Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 125

Chapter 125: Jiang Ying Yue (32)

When the middle-aged man came out of the shop, Jiang Ying Yue and her maid were already outside. The former was pretending she was checking out the various goods laid out on a cart by a peddler. However, her lips were actually curled into a grin. She secretly watched as that person board a carriage which then went the way to the Grand Marshal Estate. 

"Young Miss, do you know that person from earlier? That arrogant-looking uncle?" The maid asked a few seconds after. Jiang Ying Yue put down the colorful rattan ball and then stood up.

Laughingly, she looked at Xiao Lu and replied, "En. He is surnamed Song, one of the housekeepers and closest confidants of the Marshal." 

The young maid gasped, shocked by what she said. After throwing a look at the back of the middle-aged man, she asked, "He didn't recognize you, did he?"

Worry was in her tone. The maid was aware of how the whole Jiang Household treated Jiang Ying Yue. She reckoned even the sight of them could trigger bad memories. So she was anxious for her sake and hoping they wouldn't bother her ever again. 

"No." Jiang Ying Yue shook her head then pointed, not at her hat and mustache, but her clothes. Her voice was calm when she explained. "I'm certain he won't recognize me. Housekeeper Song has quite a temper. The temper of someone whose eyes only turn mellow to those above him in status or wealth."

Xiao Lu thought for a moment then nodded understandingly. But the realization caused indignance to creep up in her heart. Her miss was telling her that man didn't even look at her due to her current attire. 

This made her realize those people of the Marshal's Residence were really no good, all bad and rotten! Why? Even a normal housekeeper could actually be this arrogant, and she didn't get where this arrogance was coming. Was being an important person's close confidant that amazing? In the end, wasn't he still a commoner? He should not look down on others too much just because of their looks or getup!

'There are mean people too in Chen Wang's Residence, but those people are mean in a strict way, not arrogant! Now I know why the Miss found Chen Wang's people so kind and easy to get along with even though most of us are only being careful and attentive to her for being the prince's apple of the eye.' 

Xiao Lu pouted and looked at her miss. She had been with Jiang Ying Yue for some time so she knew the woman was really very nice and caring. She was someone who repays both good and evil with good. How could those people be so evil to such an angel?

'Not good. I need to do divert her attention from that ugly uncle of the Jiang Household.'

Flustered, Xiao Lu said, "Young Miss, how about we do not think of that inconsequential person anymore? I mean...  This is the first day that we are back to the capital, let's just continue looking around. We can feast our eyes on beautiful things and our stomach with fine delicacies and snacks."

To the other girl's suggestion, Jiang Ying Yue readily nodded, both corners of lips slightly tugged up, and eyes twinkling in amusement. She replied, "Well, that's my plan all along, Xiao Lu. Let's do just that. Shall we check the next street? I remember that's where the food stalls are located."

"Okay!" The maid also nodded then took the initiative to pull her disguised miss to their next destination. 


When Housekeeper Song got back to the Jiang Estate, he immediately had a few of the maids to help him sort out the goods he had purchased today. He first made sure that the resources and items were divided according to the receivers' importance. For example, he had the highest quality of each item given to the maid going to the Second Madam. And the least to a childless concubine who just lost the Marshal's favor. Only after that did he have the other servants go to the various courtyards in the residence. 

At the second most luxurious place in the whole estate, the Second Madam Lady Wang was inside her room, lazily lying on a cushioned daybed, busy reading the letter her daughter just sent to her. It would only take anybody one look to see that she was in a joyful mood. And the reason for it was that the letter was from the child she was most proud of, the new Wang Fei of the prince who had the highest chance of inheriting the throne.

"Madam, Housekeeper Song had just sent this week's supplies to us," reported one of her maids who just came in. 

Lady Wang smiled at her. As she carefully put away the letter, she said, "I see. My beloved daughter wrote and gave some of the His Highness Rui Wang's gifts to her to me and I would like to reciprocate her thoughtfulness. Did Housekeeper Song get me the incense from the Heavenly Scent Pavilion?"

"Yes, milady. Housekeeper Song remembered milady praising that pavilion's incense so he made sure to buy some."

The Second Madam's smile widened, "Good then. Reward him for me later. For now, immediately pack a few of it along with some nice playthings. Then come back to me for the letter before sending everything to Rui Wang's estate."

"This servant obeys."

The maid bowed to show that she understood and remembered all the instructions. Shortly, she formally excused herself, leaving Lady Wang by herself there, walking towards the study to get some writing materials and write back to Jiang Rou Li...

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