Post-apocalyptic World: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning

Chapter 129

Chapter 129

Chen Luo gave Xia Haoran a Level 4 physical crystal to help him advance to Level 4 more quickly.

Deducting 300 points from Xia Haoran, Xia Haoran had accumulated a substantial 1128 points in total, nearing the required 1500 points for promotion to Elder status. Xia Haoran didn’t mind as earning 30 to 40 points a day was still quite effortless for him.

Chen Luo remarked, “Notify me when you reach Level 4.”

At Level 4 of the Physical ability users, one could selectively temper specific body parts. Chen Luo advised Xia Haoran to focus on strengthening his hands to avoid unnecessary detours.

If Thunderbolt King were to find out about this, he might exclaim, “Wow, back in my day, I only received 100 points for a Level 4 crystal, and now you’ve turned around and sold it for 300 points?” It was essentially profiting as an intermediary.

When Chen Luo returned to the villa, Thunderbolt King was playing with Xiao Hong. Xiao Hong lay on the ground, looking dispirited and uninterested.

Seeing Chen Luo, Thunderbolt King nervously observed him, hoping he hadn’t plan to turn Xiao Hong into fried chicken.

Master, Xiao Hong belongs to me.

Xiao Hong had been quite energetic when it arrived in the morning, but now it seemed to be running out of energy. If Law King continued to overexert it like this, how much longer could it live?

Chen Luo scolded, “Didn’t I ask you to take care of it? Is it going to lay eggs this way? Take good care of it and don’t keep pressing on it.”

After some thought, Chen Luo gave Xiao Hong two Level 3 crystals.

“Thunderbolt King, if Xiao Hong doesn’t know how, teach it how to absorb these.”

Over at Jiang Long’s place, crystals were in short supply, and there weren’t enough people. How could they possibly allocate crystals to chickens? Even if they had enough, who would have thought that chickens could absorb them?

If Xiao Hong could grow, perhaps its taste would become even more delicious, or it might lay more eggs in the future?

Back in his room, Chen Luo continued absorbing Level 3 crystals. There weren’t many Level 4 crystals, and he preferred absorbing a large quantity of Level 3 crystals. The Level 4 crystals would be reserved for outstanding members.

Unless they were Level 6 crystals, they wouldn’t have a significant effect on Chen Luo. The effects of Level 4 and 5 crystals weren’t as pronounced, especially since Chen Luo was already at Level 5.

Rice, on the other hand, was Chen Luo’s top priority in terms of cultivation. Although Rice’s precognitive abilities were abnormal, they could currently only sense events that would occur within about ten minutes. Even for Chen Luo, Mi Li, and the others, she could only predict dangers that might happen within half an hour.

Unable to sense events happening beyond a few days or more in the future, Chen Luo realized that he might need to raise the level of Rice’s abilities to extend the prediction timeframe.

The following day, Melody focused on improving the seeds within the base, dedicating herself to working with them every day. As for Xiao Yu, Chen Luo didn’t allow her to search for crystals outside due to the dangers involved. She had just arrived and was still at a low level; they would consider it once she reached Level 3.

Chen Luo asked Shu Yun to accompany her during some exercises and specifically instructed her, “Keep a close eye on her.”

Chen Luo, on the other hand, went out with Rice and Mi Li.

Chen Luo understood that true mastery of skills often required combat experience. He kept his power level at three, equivalent to that of zombies, in order to push himself further.

Chen Luo set a goal for himself: if he couldn’t gain new skills within three months, he would let Thunderbolt King slap him again.

Meanwhile, Rice had already gained a new skill, “Dancing Fire Snake.” This allowed her to transform her psychic power into a snake-like form, which didn’t disappear after killing a zombie and could continue attacking more.

Although Rice had reached Level 4, her ability to use large-scale skills was still limited due to insufficient psychic power. Even if she could, the effect would be minimal, covering at most a dozen meters. It wasn’t very useful when zombies were packed closely together.

Upon returning, they noticed an unfamiliar person outside the base: Song Ling, one of Zhao Hai’s subordinates. Song Ling respectfully informed Chen Luo, “Boss Chen, Zhao Hai has been invited to meet with Qi Lin to discuss how to deal with Ye Gaofei. He’s invited many people, including you. Zhao Hai wants to know your opinion, and if you agree, he’ll accompany you there.”

Even though Zhao Hai hadn’t introduced Chen Luo or revealed his extraordinary abilities, Qi Lin was aware that Chen Luo only recruited Level 3 members, indicating that his strength must be exceptional.

Chen Luo was a bit surprised that they were moving so quickly to deal with Ye Gao Fei. However, it made sense; Ye Gaofei was aggressive, and a swift response was necessary. There wasn’t much time to waste.

He wondered if they were planning to engage in a direct confrontation, which could result in many casualties. Or perhaps they had a different strategy in mind. Chen Luo couldn’t help but wonder if the survivors had the courage to engage in such large-scale combat, and he suspected that many might flee midway through the battle.

Chen Luo was also curious about how Qi Lin and the others planned to deal with Ye Gaofei. If they knew when the battle would take place, they could potentially intervene when things got dangerous for him in Long Yu, making it easier to bring him under their control.

Chen Luo readily agreed to Zhao Hai’s proposal.

In the afternoon at 5 PM, Chen Luo arrived at Zhao Hai’s location alone, while Zhao Hai led over fifty people to Qi Lin’s place.

Zhao Hai didn’t have the same courage as Chen Luo to go alone. If it weren’t for Chen Luo, he might have brought even more people.

On the way, Zhao Hai provided Chen Luo with detailed information about Qi Lin. Qi Lin was known for being ruthless, daring, and quite arrogant.

The question lingered in Chen Luo’s mind: could someone like Qi Lin tolerate becoming a subordinate and slowly being overshadowed by Ye Gaofei’s authority?

Qi Lin’s base was located within a resort, boasting excellent surroundings. When the apocalypse occurred, Qi Lin was already here, enjoying a vacation. This base had been developed by him. At the time, he was vacationing with a group of his underlings, and they were all present.

The attendees included more than ten bosses, each with several hundred subordinates under their command. Small groups like Deng Xianhong’s, which had only around twenty members, were not invited by Qi Lin.

Qi Lin warmly welcomed each person with a hearty laugh. For a gathering like this, he couldn’t simply neglect the hospitality. They all sat around a large outdoor table.

After taking a puff of his cigarette, Qi Lin began, “That kid Ye Gaofei, he’s really gone too far. Couldn’t we all develop independently without any issues? His ambitions are just too grand; he wants to swallow all of us.”

“Heck, even if his old man were still alive, he wouldn’t dare talk to me that way,” Qi Lin continued confidently.

Zhao Hai chimed in, “Brother Qi, you’re not exaggerating. In terms of wealth, you’re on par with Ye Gaofei’s family, if not even higher. Besides, Ye Gao Fei is just an heir; he’s not the one in charge.”

Qi Lin burst into laughter, saying, “Forget about the wealth from before the apocalypse; it’s meaningless now. Today, everyone here is a brother.”josei

After some more casual chatter, Qi Lin got to the point, “To be honest, the way Ye Gaofei is handling things, we don’t really need to do anything. It won’t take long for him to self-destruct; he can’t sustain so many people on his own.”

“His idea of collective resources might sound good, but can it actually work?” someone asked.

“But he’s being aggressive, trying to eliminate us first. That’s not something we can tolerate,” another person chimed in.

“Listen, I have a way to deal with Ye Gaofei. Once he’s gone, his base will fall into chaos. We can block them, and trust me, it won’t lead to a full-blown conflict,” Qi Lin explained. “And then, we can divide his people among ourselves. Now, let’s not beat around the bush; I’ll be responsible for taking out Ye Gaofei, but I’ll take a 30% cut of the resources from his base.”

Chen Luo squinted his eyes, intrigued by Qi Lin’s claim that he had a way to eliminate Ye Gaofei. Could it be that Qi Lin was behind Ye Gaofei’s death?

One person in the group asked, “Brother Qi, could you tell us how you plan to eliminate Ye Gaofei?”

Qi Lin simply smiled but didn’t answer the question directly.

“All right, those who are willing to join in dealing with Ye Gaofei, show your support,” Qi Lin said.

Everyone, including Zhao Hai, nodded in agreement. Not only would they be able to deal with Ye Gaofei, but they would also get a share of his people and resources.

Chen Luo shook his head and said, “I have fewer people, so I won’t participate.”

Qi Lin chuckled and said ominously, “Do you know there’s a tradition in fights like these? It’s ‘kill the bystander first.'”

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