Pushover Extra Trains the Villainesses

Chapter 51

Chapter 51: Tumultuous Events VII (2)

"I have news, Master!" An attendant suddenly  rushed into the room.


"What is going on?"

As a result, doubts spread across the faces of the people present in the room, and the attendant urgently shouted while observing them.

“Haah Haah…it’s a big deal! Haap.. now in the market… in the middle of the market!”

“No, what the hell are trying to say?”

“Calm down, calmly explain!”

“That…it’s like this….”

The attendant, despite the advice of his superior couldn't conceal his urgency. 

After hearing his words, the faces of the Merchant Alliance members instantly hardened into contemplation.


In the center of Benessa, a small inn hosted two individuals in robes engaged in conversation.

“It was quite a surprise; I didn’t think you would lose that way…”

“Haa…yes, I have no excuse. It’s my fault for underestimating my opponent.”

“Heeh? Didn’t you learn a valuable lesson, though? Before a battle, you should meticulously check your weapons.”

“Yes? Ah…hahahaha…that’s right, isn’t it…”

The silver-haired woman awkwardly smiled at the words of a woman in a reddish-brown robe. 

Observing her, the other person attempted to continue the conversation as if it were still interesting.

However, something caused her to stop.

“Hmmn? What is this smell?”

“…that’s right…it’s a very unique smell…”


The woman in the reddish-brown robe gazed out the window, and contemplated on the situation. 

Soon enough, she identified the reason not too far away.

“Follow me; we must get closer.” Unlike before, she spoke with a serious expression.

“Ah, yes!”

And the silver-haired woman followed suit.




Wooden boxes were being thrown with a loud noise. 

The surrounding onlookers who recognized their contents were shocked by the scene unfolding before their eyes.

“Um… isn’t that spice?”

“Th-That’s right! That’s right! I heard you can buy a small town with one box of that…”

“Um… that’s turmeric! It’s an expensive item I was having a hard time purchasing!”

The spices were so precious that merely hearing their names shocked everyone present on the scene. The faces of merchants and owners contorted in contemplation as they witnessed the bizarre spectacle before them.

Many found it hard to watch the spice boxes being thrown onto a pile of firewood.

“Mmm…are they crazy? What kind of people are burning those precious spices?”

“I… I know who he is! It’s Bahamut, the master of the Beden Merchant Company!”

“The woman next to him…is the owner of the famous Uranus Merchant Company… Bertina, the lady of blue gold, right? Why are they doing this?”

To the onlookers, it was an completely incomprehensible act. 

The masters of two of the major merchant companies in the world were resolutely burning spices that were hard to find even with money. Even the servants, despite their shock, didn’t intervene due to the high-ranking individuals' brutal attitude.

Spices, worth their weight in gold, burned like firewood in the middle of the market. 

Those who knew their value tried to steal them regardless. However, due to the vigilant guards, such actions were thwarted in advance.

Just like that, the smell of burning spices spread throughout Benessa in an instant.

The moment it was about to become unbearably thick.

Merchants from all over the continent arrived at the shocking scene.

“This… this… what the hell is this!?”

“Burning everything… are you guys insane?”

“Hey…hey! Hurry! Come on, put out the fire! Hurry!”

Merchants urgently tried to give orders because they knew the value even though it wasn’t theirs.



In the next moment, two female warriors stood in their way with swords drawn.

A dark-haired woman dressed in a black adventurer’s clothes and a woman with a strong, muscular body holding a pitcher prevented them from approaching.

“I will cut you the moment you approach!”

“We will take it as obstruction of business. Do you understand?”

Two people spoke in cold voices.

As a representative of the group, a merchant from Franz took the lead to ask.

“Wha… what the hell is this all about? Why are you burning these precious spices?”

“Are you asking because you don’t know why?”

The dark-haired woman with a sword pointed, talking in a chilling voice.

Recognizing the thorn in her words, the merchants began to show even more discouragement. 

The next moment, Bertina, who was leading the procedure, appeared in person.

“What’s with all the fuss? Don’t disturb and leave.”

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