Pokemon Master

Chapter 24

Chapter 24: Salac Berry

Realizing their current situation, Fang Yuan and Eevee began to observe around.

The ground was full of soft green grass, which has grown to the height of the calf and you could see several trees, which seemed to grow denser as the distance grows.

"Why do I feel that there is no safe place? It seems that there is also…"

Fang Yuan gulped, and the next second…



Suddenly, Fang Yuan and Eevee heard the sound of the grass shaking.

Eevee glanced at the square edge.

What a crow's mouth.

(TN: Crow’s mouth means a person who makes an inauspicious remark)

Fang Yuan’s face also turned black, anything that can go wrong will go wrong, he shouldn’t be so unlucky, this has been just a few minutes, was a pokemon staring at them?

So how to wait for rescue now?

Fang Yuan and Eevee held their breath and tried to not make any noise. They didn’t want to interfere with the other party’s judgment, but they underestimated Pokemon’s sense of smell.


After a moment, a mouse-shaped pokemon with a lavender-colored body came out… Its biggest feature was its two big front teeth.

“Scared the hell out of me, Eevee, do it.”

“Vee!” Eevee changed to fighting posture.


Ratta had triangular red eyes and a long cream-colored beard on its cheek. With grinding teeth, it was staring at Eevee with a vicious expression.

“Rattata… just a small character. Eevee, don’t be afraid, it’s time to apply the result of your special training to actual combat, eh?”

Just as Fang Yuan was saying something, the Rattata had launched an attack, its limb exploded with great power and in the blink of an eye rushed out using Quick attack.

In a straight line?

You are looking down on whom!

“Sand Attack” Fang Yuan quickly said.

Such a straight quick attack, even Eevee no longer used it anymore. It was too easy to see through and crack. Eevee's forelimbs slammed hard and instantly a cloud of sweeping dust-covered Rattata’s sight.


Fang Yuan tried his best to make a calm judgment, this was his first time commanding a battle as a new trainer. To say that he was not nervous would be absolutely false.

Fortunately, Eevee was very strong and understood Fang Yuan’s intentions.

Compared with Rattata’s Quick Attack, Eevee’s quick attack was faster and more flexible.

Around the dust-covered area, Eevee turned into a shadow and moved quickly. At the same time, Fang Yuan was staring inside….

“Right now!”

The dust surged and the moment Rattata rushed out, Eevee took advantage of the situation and slammed it back.

With a bang, Rattata fell to the ground, rolled a long distance on the ground, and then lost consciousness.

The victory was decided.

Eevee showed a proud look.

But before they could be happy for long, Fang Yuan and Eevee’s faces changed. The movement was too loud, there seemed to be pokemon coming over, and it seemed there were a lot of them.


Rattata was strong, it was not its strength that was strong, but its tenacious vitality. This vitality allowed Rattata to live in any environment. Combined with their terrifying reproduction rate, the Rattata was far more dangerous than most Pokemon.

Flies, mosquitoes, rats, cockroaches, rats are one of the four hazards, even in Pokemon it was applicable.

The Trainer Association has never relaxed its efforts to control the Rattata in the wild.

"The number of Rattata here is probably not low."

Realizing this, Fang Yuan and Eevee quickly broke away from the grass and ran into an open field towards a big tree.josei

But… After seeing a Spearow from the tree, Fang Yuan's face became darker, and chose to go around.

They couldn’t afford to provoke a villain like Spearow.

You know, in the animation, Ash just accidentally hit a Spearow on the head with a stone, which attracted hundreds of Spearow to kill him….

Little Evee was not capable of fighting one against a hundred like Pikachu.

Fang Yuan and Eevee wanted to find a safe place and stay honest, but they found that there were Pokemon everywhere, and because of the alien syndrome, when these pokemon would see them, they would attack them like crazy and won't stop.

Fortunately, these Pokemon were not strong….

Fang Yuan was glad that the disaster level of this secret place was not high, which was good.

After solving a Snadshrew, they changed their direction again, because there was another Sandshrew staring at Eevee.

Fang Yuan finally understood what it means to be surrounded by enemies from all directions.

They fought one after another, although the intensity of the fight was not very high, they would definitely be finished if they fought a few more times or were surrounded by a large number of pokemon.

They must quickly find a place where there were few Pokemons.

Now Fang Yuan was very moved, thanks to his intentional training of the Eevee’s ability, because of Eevee’s Anticipation, they have been lucky to avoid several sneak attacks.

At the same time, he was also moved by himself … Daily exercise has finally paid off, at least now he was able to run when pokemon chased him.

"100 push-ups! 100 sit-ups!100 squats! Then run 10km! Eat three good meals a day. You must stick to it every day!"

After running for an unknown time, they came upon a tree that seemed to have no Pokemon.

However, when Fang Yuan and Eevee looked at it, they suddenly showed a surprised expression. It looked like a berry tree?

“Is it a Berry tree?”

After careful observation, Fang Yuan found that there were several green berries on the tree.

"It doesn't look ripe yet… It's a pity."

"No… This shape… It looks so familiar."

Fang Yuan tried his best to recall. After a while, he cried with joy.

Salac Berry!

The top existence in the berry.

In the ancient legend, the Salac berry is said to contain the power of the sky, which could increase the speed of the pokemon!

This kind of berry is so rare that only a few of them have been found in secret realms all over the world and when they are found, they are protected as treasures.

Facing the swinging berries in the tree, Fang Yuan’s eyes just stared straight and emitted a green light.

“Eevee, go pick it.”

“We don’t seem to be unlucky, but… very lucky.”


The taste of Salac berry should be good. Although Fang Yuan didn't eat it, he saw Eevee eating it with relish.

On this tree, a total of four Salac berries were found. If these Salac berries were sold at auction, their value would be snatched out wildly.

However, Fang Yuan had no intention of doing that, because even if he took it out, the final ownership of Salac berries would not be on him.

You can’t be too greedy.

Might as well….

“Is it delicious?”

Watching Eevee eat all the four Salac berries to the core and leaving no pulp behind, Fang Yuan asked bitterly.

It was good not to waste it.

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