Pokemon Master

Chapter 23

Chapter 23: Straying into a Secret Realm

Turning the time back to 6 hours before the Pingcheng Disaster Warning Center issued a disaster warning.

Fang Yuan and Eevee were practicing Sand Attack around the dense forest.


Eevee looked at the ground in front of it with a serious expression, it concentrated on its short and thin legs. Then the next moment, a stream of dust swept up, in dust, there was a lot of sand that rushed in front of Eevee.


The big stone block moved by Fang Yuan was smashed with the oncoming Sand Attack, and its surface was quickly covered with a layer of sand after shaking slightly.


Fang Yuan wiped his sweat, he didn't expect that Eevee’s practice efficiency of the Sand Attack move would be so much higher than Quick Attack.

After half a month, Eevee could quite skillfully use the Quick Attack, but it was more skillful in the Sand attack.

Moreover, the visual effect of the Sand Attack looked much better than it did on the beach.

In the beginning, Eevee’s sand attack was just to push out a small pile of fine sand, but now, Fang Yuan felt like there was a mini sand storm, which shows that Eevee’s control of the ground type energy was very good.

“By stacking sandcastles Eevee was able to learn Sand Attack. It must be having talent in this field…”

Fang Yuan smiled, Quick Attack and Sand Attack, Eevee could now skillfully use these two moves. In the special training, Eevee’s basic quality was also steadily improving every day, as well as their hidden card Anticipation. Although Eevee still couldn't master it well, it was much better than at the beginning.

Its strength, after three weeks of special training, could be said to have undergone earth-shaking changes, and Eevee‘s temperament has also changed a lot.

No one would believe that it was only a month old.

"Eevee, in the next Quick Attack special training, it will be the same old rule, 800 meters distance, requires 90 seconds to come back, the number of mistakes should not be more than 5."

Due to the obstacles in the run, the actual distance has exceeded 800 meters, but this was not a difficult challenge for Eevee who was skillful in using the Quick Attack.


Seeing that Eevee was ready, Fang Yuan took out his watch and was ready to start counting. However, at this time, he suddenly felt something was wrong. At the same time, Eevee’s body tightened, and looked around vigilantly.

“You also feel something is wrong.”

“Vee.” Eevee nodded.

They both felt an unexplained sense of pressure almost at the same moment. After hesitating for a moment, Eevee began to move, gently shook the cream-colored neck, its fluffy tail touched the ground, its long ears swayed slightly, and looked at the sky with worried eyes.

Compared with the repression Fang Yuan felt, the instinctive warning brought by Anticipation made Eevee more sensitive.

"We'd better get out first."

Fang Yuan immediately had the idea of ending the special training. He tightened his clothes and while Eevee quickly jumped onto his shoulder.

However, Fang Yuan just walked a few steps, and an unexpected change already appeared. An invisible energy tide came, and the earth’s spatial structure seems to be rewritten in an instant, resulting in the emergence of countless channels of different dimensions……..

Not surprisingly, they got involved in it.



This was Fang Yuan and Eevee's last thought.


As soon as they opened their closed eyes, the surrounding environment became strange.

Fang Yuan's heart was pounding and his face was stupefied, he did not know what was going on.

Eevee was also scared by the strange change and hugged Fang Yuan's neck.

The two guys were becoming more nervous. Encountering this kind of thing, it was already good they didn’t faint.

Purple, blue, cyan…

Three kinds of colors enveloped them, and their depth was constantly changing in Fang Yuan and Eevee’s eyes, and from time to time white cracks would appear, which almost blinded both of them. But fortunately, this visual bombing did not last long, and they were completely covered by a white light.

“Did I transmigrate again?”


This must be a jungle…josei

Fang Yuan looked around for a while, and then suddenly seemed to think of something, and suddenly showed a bitter melon face.

He sort of figured out what was going on.

Secret Realm!

They should have strayed into a secret realm!

Since the secret realm started integrating on a large scale a hundred years ago, the emergence of secret realms has never stopped.

Every time a new secret realm appears, it would inevitably bring harm to the local ecology and towns.

It was to guard against the dangers of the secret realm that the Trainers Association would set up a branch in each area, in order to respond in time when the new secret realms appear.

"According to the size, the secret realm can be divided into super large, large, medium, small, and super small…"

“Generally speaking, the smaller the secret realm is, the faster it will merge with earth space, and the more unstable the space-time channel will be that connects two different spaces around it.”

“Eevee and I have strayed into the secret realm so easily. So mostly, it should be a super small secret realm and therefore danger shouldn’t be too big…”

Fang Yuan didn’t have much confidence in himself. He took out his mobile phone and as expected, because he was in a secret realm, he could not use it. Even the time in the watch was completely stopped. Just like what the textbook taught, all the electronic devices were useless in the secret realm. This kind of failure would last until the secret realm has completely integrated with the earth and the surrounding space structure has gradually stabilized.

"Eevee, let's just stay here and wait for help." Fang Yuan cautiously said.

Each Trainer Association branch has a device to detect the fluctuation of the secret realm. The larger the scale of the secret realm, the easier it was to detect the fluctuation.

Large and super large secret realms, because their fluctuations were so significant that they could be detected months before they appear, which gives the Trainers Association enough time to respond.

However, for a super small secret realm, as far as Fang Yuan remembered it couldn’t be detected until about 6 hours after the appearance of the secret realms which was a bit dangerous. So it's actually the super-small secret realms that harm the ordinary person right now.

According to the Trainers' Association, the best thing for ordinary people who strayed into the secret realms was to find a safe place to stay and wait for a professional trainer to come to the rescue.

Although Fang Yuan was a trainer, he didn't plan to run around and die, because the Pokemon in the secret realms were not very friendly.

After the secret realm comes in contact with the earth, perhaps because of some difference the vast majority of the Pokemon inhabiting the secret realm would become very manic, very aggressive, and destructive. Even some gentle Pokemons were no exception to it.

Academicians call this Alien syndrome, but students prefer to call it acclimatization.

This kind of symptom of Pokemon, in addition to artificial treatment, needs a long time to alleviate, before they can return to their original character.

"Calm down. Must be Calm down." Thinking of this, Fang Yuan looked at Eevee, baby, we are really unlucky.

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