Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 346

Chapter 346: Spent the night together

Days passed and in the blink of an eye, it was only three days left before the day where the Leader of L Clan and Mystic Clan would meet at district 13.

Ever since Elder Dam and Senja disappeared from M City, the Black Sword Clan was under Wang Yu authority. For this moment in time, Azura's people was in turmoil because of the fact that those people who should be sentenced to death were actually still alive and the person who must be questioned, Senja and Elder Dam, suddenly drop out of sight, nowhere to be found.

After two months without any news and wasn't able to catch Senja and Elder Dam, The Emperor of Azura labeled them as a fugitive and issued an ordered to kill them on the spot.

This progress of the situation was within Xiao Tianyao and Xiao Jun's plan. Meanwhile, even though by law, the authority of the Black Sword Clan was under Wang Yu's grasp, but their loyalty still pledged onto Elder Dam.

In the same day Xiao Tianyao and Xiao Jun would be heading to M City district 13, Senja and Elder Dam would be heading to Greenhill Mountain, the location of the Greenhill Mountain was outside the kingdom's borders and quite far from them, it would take a week to reach the place.

But before that they would meet with hundreds of the Shadow Guards at the border of Azura.

In other words, Senja and Xiao Tianyao would be separated once again. Thus, tonight inside Senja's room Xiao Tianyao was trying to persuade the sulking girl in his laps.

"So, how long it will take until you can reach Greenhill Mountain?" Senja pouted.

"At least it will take a month and half for me to…" Xiao Tianyao tried to explain it to Senja, but the girl was furious after she heard the time that needed until they could meet with each other again.

"A month and half!?" Senja's eyes widen in her attempt to confirm Xiao Tianyao's words.josei

He looked at the girl in his arms lovingly and chuckled when he nodded. "Yes, more or less it will take a month and half for me before I finished the matter at M City and arrived in the Greenhill Mountain."

"Damn! Before, you leave me for three months and now you say you wanted to leave me for another month?" Senja said in her irritation.

**Why the way he talk about 'a month' like he talk about the period time of 'a day'?**

"No! Take me with you, I won't let you down." Senja tried her best to let herself came along with him as well, but Xiao Tianyao was very adamant about not to bring Senja along.

"You can't come with me, you know that." Xiao Tianyao tried to push Senja's head onto his chest, but his furious little cat, didn't want that gesture and brushed his hand away. "With all the threat and Xiao Zi's ordered to kill you on the spot, how can I let you roaming around the city?"

Xiao Tianyao got the point, but…

"I will hide and cover myself well."

Xiao Tianyao shook his head and smile helplessly. "The risk is too high, I can't take it. Also…" He traced Senja's purple hair with his finger. "The hair of yours is so extraordinary, it will draw more attention and it will draw attention the same if you cover it."

Senja brushed away his hand from her hair and glared. "Maybe there is something that I can help later? For example, like translate the Ki language again?"

"No, you will be saver if you go with grandfather." Xiao Tianyao still didn't give in at her.

"Fine!" Senja threw her hands in surrender gestured as she got off from Xiao Tianyao's lap, sulkily she stomp over to her bed and buried her face on the pillow.

Senja mumbled something about; Xiao Tianyao didn't like her anymore and she was a burden for him and another thing that Xiao Tianyao didn't hear it clearly.

The man pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed deep breath before he strode over to Senja bedside.

"Senja, you know you can't come with me…" He said softly. Bring her to the city was the last thing he wanted to do, even though he believed Senja could cover herself just fine. But, to think that she was under Xiao Zi surveillance and with all Xiao Zi's people were everywhere, it made him antsy. He wouldn't allow any harm come to her even if it was only a possibility.

"No, I don't know!" Senja snapped at him and showed her messy face with her hair all over her face before she buried her face again on the pillow. She didn't know why Xiao Tianyao was very stubborn to leave her behind. She knew Xiao Zi's order, but she also knew that she was capable to protect and cover herself, she has the ability, yet Xiao Tianyao didn't understand it.

"You know, even if you keep sulking like this, my answer is still no." Xiao Tianyao said sternly and it only invited Senja to make a long wailing cry.

Tiredly, he was laid down beside her without saying anything and patted her back. He let her to yowl as long as she wanted.

These past few days were very hectic, his insomnia kicked in and he got lack of sleep in many nights, now when he laid his head with the girl beside him, even though she was throwing tantrum right now, he felt his eyelids very heavy and Senja presence made him feel contented.

Senja kept wailing while Xiao Tianyao was patting her back, but not long after that, there was no movement from him. His hand didn't move again as its still on her back. Curiously, Senja raised her face from the pillow and looked over him.

She tilted her head to the side only to find Xiao Tianyao was fast asleep beside her, his breath was even and shallow. Abruptly, Senja stopped wailing and gritted her teeth in annoyance.

"How could you fall asleep while I am complaining?" She grumbled under her breath.

Yet, when she looked how tired Xiao Tianyao was, she sighed weakly and turned her body so she could face him, she arranged his hand on her back so it was wrapped around her waist as she snuggled closer to him.

She buried her face on his chest as she breathed on his scent that drifted her into slumber state as well.

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