surrounded in a layer of white mist. There seemed to be a large barrier around each landmass that split them apart and kept them from interfering with one another. "So this was why there were so many different planes…." 

"Most cultivator worlds look like this. But you can not exit them in the same way as normal planets. You need to actually tear space and pass through a void as we did just now, to leave the planet or enter it. Each cultivator world is created under what's called a heavenly law. Our Celestial world is similar in this aspect. It's planets like Phantasia that are a bit strange. That world has many hidden dimensions and the feeling I get from them even scares me. For some reason, your planet has many hidden ancient powerful forces. Powerful enough to shake some of the major powers that roam out here." Grandpa Mu explained.

"I am a lot more powerful than you now, so I can at least investigate these anomalies while I finish my quest to see the lands of Phantasia. I noticed that there were quite a few strong beings on Phantasia, but now your words make me a bit more worried. " Alicia was worried now. She knew of a few powerful enemies but now those same enemies would not be much to her. But after hearing Grandpa Mu's words she couldn't help but worry. Why was Phantasia so special that it seemed to gather so many powerful entities?

"Whatever you decide to do, just be careful. I could feel about ten or so sources that were extremely powerful. What they are I do not know. They could be enemy or they could be friendly. Who knows, but I can tell they are very ancient." Grandpa Mu spoke in a very serious tone. He wanted to get his point across that Alicia would not act rashly.

"I will be very careful. I have enough enemies as it is. I do not want to make more." Alicia agreed. She did not need more enemies right now. She had enough of them!


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