Purple Romance

Chapter 97

Chapter 97: 97 Proposal party 1


Maria opened her eyes and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked really beautiful and stunning. Her hair was waved and culled into a small bun and she had a crown on her head. She wore a silver low-cut straight dress which was designed by Mona Lisa. It had a string of purple beads that lined it from the neck to the bottom and a lace swiftly wrapped at the waistline outlining her tiny waist fitting it perfectly. It was the dress Mona Lisa made specially for her. The earrings she wore were carefully selected by Calia to match with the dress and her bag and shoes were the same colour of silver.

''Maria, you look so beautiful tonight'' Mona Lisa was the first to speak after seeing Maria after the makeup was done.

''Miss Lee's skin is really smooth and beautiful, so the bronze makeup really fitted her so well'' the makeup artist said.

''Mother, have you heard from them? Is Ad-Din really coming?'' Maria asked nervously.

''What are you scared of, child? Kobby and my son Max are responsible for bringing that stubborn boy here tonight. Don't think about anything else and just relax'' Mona Lisa said and the door opened. Mr. and Mrs. Mathias walked in with Maria's aunt, Anne and Tiana.

''Uncle, aunt, aunt, Tiana'' Maria called out to them.

''Child, you look so beautiful tonight'' Anne said and bent closer to Maria.

''I didn't think you will be able to make it?'' Maria said to her aunt.

''Silly, how could I miss your big day? I was so busy I couldn't get to visit you when you were at the hospital, but tonight is your night. How could I miss it?'' Anne told Maria.josei

''Maria looks so beautiful. If that boy rejects you, I will give him a good thrashing'' Mrs. Mathias said.

''Lucy, that's enough'' Mr. Mathias said.

''What did I say wrong? Our Portia is so beautiful. I am yet to forgive him for going MIA on her''

''Don't worry, Lucy. Ad-Din will receive a good beating from me first if he dares to reject Maria'' Mona Lisa chipped in.

''That's about right'' Mrs. Mathias said and they laughed.

''Maria, we are going out to join the rest. Don't be nervous, you will do great'' Mr. Mathias said.

'Thanks uncle. Thanks for coming out tonight to support me'' Maria said to them.

''That's a given. We are a family after all'' Anne added.

''Aunt, you are so beautiful tonight'' Tiana said and handed something to Maria ''here, suck this and you won't feel nervous. I will be cheering you on''

''Ooh, Tiana is the best. Thanks babe, aunt is really grateful to you'' Maria said and took the toffee from Tiana.

''Let's go out. Is almost time. Maria, fighting!!!'' Mrs. Mathias said and followed the rest out. They met Calia at the door and she greeted them before going in to see Maria.

''Maria, look at you, sister in law. You look so edible; I'm not sure Ad-Din will be able to look away tonight'' Calia said and kissed Maria's cheek.

''Are they in?'' Maria asked.

''Kobby just called me, he said they are almost here. Don't be nervous. Ad-Din won't be able to say no to you tonight. Meanwhile, there are some people here to see you'' Calia said.

''Who?'' Maria asked.

''Grandpa, uncle, Gibbs, come in'' Calia said and the three men walked in wearing black tuxedos. They looked smart and handsome.

The moment Maria saw them, she stood up and looked at them. She knew the old man already but this was the first time she was meeting Ken Denarius and she could tell easily that he was Ad-Din's father because they looked so alike. Maria got nervous at the way the men were staring at her and blurted out.

''I am not going to leave Ad-Din''

The three men and the others in the room laughed before Ken Denarius spoke ''I heard a lot about you but no one told me you were a really funny one, child?''

Maria pursed her lips embarrassedly and looked at the grimed face of Old Mr. Denarius.

''You look like you could eat me alive?'' the old man said.

''Dad'' Mona Lisa chided the old man. He was teasing Maria.

''No one is saying you should leave him. Don't tell me you were planning to leave my grandson after making him to be madly in love with you such that he almost stopped talking to me because of you?''

''Huh? Ad-Din stopped talking to you?'' Maria asked.

''Yes, he did all because of you, so if you ever get up one day and say nonsense like you don't like my grandson anymore, I will kill you'' Old Mr. Denarius said and walked closer to Maria ''I know is late but I hope you accept my apologies. Can you forgive this old man for being selfish?''

Maria bit her lips before nodding her head ''I forgive you, sir'' Maria said to him.

''Sir? You are about to propose to my grandson and you are calling me sir? Should I just tell him to reject you?'' the old man asked and looked at Maria and she shook her head.

''You should call him grandpa and address me as your father, Maria, is a pleasure to finally meet the woman my son is crazy over'' Ken Denarius said and stretched his hand out and Maria did same and they shook hands.

''Yes… grandpa and father?'' Maria said and they laughed.

''Then, you should address me as little brother. I am Calia's younger brother and your brother in law now'' Gibbs did his self-introduction.

''I didn't know Calia had a brother?'' Maria shook Gibbs hand and said.

''She does and I am he. I am still a student but I am also a hacker'' Gibbs said and old Mr. Denarius knocked his head.

''As if he uses it for good. I still haven't forgiven you for hacking into the company's system''

''Grandpa, you sure hold grudges''

''We won't keep you here. We will be waiting outside'' Ken Denarius said and kissed Mona Lisa before turning to walk out.

Maria smiled and watched the three men leave the room.


The gardens where the party was taking place was beautiful decorated like a wedding ceremony.

The invited guests which included only the family members of both Maria and Ad-Din were seated there. Tiana sat in the front row and was joined by old Mr. Denarius, Ken Denarius and Gibbs. There were still four empty seats in the front row left for Mona Lisa, Calia, Max and Kobby. Paul and his wife sat in the second row alongside Marvel who wore a pink dress that fitted her body so well. She looked petite and beautiful with her light makeup.

The MC of the party who happened to be Monroe came out holding a mic and spoke to them.

''Everyone, our groom is about to come in so I ask that you all hide and stay put. The lights will soon go off but don't worry, it won't be for long'' Monroe said and smiled before going to stand at a corner. They planned it in such a way that Ad-Din wouldn't know about it till the end.

Outside Saint Hotel.

''Why are we suddenly changing the venue of our training, Dr. Brian?'' Ad-Din asked as they got down from the car. he didn't understand why he was asked to dress formally for a simple training and why the venue suddenly changed. He was suspicious of them especially since his elder brother was with them.

''Ad-Din, didn't I tell you we will be having dinner with some potential business partners of the company? Your training outfit has been arranged already, so let's go inside'' Max said and held Ad-Din's hand.

''Let's go, Ad-Din'' Kobby handed the keys to the valet and turned to go and saw Rihan at a distance. Their eyes met and he immediately ignored her as he followed Ad-Din and Max inside.


Max and Kobby led Ad-Din into the garden and it was pitch black ''where is this place? Why is it so dark?' Ad-Din asked and turned around and saw no one. He frowned and called out ''Max, Kobby?'' he frowned and removed his phone and turned on the light. He pointed it in front to see and saw a slender figure at a distance. He pointed the light towards there and asked as he walked there.

''Who is there?'' he didn't get any answer and walked closer.

Maria was nervous as she held unto the bouquet of flowers and the ring. Her heart raced with the distance shorting between them. She blushed and stood firm decisively.

''Maria?'' Ad-Din finally recognised the figure but was surprised. He sized her up before asking again ''what is going on?''

''Ad-Din, just listen to me and don't interrupt me. I have only little confidence and courage right now. I don't know if this is right or not but this is the only way I know how to be able to hold unto you. I read a poem recently which I want to share with you''

Ad-Din studied her and kept quiet. He wasn't sure of what she was doing or what was going on but he didn't interrupt her. He was curious about what she wanted to say.

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