Punished by His Love

Chapter 285

Chapter 285

Chapter 285

Chapter 285

Smelling the scent, Suzi, who was already hungry, really aroused his appetite. As soon as she came down, Arron also sat opposite her.

Suzi: “…”

Eat with him?

She dare not.

Very cramped.

“Why are you sitting, serve me some food!” the man said blankly.

“Oh…” Suzi answered obediently.

Pick up the rice spoon and serve him rice.

He kept looking at her expressionlessly, her heart was nervous, her hands trembling involuntarily when the rice was served, a spoonful of rice poured more than half of the rice bowl, and the other half fell on the dinner table.

The man reached out and grabbed her rice spoon: “You can’t do something as simple as serving rice. You still want to go outside with a man all day long!”

Suzi: “…”

A wave of grievances came to my heart.

Isn’t it what he said, let her pay 10 million in debt! Let her pay it back by herself!

Blame her now?

Tears pattered down.

Suzi didn’t want Arron to see her tears.

In front of him, what is so hypocritical!

She lowered her head desperately, and swallowed her tears hard. But saw a bowl of rice pushed in front of her.

“Is it enough?” the man asked in a deep voice.

Suzi didn’t hear it, she thought the man asked her why she bowed her head. Thinking that the man saw her disappointing tears, she shook her head in a panic. By the way, tears flew away.

The man withdrew his job back in an instant. When it was pushed to Suzi again, the rice bowl became a small mountain bag.

Suzi stared at the dinner blankly.

Is he feeding the pigs?

She has never eaten so much before!

“I… why did you serve me so much rice?” She couldn’t even eat half of it, okay.

Arron’s tone was extremely calm: “Didn’t you want it?! If you want it, you have to finish it!”

Suzi: “…”

Is this another punishment for her?

“I can’t eat it.” Suzi whispered.

“If you can’t eat it, you have to eat it! The skinny skinny, pinched up and down all over the body, there is no meat, and I still want to accompany a man all the time!” The man yelled angrily.

Suzi: “…”

After a long while, she obediently lowered her head and worked hard to pick up that dinner.

Finally, a small mountain was wiped out by her and turned into a flat ground, and a rib with bone and meat was placed in her bowl.

Suzi: “I… I can’t finish eating.”

“If you only eat rice and no vegetables, I…” The man was about to say, he would deliver ribs to her bowl one by one.

Until she finished eating all the ribs in this big bowl.

But she heard Suzi nodding repeatedly: “I eat, I eat, I eat by myself.”

He served her meals and served her dishes, she was not only flattered, she was terrified, OK?

“Yes.” After he finished speaking, the man ate and ate the vegetables by himself.

To be honest, the ribs stewed were really delicious. After finishing one of them, Suzi couldn’t help but stretch out his chopsticks to grab the second one.

As a result, it was caught on Arron’s chopsticks.

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