Quick Transmigration: Goddess Of My Imagination

Chapter 495

Chapter 495: Back Ashore

Chapter 495: Back Ashore

"Please stay away from here." Oceanid reminded in a flat tone as if he was talking to empty water.

As if understanding the situation, Nell simply nodded and led everyone away for two kilometers.

"What does Sea God want to do? He looks a bit strange." Sylvia tried to figure out the outcome of the circumstances.

"You'll see that in a moment. Please just be quiet and don't ask too many questions. The situation is getting heavy there and the Sea God is furious." Oceanid's avatar tried to help by explaining the situation.

"Oh, I see. Thanks for telling me." Sylvia nodded in understanding and snorted softly at Yuuki and the others.

No one was willing to tell her about the incident beyond that black gate. She just drew closer to Elysia, Ella, and Evelyn because she knew that they didn't know about anything that happened there either, just like her.

Meanwhile, Oceanid knew that Nell and the others were already a safe distance away. He then opened his eyes to look at the hole below.

A complicated glint gleamed in his eyes. Even so, he only spread his arms and chanted a silent chant, only lip movements and divine magic manipulation.

Thousands of golden threads spread out in all directions on the ground to form a four hundred meter magic circle with eleven little intricated magic circles and a large hexagram.

Oceanid raised both his hands up and clenched his fists. "Annihilation Seal."


A blue symbol appeared right in the center of the magic circle. And at that very moment, a pillar of blue and gold light suddenly rose up like a vortex that sucked everything in and shattered it into tiny particles.

Sand, stone, metal, corpses, and whatever was destroyed without exception. However, the caster didn't receive any impact despite he was so close.

"Ugh." Nell immediately used her magic to prevent her magic carpet from being dragged into the vortex. josei

She made her magic carpet to land and put some temporary pegs, just in case.


It only required a swing of the Sea God's hand, and the dangerous vortex vanished in an instant. A big hole in the middle of a giant crater remained as indisputable evidence of a big calamity. A whole clan was wiped out in less than half an hour.

Oceanid looked down with a subtle sigh. He just stared blankly at nowhere for a few minutes before he headed off to Nell's magic carpet.

"Did what happened just now stem from your decision?" Elena suddenly asked, but without looking at Oceanid.

Oceanid was silent for a moment and glanced at one of his saviors. "That vile clan deserves my divine wrath. Such divine punishment is still merciful because I guarantee them a painless death."

"Hmm." Elena only responded briefly. She already knew more than what was said.

After that, Oceanid gave a sharp look to the red mermen on the magic carpet. Even though he was wearing his war helmet, it was enough to provide that mermen with mental stress.

"!!!" Osharus felt a jolt, but he couldn't move at all. Sudden pressure from nowhere came and squeezed him from within.

"Are you and your clan or anyone related to you involved with that vile merfolk clan?" Oceanid asked in a cold and flat tone.

"N-no! I don't even know of this secret hideout. Those merfolk are most likely the crazy researchers from the southern region! Living in the wild is indeed a matter of eating and being eaten, but this is an entirely different matter. You can take my word for it, my clan is in no way involved in such heinous things." Osharus gulped and immediately explained with some trepidation. Even so, that did not diminish the firmness and confidence in his words.

"Is it like that?" Oceanid frowned with some suspicion.

"Sea God, you are an omniscient divinity. You are aware that Sir Osharus is telling the truth without hiding anything. You have wiped out a clan of sinners with no survivors, but what are you going to do next? If the sinners were evil humans, would you kill the entire Human Race indiscriminately?" Elysia questioned it in a gentle tone, but what she said had an implicit meaning.

"..." Oceanid fell silent instantly. He thought twice about what his savior said, and it was true.

He was aware that neither the Osharus nor the Lorelei Clan was involved in this case. However, he still felt suspicious just because of the resemblance to those savage merfolk.

If the sinners were humans, it would be impossible for him to wipe out the entire Human Race. He already wiped out the sinners, so what would he do next? Either way, his vanished avatar would never come back, and it was hurt to realize.

Oceanid had that question in his mind, but he ended up looking up and muttering with a hint of sadness. "Among all of me, why would it have to be you... No more than half of me survived, and I lost you too in the end?"

He felt something was missing from his entire being, and it would never come back again. At the same time, he freed the innocent red mermen and sat cross-legged while folding his arms.

Seeing that, Elysia just closed her eyes and heaved a subtle sigh. She was pretty relieved that her words had the expected impact.

"Take Osharus and Dory back to their territory. We're going back ashore." Elena voiced her order as if she had considered Nell as her servant.

"..." Nell didn't feel anything was wrong and did as she was told.

They immediately headed for the Lorelei Clan's territory. That short trip was enveloped entirely in silence and a somewhat heavy atmosphere due to what had just happened.

No one dared to open their mouth to speak or raise a topic of conversation.

"Ah,-umm, will we meet again?" Dorienne ventured to ask. She clasped her hands with some nervousness.

"It's possible, but you know, little mermaid... Opportunities don't happen all the time, then you can create them." Elena gave a smile and patted the pink mermaid's head.

"Mm." Dorienne just nodded as if she understood the deep meaning of that statement.

"Anyway, thanks for helping us to point the way. Farewell, until we meet again." Elysia waved her hand slightly.

"Until we meet again..." Dorienne waved her hand as well. Still, it was the last moment before the Sea God's adventure group suddenly disappeared from her sight. "Huh?"

The confused mermaid looked left and right, but she couldn't find what she was looking for. There was only herself and her father.

"They're gone, the daughter of mine. Sea God is in a complicated mood and they can't linger here. Let's go inside." Osharus went to his clan's gate with a rather complicated expression.

There was a lot that had happened in such a short time. Therefore, he needed to do an in-depth investigation of the secret groups that might be hiding near his territory.

Divine wrath was something he had to avoid at all cost. He needed to ensure his entire clan's safety from any actions that could invite disaster or their demise.

"En." Dorienne looked in the direction where she had last seen the Sea God's adventure group, then she followed her father into their territory. She saw her father's goosebumps slightly for a moment, but she didn't know the exact cause.

Meanwhile, Nell just brought everyone to an uninhabited island not far from the mysterious island east of the Human Continent.

"Do you want to go into battle again, the other me? Otherwise, you can take off your war full-body armor now." Oceanid's avatar gave good advice when the magic carpet had just landed on land.

Oceanid didn't say anything, but his war armor seemed to melt into a blue liquid and absorbed his body.

"It's gone." Oceanid's avatar muttered mournfully.

"Yeah, I know." Oceanid answered simply. He then stood up on his two feet and walked away. His avatar also followed him wordlessly.

"Where will they go?" Yuuki suddenly asked out of curiosity. They came for Sea God, but the god in question would just leave?

"Please let them have their private time to cool off. I don't know what they mean, but it looks like they've lost something valuable." Elysia glanced at the curious girls and shared her views on what was happening.

"Sea God lost something precious? Looking back, I can't see any other his avatar other than that playful little one. Then his wrath... Is it possible-" Sylvia began to assume, but she decided not to finish her sentence.

"Yeah... We're going to spend the night here. Would you like some snacks or food to lift the mood and atmosphere a bit?" Elysia looked up at the starry night sky, then at a giant sandcastle and a statue of a guardian earth dragon.

With that offer, no one gave any refusal. Sometimes, some delicious food could make the mood better, and maybe that could apply to the Sea God.

Theo and Leila made a rather large bonfire, and the girls set up some torches for lighting.

Dozens of pieces of fish pierced by sticks could be seen stuck around the bonfire. Elena and Elysia grilled some sparkling white fish for everyone.

Elena put the fish onto the plate and seasoned it with care before she handed it to Elysia. "Here, Ely. I just made a special one just for you."

"Thank you." Elysia accepted it and tasted it. "Mm! It's delicious, you need to taste it too, master."

"Mhn..." Elena had no other choice as Elysia brought the grilled fish close to her mouth. She just took a small bite and chewed it regardless.

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