Pushover Extra Trains the Villainesses

Chapter 51

Chapter 51: Tumultuous Events VII (3)

"La..Lady Bertina, what the hell are you doing? Burning all the fine spices!"

“That… that’s right, ho… are you sure you’re not crazy? Just how much would that cost…”

The merchants frowned, and they can’t hide their bewilderment.

In response, Bertina spoke to them in a chilly voice.

“That’s right. Those that are now burning are precious spices that we brought with much difficulty from the far east. But why did the people who know its value set the price that way?”

“That… that…”

The merchants couldn’t say anything at Bertina’s words. 

Even they themselves were well aware that they had been insisting on setting an absurdly low price for such precious items, so they were unable to respond to Bertina’s words.

“We, the Uranus Merchant Company, gathered strength with numerous investors from the Holy Empire and risked our lives to carry out this task. But the attitude you’ve shown here is truly disappointing. You all have tried to undermine our efforts and engaged in unjust collusion. In this situation, the Uranus Merchant Company is not willing to trade even a single box of spices.”

Bertina spoke in a voice full of chills. 

At the same time, Bahamut, who was commanding the situation from behind, also shouted in a calm voice.

“What are you doing? Burn it all up! You still have a long way to go! Don’t leave even a speck of spice and burn them all!”

“Yes! All right!”

Spices begin to be thrown into the fire again at Bahamut’s command.

The moment they saw it, the merchants present began to feel a chill run down their spines. 

What are all those? They were precious spices brought in from the East within two years! 

If they all turn to ashes on the spot, you won’t be able to see spices from the East on the continent for at least half a year, at worst for more than a year. If that happens, the arrow of responsibility would of course be directed towards those who brought the situation to this point. 

And they didn’t even want to think about what happened after that.

‘If that burns out, we’ll have to suck our fingers again…’

‘Will we even have any of our fingers? I’m sure the lord will break all of our fingers!’

‘I even received an order from the king himself and came! If this deal fails, it’s clear that it won’t end with just losing some fingers!’

‘If we don’t stop them, we might lose our heads…’

The moment their thoughts went crazy, the merchants knew what Bertina and Bahamut’s actions meant. josei

This was no mere protest. It was a terrifying threat—meaning that they would take them all to hell with them. 

And in such a situation, the merchants weren’t stupid enough to choose a death sentense.

“Haaph…Lady Bertina!”

“Ooh…we were wrong. I’m really sorry!”

“Um… we were foolish! We will be trading at normal prices, so please stop!”

At their words, Bertina spoke in a cold voice while emitting a murderous aura of a grim reaper.

“Did you say a normal price…? Now that you have provoked this situation and caused such a loss…? I’m sorry, but I can’t do that.”

Merchants were seized with fear as if their hearts were frozen at the sight of Bertina, who made their hamstrings tingle just by looking at them. 

Her expression reminded them of the notoriety of the Lady of Blue Gold, who swept the commercial power of the Holy Empire. As a result, the merchants started pouring out their words in a hurry, losing even the ability to build up their last remaining pride.

“I’m sorry! We made a mistake!”

“1.. 130! I’ll trade for 130! It’s 30% higher than the market price…”

“130?.. This… I’ll do this for 140! Sell to us! I will buy them all!”

The moment someone raised the price under Bertina’s tremendous pressure, the alliance among the merchants was shattered in an instant. 

Spices were still burning in front of their eyes, and it was clear that the price would soar to the ceiling as those boasting insane demand were reduced to ashes. And so…the idea that the one who buys even one more box would be the true winner spread in their thoughts.

“180! All of them! I will buy them all!”

“I’ll buy it all for 200! Twice the price in the market! I will even compensate for the burnt ones, so sell them all!”

Just a few hours ago, colleagues who tried to lower the price through cooperation turned into enemies, and the competition was overheated in an instant. 

And at the same time, the same words flashed in the hearts of Bahamut and Bertina along with delightful smiles.

‘We won!’

Goblin: As you know, I have been sick for the past few days, so I couldn’t post any chapters. I’m feeling a bit better today, so I will be posting the chapters today. Hope you understand.

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