Punished by His Love

Chapter 284

Chapter 284

Chapter 284

Chapter 284

Lilly’s eyes immediately flashed like small stars: “Smelly…Will you buy me a present?”

“Yes!” the man said solemnly.

He didn’t communicate with the children very much, so his tone of voice was as serious as when he talked to the subordinates of the company.

Lilly didn’t believe it a little bit: “Are you telling the truth?”

“I always count the words!” Arron rolled his eyes.

Until now he still called him “Smelly!” ‘

How stinky is he!

After he finished speaking, he turned and entered the room. Yu Suzi and Lilly’s wife stood outside. Lilly blinked and looked at Suzi: “Mom, did I offend the bad guy?”

Suzi was about to be defeated by a girl.

She squatted down and said softly to the girl’s ear: “The only thing is, when you want a gift and he can give you a gift, you should not call him a badass, at least on the surface.

Understand! “

Lilly was happy in his heart.

In fact, she didn’t want to call the bad guys all day today. The reason why she called the bad guys was to show her mother. She was afraid that her mother would be sad.

Now that his mother has said that he can not call the bad guys, Shen Zhilong is naturally happy: “I know my mother, and I will not call him bad guys. Mom, let’s come in. Aunt Tian has already cooked food. I have eaten them, but if you keep coming back, I dare not sleep.”

Suzi nodded: “Mom will coax you to sleep in a while.”

It is already the greatest comfort for her to be able to look at my daughter more than once a day.

Arron behind him ordered Lilly: “Go to the toy room!”

Lilly was still a little afraid of Arron.

But I also felt that Arron had promised to buy her a gift for the children, and if she was disobedient, he would stop repenting.

Toy room?

Where did she come from the toy room? Not knowing where to go, Lilly was so angry that he was shouted by Sister Li: “Little princess, come here.”

The only one who followed Li’s wife to the door of the room that had never been opened before, the only moment Li’s wife opened the door, the only person was stunned.

Then she screamed: “Wow! Wow!


Come and see! “

Suzi ran over quickly, staring blankly.

In just one day, the decoration in this house was dreamlike.

The walls cannot be painted in a short time, but the walls are also covered with childlike fabric stickers. The huge toy room is as large as forty to fifty square meters and contains pure solid wood children’s furniture. Children’s princess bed, small slide, children’s building block house that can accommodate one person, children’s bicycle, and colored balls.

There is also a children’s simulation bus toy house.



There are more toys in this toy room than the only kindergarten.

Lilly rushed into the dollhouse for a while and touched this, and then he touched that, giggling with a smile.

Not far behind, Sister Li looked at all this and couldn’t help feeling that, after so many years, the young master’s house had a human touch for the first time.

“Playing in the room by myself.” At some unknown time, Arron came to the door and said blankly.

Lilly rolled his eyes and nodded: “Yeah.”

Then he looked at Suzi: “Mom, go to dinner, don’t play with me.” The little thing is very smart, so you can just watch everything once.

She seemed to understand that the badass actually didn’t want her to influence her mother’s meal, so she let her play in the toy room alone.

Suzi nodded and turned to eat.

To be honest, after meeting with him once, she was almost like a tool man. She didn’t speak and did nothing. However, it was more than nine o’clock now, and she was indeed hungry.

Sao Li first brought up a plate of delicious and delicious vegetarian food, a plate of purple cabbage with orange juice, a slice of spiced beef, and then a large bowl of pork ribs and yam soup, the pork ribs inside are all on the ribs. The muscles are connected to the flesh, soft, without losing the muscles and bones.

Looking at it makes people very appetizing.

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