President, go away!

Chapter 810

Chapter 810

"What are you doing standing? Come and have dinner." the colder she opened her mouth, did not look at her, but sat down at the table.

Su Xingchen didn't move his steps, still stubbornly stood in place, but a pretty face had fluctuating emotions.

In front of the man, he did things between husband and wife with her and had breakfast face to face with her.

But what is it between them? They are neither husband and wife nor lovers. They are nothing.

"Shi Yue, do you think it's interesting for us to entangle like this? You took me away from the wedding just because you were unwilling. You don't love me at all, do you?"

"Love?" she smiled faintly, "Su Xingchen, you haven't grown up after so many things?"

Su Xingchen stood there, a little at a loss.

She really has some extravagant hopes.

"I see. Can I leave now? I disappeared all night last night. If I don't go home again, my mother will be worried." she turned in a panic, and there was only one thought in her head, that is to escape him.

When she looked at her, her face became a little ugly. "Go home? Which home do you want to go back to? The Su family or the Wang family?"

The tone is very light and light, but with a trace of coldness, which is obviously different from the tone just now.

Wang Jia, these two words made Su Xingchen tremble in his heart and stopped his steps involuntarily.

The colder the time, the more charming the voice sounded behind him, "Su Xingchen, if you leave, I'll fight the Wang family."

Su Xingchen turned back and looked at his eyes full of puzzlement. He shot at the Wang family. What's her business?!

If you want to do it, do it. It's not against the Su family!

After all, the Su family has nothing to let her do.

"You can not care about the Wang family or Wang Yizhi, but Su Xingchen, you can't ignore Wang Yike. If you can ignore her, you can leave." he casually hooked his lips and picked up the dishes and chopsticks on the table, even eating noodles, with great elegance. josei

Su Xingchen was stunned in situ, his hand under his sleeve was clenched, and his palm even sweated.

This man is really good at grasping her weakness.

"Come to dinner, don't let me say it for the third time." the colder the tone, with a little impatience.

Su Xingchen bit his lip and thought for a long time. Some of them sat nervously opposite Shiyue. The chopsticks in his hand were agitated. "Shiyue, how do you deal with Wang Yizhi? I can't control it, but it's not as bad as my family. It's my best friend. I don't want her to experience what I'm going to experience."

When she looked up at her, she smiled, "Su Xingchen, when can you change your virgin heart?"

"I can't change it." Su Xingchen answered softly.

"Eat." the more you don't bother to pay attention to her, he ordered directly.

Su Xingchen nodded indifferently, took the noodles to the entrance, and then ate two. There was another tumult in her stomach. She got up in a hurry and ran into the bathroom. There was a clear retch sound in the bathroom, and then the sound of running water.

After a long time, Su Xingchen came out with a pale face, "sorry, I'm not used to eating such greasy things in the morning."

She stared at her for a long time and frowned, "you're really hypocritical."

"..." Su Xingchen was embarrassed when he said so.

She really can't get used to eating so greasy noodles and noodles full of chili oil in the morning.

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