Quick Transmigration: Goddess Of My Imagination

Chapter 494

Chapter 494: Sea Gods Fury (2)

Chapter 494: Sea God's Fury (2)

"He went on a rampage and made an explosion despite knowing that we were still so close to him!?" Nell stabilized her barrier and grumbled in an annoyed tone.

"Now, now, don't say it like that. Something bad might happen to his avatar down there and trigger his wrath. Let's follow him now." Rhea gave a gentle suggestion, but her expression said otherwise.

Nell just nodded and asked her magic carpet to enter the underground passage.

'Ely, can you see it?' Elena suddenly asked through her mind.

'Y-yes, I can see it. No wonder why the Sea God is wearing his war full-body armor.' Elysia gulped her saliva with slight goosebumps to see what was going on down there using her sacred vision.

'Okay, don't look at that. The Sea God could handle everything on his own. But, it will be better if we just wait outside the gate, Ely. It's a bit unkind to let these little girls see such bloody and sadistic acts.' Elena asked for an opinion on her suggestion.

'Let's do that. If something unexpected happens, we can also come to assist him in time.' Elysia didn't have any objections.

"All right, let's stop right here." Elena raised her hand and used magic to slow down Nell's magic carpet.

"Eh, huh? Why, why did you do that?" Nell slightly bounced off her big sister's shoulders as they suddenly came to a sudden stop.

"Woah, that surprises me. I thought we hit something. Aren't we going to watch Sea God in action?" Sylvia looked left and right in confusion.

"What do you want to see? We'll only watch from here, and that's if you dare to use your magic vision. I warn you, what's going on behind that black gate is something you probably don't want to see." Elena pointed at the black broken gate with a large hole in the middle.

"Hmm?" Nell and Rhea exchanged glances and immediately used their magic vision once again to look beyond the black gate.

They couldn't see clearly because of the distance and interference from the gate, but through the big hole, they could see everything.

"Oh my..." Nell and Rhea covered their mouths with a hint of surprise. Even so, they agreed in mind to just wait there. After all, they could provide assistance if Oceanid was in trouble, even if they were there. josei

Seeing the two Goddesses looking quite surprised, Yuuki felt a little curious. However, her expression immediately turned cold, and she was no longer interested in seeing what awaited them beyond the black gate.

As The Goddess of Light had warned, it was something terrible. Only the mangled corpses and blood-red water could be seen.

"Uuu, that's not fair. You know that I'm sealing my magic energy and aura." Sylvia pouted. She thought twice about the decision, but she didn't dare to use her magic vision for fear that her father's friends would find out her whereabouts.

"Then you just need to unseal it, stupid. It's that easy and that simple." Yuuki rolled her eyes at the ridiculous and somewhat absurd reason.

"This is a serious and complicated matter. You don't know about my circumstances and situation, Yuuki." Sylvia responded softly and quietly.

Yuuki felt a little strange because this red-eyed girl seemed to be in a situation she couldn't understand. Therefore, she decided to remain silent and not mock Sylvia for now.

"No, those fish are ruthlessly slaughtered. It won't hurt you if you don't look over there." Leila put her little paw in front of Vanessa's eyes.

"Okay." Vanessa just meekly nodded.

Meanwhile, Ella and Evelyn just looked at each other with some worry in mind. Even so, they didn't say anything. However, they went closer to Elysia.

"Hoho, it's a rare occurrence to see the Sea God in action. The ALmighty God inflict a divine punishment on the evil. This may be a once in a lifetime experience. Would you be interested to see, o the daughter of mine?" Osharus stroked his chin with a glint in his eyes.

"No way." Dorienne answered curtly and crossed her arms with a pout.

While everyone just decided to watch with their magic vision, Oceanid had just arrived at a hidden hall at the end of the passage. He simply slaughtered anyone in his path without distinguishing between the guilty and the innocent.

"So here you are." Oceanid muttered and swung his arm horizontally.


A water blade split the metal door in half as easy as cutting soft tofu.

Oceanid then just kicked the metal door and slowly swam into the secret room. "The mortals committed a grave sin that invited divine wrath. What you have done has resulted in your entire clan's demise. If anyone is to blame, then blame yourselves for inviting my wrath."

After saying that, he squinted his eyes to look at a small, semi-transparent blue creature confined within a glass tube full of red liquid.

He was aware that his other avatar was in a predicament when he had just arrived near the passageway's entrance. Still, he ultimately didn't expect his avatar to be used as an experimental object!

"Who are you!? How did you get in here? Guards, guards, quick, catch the intruder!" The old red mermen exclaimed while pointing his finger at the intruder.

"No one will come to your aid, old thing. Have you failed to realize who I am because of your senile tiny fish brain?" Oceanid became cold and almost expressionless. He could only think of those old mermen as the dead things because that was their fate.

"No one cares who you are. Since you dared to infiltrate here and see our secret, then this place is the end of your life, blue monster." The old green mermen snorted with a grim expression. He didn't know who the intruder was, but he knew that this intruder was powerful.

"Die you intruder!" The old yellow mermen pressed a red button with a shout.

A magic circle of eight colors instantly appeared in the center of the room. It expanded immediately to all corners of the room. However, Oceanid only snorted disdainfully to see such an inferior magic trap.

"Wahaha! You can't move, yes, you presumptuous intruder? I don't know why you were able to infiltrate this secret place, but this is the end for you because you've seen too much. Blame yourself for offending whom you shouldn't be against." The old red mermen laughed sarcastically.

"I can't move, you say? What nonsense." Oceanid swam toward his unmoving avatar.


Oceanid wouldn't allow anyone to talk any more nonsense or make him even more upset. He simply swung his arm to the side, and hundreds of water blades shot out to attack the old mermen without the slightest bit of mercy.

The secret lab room became silent and still in an instant. Only the sound of engines and water could be heard.

"Sigh... Pitiful child. That must be painful. I've come to save you." Oceanid took a deep breath and sighed. He then reached out his hand to touch the tube.

*Crack* *Crack*

The tube cracked little by little with a specific pattern. Oceanid tried to free his avatar with great care.


The red liquid leaked out and dyed the surrounding seawater bright red. Oceanid immediately caught the little blue creature with both hands.

He didn't say anything and only gave first aid using magic.

Oceanid'a avatar opened his eyes slightly and smiled weakly. "So, it's you. You've come, huh..."

"Don't talk, I will repair your broken element. I understand your suffering, and I have already avenged you. No worry, you won't feel any pain any more." Oceanid spoke sternly.

"My life force is broken. Save them before it's too late. I hope you can fulfill your wish, the other me..." Oceanid's avatar gave a tender smile while pointing his finger at a stone door. Unfortunately, those were his last words before he turned into water particles and dispersed.

Oceanid reflexively tried to grab his avatar's water particle, but it was just a futile effort.

The secret room that was dyed red slowly turned bluish. The water was stained with red liquid and blood as if it had just been purified.

In contrast to that, Oceanid's heart only grew colder and filled with rage. Even so, he held back his anger for the time being to glance at the stone door that his deceased avatar had just pointed at.

He couldn't see what was hidden behind it, but he knew a big secret was hidden there. He just narrowed his eyes and headed over there.


The two-meter thick stone door shattered into pieces just as it received a fist from the angry God.

Inside the secret room, there were dozens of tubes filled with various colored liquids. Yet, just like his avatar's fate, the tubes were used as containers for tiny creatures used as research objects.

"Hmm... A living things that treats other living things as mere objects- huh?" Oceanid was surprised to realize that all the poor little creatures were no longer alive.

"Sigh..." Oceanid just sighed and closed his eyes. He turned around and left without another word.

After passing through the black gate, he even just continued to swim out of the passage without a word even though he passed Nell's group. He didn't even open his eyes.

"Sea G-" Nell was about to call out, but a soft finger suddenly covered her mouth.

"Let's get out of here." Rhea suggested, but it sounded like an order.

"..." Nell looked at her big sister's face and just nodded without asking anything.

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