Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 124

Chapter 124: Jiang Ying Yue (31)

While the two princes were having a serious discussion at the abandoned garden near the cold palace, Jiang Ying Yue went back with her maid Xiao Lu to the residence and was greeted by her other maids.

After returning the courtesy and catching up with the girls, she looked around. The whole house was maintained. In fact, it appeared even more beautiful and sophisticated due to the newly added decorations.

She checked her bedroom and felt weird. The place she only stayed for a week seemed too familiar, as if it was her real home and had been where she had been living all her life. The feeling blooming in her heart was strange, yet not. It was simply hard to describe. 

"Young Miss, we, sisters, made sure to clean and maintain the room. However if there's anything you like us to change or modify, please don't hesitate to tell us," respectfully said the female servant who seemed to have taken charge in Xiao Lu's absence. 

Jiang Ying Yue smiled. "Everyone has done a great job. I have nothing to complain about."

The maid bowed and thanked her for her kind words. They were too courteous and nice. The girl shook her head, feeling mixed emotions about it.

She knew, a week of companionship would surely not garner this treatment from these people. Xiao Lu was different because she had been with her for a year. However, for the other maids, she knew they were so warm towards her due to him. 

Chen Wang. A man who said his hobby was to do things without rhyme or reason. The man who never said any words of affection to her even once, yet kept giving her life more comfortable and fulfilling than the one she had at the Grand Marshal's estate. 

Jiang Ying Yue pursed her lips. The image of that man flashed in her mind while she was musing about his recent actions. 

'His Highness should be at the cold palace with Hai Wang...'

For some time, the thought caused a strange, prickly feeling in her heart. This only vanished when she remembered that when Chen Wang talked with Mao Hong, he did not ask her to leave, but allowed her to hear what they were talking about that. It was obviously the man telling her indirectly where he would be if he was not with her. 

"Young Miss. Would you be retiring early for tonight? Would you like us to have the kitchen prepare the meal early?" asked Xiao Lu who was probably worried that Jiang Ying Yue was tired out by the journey.

Jiang Ying Yue had just finished taking a bath. She was now wearing a grey set of clothing that seemed what only commoners would wear. The rest of the girls who helped her change gave her a puzzled look.

With a flower-like smile, she answered Xiao Lu, "No, I will probably walk around a little until dusk. Along the way, I can satiate myself with snacks from the shops. Good timing. I haven't been here for quite a long while and I want to have a taste of the capital's delicious treats."

The maids surrounding her and admiring her beauty that went unconcealed by the lackluster clothes noticed that in the whole year that they were not with her, she seemed to have become livelier, with speech containing more confidence than when she first came to the residence. However, appreciating was one matter, the content of what she said was another. 

With a worried expression donned, Xiao Yue, one of her outspoken maids reminded Jiang Ying Yue, "Young Miss, His Highness might come. It's also almost late afternoon. This servant thinks it's not advisable to go out now." 

"His Highness won't dine with me today. He is summoned to the palace and would have to accompany His majesty and the other important ministers." Jiang Ying Yue answered as she checked herself out in the bronze mirror. A fake mustache was attached below her nose and her long hair that was tied into a bun concealed under a bamboo-woven hat.

"Only Xiao Lu will come with me. The rest will stay here and look out for the house." With finality in her voice, she declared. Afterward, she dragged her principal maid outside the residence. 

They did not even board a carriage and just directly plunged into the bustling street. Xiao Lu had to hold her hand with one of hers while dragging her skirt using the other. Otherwise, she would lose her young miss in the crowd. 

"S-slow down, Miss. W-where, are we going?" While huffing for breath, the weary and confused maid asked. 

Jiang Ying Yue looked back once, a smile gracing her lips. "It won't be far. I promise. By the way, I just need some boost of confidence that my memory is correct. It's currently the fifteenth of the month, right?"

"Yes, Young Miss."

The curve formed by her lips turned wider, making the villainess appear more beautiful regardless of her attire and disguise.

After walking for five or so minutes, they temporarily stopped in front of a store selling hair decorations. Xiao Lu found her miss looking inside. When her eyes went to that direction, she saw the most favored prince of the Empire accompanying his wife in choosing some new accessories. An exquisite jade hairpin was in that woman's hand as she turned around to Rui Wang. josei

'The Young Miss is only looking placidly at them. It should not be a bad sign, right?' 

As it turned out, Xiao Lu's worry was unfounded since Jiang Ying Yue did not show any more strange reaction. The disguised girl pulled her maid away from there, looking as cheerful as they first left the house. 

Not long after, Jiang Ying Yue could be seen checking out the product of a relatively known incense store. She and her maid were initially the only people inside the place when two minutes later, somebody joined them.

Dressed in quality clothing, and with a smug look on his face, the scrawny middle-aged with sunken face entered the store and immediately went to the counter to demand all their high-grade incense.

Jiang Ying Yue kept her head bowed and pretended she was busy inspecting a shelf of incense burner to the side. On the other hand, the old shopkeeper was grinning from ear to ear when he took out boxes after boxes of high-grade incense. He was very pleased in his heart since the middle-aged guy was a wealthy regular customer. 

Jiang Ying Yue, who still looked like a poor commoner young man appeared at the counter a meter away to the seemingly wealthy customer. With curiosity written on her face, she looked at each box and even reached out to touch one of the most fragrant sticks. Unfortunately, her hand was slapped away by the shopkeeper. Intimidated by the glare she received, she moved away, grumbling. 

"Sir, please check our products and if you are satisfied with them, I'll personally pack them all for you," said the old man with a gratifying look put on. Gone was the impatience he showed Jiang Ying Yue. 

The other laughed. "No need for courtesy, Old Wang. You know our Madam likes your store's product."

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