Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 347

Chapter 347: The answer is still no

Early in the morning, the stinging warm sensation fell on Senja's cheeks that woke her up. Her eyelashes fluttered as she tried to open her eyelids, as soon as she opened it, the sunlight welcome her sleepy eyes.

Senja groaned with the blinding light, wriggled her body to avoid it, but something was holding her down or more precise, someone had been holding her waist and put her in a tight hug that caused she couldn't possible to move leisurely.

She traced up the strong arms that trapped her body with her drowsy eyes and found Xiao Tianyao face right on the top of her head, still in his deep sleep. It was so rare to see him in this kind of state, oblivious with his surrounding, let his guard down completely. Even when Senja moved uncomfortable under his embraced it didn't wake him up.

After sometime Senja stopped moving around and diverted her attention to his dozing face. She raised her hand to brush away his unruly hair and traced down his jawline, feeling his skin under her finger as she smiled childishly. Something made her happy in that span of moment and she didn't know why.

Only by looking his sleeping face, it made her heart fluttered and she felt contented. She pushed herself up to kiss his chin and immediately drew herself back to gauge his reaction. But, he was still asleep.

Feeling playful, Senja kissed his chin again while giggling like a teenager. Well, she was still teenager in this era.

After several attempt, finally Senja got reaction from him as he groaned and tightened his embraced, put his face on the crooked of her shoulder while speaking hoarsely. "What are you doing?"

"Wake you up." Senja said innocently between her laughed. "I think it's almost afternoon. We have skipped breakfast." She informed him.

But, instead got up Xiao Tianyao gave her light kisses from her shoulder up to her ear, in an instant Senja's body tensed up. She tried to release herself from Xiao Tianyao with no avail.

"Wh… what are you doing?" Senja choked in her breath as she felt the tickles down from her ears to her spine that caused her body to shudder. josei

"Wake you up." Xiao Tianyao said sleepily, as though he was still not aware with what he was doing now.

"Stop it. I am awake already!" Senja shook her head vigorously to shake his lips that nibbled in her earlobe. Her heart almost burst out of the extreme sensation that it caused.

However, Xiao Tianyao kept her head in place by gripping the back of her head. "Are you awake now?"

**Geez! This man!** Senja grumbled in her heart.

"Stop it…" Senja's voice shaken and she giggled while trying to free herself.

In the next moment, Xiao Tianyao stopped his action and laughed softly on her shoulder before he kissed her head and got off from the bed.

"Tianyao, our discussion not yet ended." Senja got back to the topic that he left behind because he fell asleep last night.

"No. It has reached conclusion. You will go with grandfather to the Greenhill Mountain." Xiao Tianyao said in finality.

The determination in his voice made Senja knew that there was no negotiation left for her.

Senja's eyes were downcast. "I want to be with you." She said honestly.

"I want to be with you also, but if that mean I will put you in the possible harm way then the answer is a 'no'" He explained softly this time as he strode over, bent slightly and lift Senja's chin gently. "Be good and wait for me, okay?"

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