Purple Romance

Chapter 96

Chapter 96: 96 I have little patience and a very bad temper.

Kobby let out a sarcastic chuckle and turned his head coming face to face with Calia. He didn't know when she woke up or how long she had stayed in that position watching him. Calia smiled when their eyes met. The sound of the phone's speaker was a little loud even though it wasn't on loudspeaker. Calia seemed to have heard everything as her eyes burrowed into him.

''Hello, are you still there? Actually, I don't mean to be this mean by stating all these cruel facts but the truth is, you and Calia are not fit for each other'' Rihan said when she heard no sound from the other side.

Calia sat up straight on the seat and lifted her hand casually towards the phone. She took it from Kobby's hand and spoke while holding Kobby's gaze.

''You are the one who doesn't deserve Kobby''

Rihan took the phone from her ears and checked the number before putting it back on her ear.

''You two were really together?'' Rihan said.

''Listen to me Rihan because I hate to repeat myself. I am a woman who has little patience and a really bad temper. I don't know how long I have to endure this silly game of yours but don't say I didn't warn you. Kobby is my man. I don't care whether he is a single father or not. my family isn't some delusional old fashioned aristocratic family that classify people based on their status in life. Your family's hospital? I can give my man 100 hospitals but I doubt he would want that because he isn't after what I have. He is a hardworking man who is capable of succeeding on his own and doesn't need to rely on a woman to achieve his goals. I was thinking of enduring you because of my aunt, but not anymore. You and I can never be friends, we only have a working relationship which will end the moment this show is over. Don't you dare tell my man any nonsense, do you hear me?''

Calia said all that and hung them not giving Rihan the chance to retort back. Back at the hotel, Rihan looked at the ended called and screamed. She threw the glass on the floor angrily.

Calia handed the phone over to Kobby saying, ''here, I'm sorry I took it from you. I just couldn't bear to listen to all the nonsense she was spouting''

''I know. I'm sorry you had to hear all that. I was speaking softly but I still woke you up?'' Kobby said.

''No, you didn't wake me up. I usually sleep late. I have been working tirelessly because of my show that is coming up and also on Maria's proposal party. I think I got a lot of good sleep just now'' Calia looked at her wrist watch ''is almost 22:30AM, you should go home and rest too''

''Do you not get enough sleep because of the show?'' Kobby asked softly and worriedly and Calia yawned and nodded her head.

''Yes, it happens every time we are having a show. Is always crazy but I'm used to it. I will get enough sleep after everything is over. Why? Are you worried about me?'' Calia asked and cocked her brows.

''Yes, I am worried about the woman who just claimed me as her man. If she breaks down because of working too much, I wonder who will say such heart fluttering words to me?'' Kobby said and Calia flushed. She realised they were leaning closer to each other and attempted to move her body back but Kobby held her wrist and casually placed it on his thigh making her to flush as he leaned even closer to her.

Calia vaguely saw his face leaning in but her mind went blank and she instinctively closed her eyes. The way he placed her hand on his thigh made them so intimate and Calia felt an electric current that flowed from his thighs to her hands and to all parts of her body. She felt her body heating up and her breath broke.

Kobby smiled seeing her reaction. It was a well-intended move that he made because he wanted her hand closer to himself but didn't want her to feel the sound of his heart beating fast by placing her hand on her chest. He then placed her hand on his thigh which turned out to be a mistake because a certain part of his body started heating up. He hurriedly kissed her forehead and moved backwards.

Calia opened her eyes and looked at him. He only just kissed her forehead. She didn't know whether to cry or be happy about that. Her whole body was heating up and she didn't think she would have minded if he kissed her on the lips but he just kissed her forehead after messing with her heart? She didn't dare look at him and looked outside.

'Go inside and rest. Tonight is our first day' Kobby said and Calia turned and looked at him confused.

''First day…of what?'' Calia asked.

''You just said I was your man? It means I am going to be the one doing the chasing now. You just be where you are and I will meet you'' Kobby said and tussled her hair playfully. Calia was totally out of it as she stared at him unbelievably. ''Why are you looking at me like that?'' Kobby asked.

''Wait, I think my mind just experience a moment of shock. Did you just say that to me right now?'' Calia asked.

''Is real, I just did say that to you. Calia, if you don't get down right now, I will take it that you want me to go further than just kissing your forehead. It took me a lot of self-control to do that'' Kobby teased her and she pursed her lips and got down. she waited and waved at him as he drove out of the big compound.

Calia smiled and turned to go to her quarters and saw her grandfather and got startled.

''Grandpa, you scared me? what are you doing up at this time?'' Calia asked.

''I came out to your quarters to ask you to help me score a round. I didn't expect you not to be inside but rather outside with a man. tell me, who is he? Your boyfriend?'' Old Mr. Denarius asked.

''Grandpa, don't even think about running a check on him?'' Calia warned the old man.

''I won' do that. I already had enough with Ad-Din. Do you think I like doing that? I am just worried about you people but you don't seem to care about my kind intentions at all'' the old man whined.

''Grandpa, that's not the case. Come inside, I will help you score a round and also tell you something even worth hearing'' Calia said and opened her door, going in with her grandpa.

''what? She wants to propose to Ad-Din?'' Old Mr. Denarius asked and looked at Calia.

''Yes, grandpa. The day is tomorrow and you and everyone must be there. Maria asked me to invite you but I was so busy that I didn't get the time to tell you''

''She really asked me to be there? Doesn't she hate me for what I did?'' Old Mr. Denarius asked sceptically.

''Not at all, grandpa. Maria is not that kind of person. Grandpa, right now, she needs our support. Ad-Din doesn't know about it and we intend to make it a surprise one. You know, he has been avoiding Maria for the past one month because of his relapse but Maria doesn't want him to feel lonely. This is for the future of your grandchild. Who knows, the great grandchild that you want might come from them'' Calia said and nudged at her grandpa.

''So, everyone will be there tomorrow?''

''Yes, grandpa. So, you must attend and give them your support. Now, let me help you score a level'' Calia said and took the phone from her grandpa. Old Mr. Denarius was an avid game lover but couldn't pass the second level. Anytime he got stuck, he would call Calia to play and pass a level for him.


Maria paced around the hall and turned the moment the door knob turned. She rushed forward and spoke as Kobby changed his shoes.

''Kobby, what do I do? I am so nervous right now. I don't think I can sleep. I have been waiting for this day for a long time but now that it is just hours away, I can't seem to calm down. Tell me. Do you think Ad-Din would appreciate me doing this? would he accept my proposal? Aahhh, I don't know, I am so confused and don't know what to do. What if Ad-Din rejects my proposal and even breaks up with me?''

''Portia, calm down'' Kobby said and touched her shoulders. ''Now, breath in and breath out' Maria followed his instructions. 'Now, look at me'' Maria looked at him.

''Maria Portia Lee, there is no braver person that I know than you. You will do just great tomorrow. You and Ad-Din love each other so much and I am sure he will be very touched by your sincerity''

''You think so? I mean, I haven't seen him in a month. I don't know how he is and what he is up to. I am only sure that he watches me from afar but, I really missed him Kobby. I missed him and I hate that he is going through so much pain and I can't even help him'' Maria said.

''Ad-Din has gotten a lot better now. He wants to show you a better side of him that's why he is taking so much time. Don't worry too much. You need to sleep and just get ready to meet your man tomorrow''josei

''Okay, I will try and get some sleep though is going to be pretty hard'' Maria said and Kobby smiled before hugging her. Her nerves calmed down.

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