Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 171

Chapter 171: Ye Xinya (13) <2-in-1>

In the story, Ye Xinya was also sent in the school as Ye Xin. However, because the wealthy Han family asked for the hand of the direct line's daughter, her mother did everything to get her out of the school.

That happened a year before the male lead was sent for 'rehab.' They reasoned that 'Ye Xinya' was still abroad, so they postponed accepting the engagement.

Of course, in reality, she was nowhere abroad, but already in the school, riding along with her uncle's scheme to go back to being Ye Xinya. Like what happened in the current timeline, she discovered it late that it would be very hard to escape.

After knowing she had gotten out of that hellhole due to the Han family's influence on her mother, she became passionate about the male lead and looked forward to meeting him. Yet, because she was busy straightening out her identity and clan members, plus Han Su requested to focus on his studies, they couldn't meet each other. Both families then agreed to only have the two's engagement be announced on Ye Xinya's eighteenth birthday.

Ye Xinya patiently waited for that meeting. One time though, when she could no longer wait, she went her way to see how her future looked like and got satisfied with his grade and appearance. But then a year later, Han Su was sent to the place she just got herself out.

When she heard about this, she panicked. Unfortunately, she couldn't do anything because the one behind that place was backed by a high politician. She was powerless. So she could only try to ask for help from her parents. However, both dismissed her and said, the young man had to first regain some sense before qualifying to be with her.

Out of guilt, upon seeing he had escaped from there after a month, she tried to make up by going to the male lead and bringing him all sorts of items and tokens.

However, by then, Han Su was busy with his revenge and helping the female lead. How would he have time to appreciate Ye Xinya's efforts, especially when she kept advising not to go against 'them'? He had guessed she knew who was behind that institution, but since she was not disclosing it to them, he took it as her being on the same side as those evil people.

That time, he was not aware, she also experienced getting thrown at that place. All he knew was after the investigation, somebody close to her was actually related to the mastermind, so she became someone the male lead did not want to associate himself with. Han Su became closer to Ren Lian, which, of course, made Ye Xinya's heart bubbled in jealousy. After that, hehe...

Well, that was for the backstory. This time though, a bit of deviation from the plot happened even before Jiang Li's arrival to this world.

The villainess was supposed to be pulled out of there a year before Han Su's arrival. But she ended up staying for a year and encountering Jing Mo who then became Jiang Li.

The reason for this was that she refused her engagement to Han Su. As for why she did so, blame it on her being at the peak of immaturity and pursuit of idealistic dreams. Her mind was polluted by the popular belief that she should only be with someone she loved. She forgot that she was not from a regular family, but from an aristocratic one which viewed marriage as a tool of convenience. 

Of course, there was also a large part of her mind somehow dictating to her that she should not agree, that there was somebody else she should wait for. To who that person was, who knows?

When her nanny heard of this before, the older woman asked her if she was making excuses to support her first reason for the refusal. She had to admit... it indeed sounded like that. The realization depressed her a bit.

Only when she got out of school did she agree. She realized in their patriarchal family where her twin was no longer around, in order to not get bullied and have a hard time in the family, the only choice was to have connections with another family as, if not more, powerful than theirs. Their first pick was the Hans, a clan rumored to be descendants of royalties. She was hoping that through her fiance's deterrence, she would be able to lead a more normal life in the Ye Household.

"Good. You finally agreed. But because something happened to the first son, you'll most likely end up with the second son."

"... I'm fine with anyone as long as he's someone from a powerful family. It's not like I have a choice anyway. His name?"

"Han Yu."

Ye Xingya closed her eyes upon remembering this part of her conversation earlier with her cheap mom.

Han Yu. Han Su. She managed to piece out those two's relations because her mother's assistant sent a picture of the younger twin who would likely become her fiance. To her surprise, it was somebody resembling that other guy who argued with her last night and then went after Jing Mo.

'So I was supposed to get engaged to that boy... What a coincidence...'

She opened her eyes twinkling with amusement and then slowly turned her head to look through the car's window. They were on their way back to the Ye mansion. She would be surprising her whole clan of her return.

About the engagement, she doesn't know what to feel about it. But if her opinions would be asked, she really doesn't want it. It was a maddening situation... The wants couldn't always go hand in hand with the needs. 

The car temporarily halted in the middle of the street due to the red traffic sign. This allowed Ye Xinya to observe the surroundings more.

She missed the city view. Before she used to think it was very boring and redundant – the lights, the uneven rows of buildings, the shops, the people...

Now she let her eyes bored of the moldy classroom setup and tall trees beyond the tall walls feast on the lively sight. She knew after a few days, she would be back to being indifferent to this kind of scenery.

It was right before the car moved again that her chin parted from her palm that was propping it up. With widened eyes, she unconsciously brought her face closer to the windowpane.

Did she see correctly? That interesting person she was about to ask some investigators to look for was on the second floor's balcony of a relatively tall building with a huge 'apartment for rent' sign?

"Granpa Li, please stop the car for a moment. I need to check on something." She urgently called out.

The driver obediently stopped the car after parking it at the side. She watched as the boy aged fifteen or sixteen bowed to the old lady he was talking to and then walked down the stairs after saying a few more words.

Because the car was parked exactly where it was facing the stairs, when the windows rolled down, Ye Xinya's face was visible. The one who just stepped on the ground floor immediately saw her and showed a faint expression of surprise. Then the girl remembered that even though she was now wearing a girl's dress, her face and short haircut visible to the other was that of the disguised Ye Xin. She had yet to restore her real looks.

Who knows what sort of spirit got into her for her to smile at the tall and cold-looking boy who was still in their previous school's uniform. Unfortunately, it looked cynical to Jing Mo which probably caused the other to immediately look away and then walk away without greeting her.

By that time, she was done observing the place and managed to conclude that this person had no plans to go back to his family. With that in mind, she loudly called out.

"Jing Mo!"

Naturally, the boy did not turn his head. She understood where he was coming from so she merely signaled the driver who then drove the car slowly to match Jing Mo's speed.

After taking a deep breath and pondering over it several times, she said, "Hey, there is something I would like to discuss with you."

"Not interested." Jing Mo merely threw her a brief, emotionless gaze.

That gaze appeared too meaningful to her, so she looked away for a moment, embarrassed. But then she saw that, despite looking like he was still walking normally with hands in his pants' pocket, the other was actually speeding up with the intent to dive into the moving crowd ahead.

After pursing her lips, she looked again at Jing Mo's face and noticed the redness of the edge of the man's left eye. It appeared to her that the other had not slept a wink yet. The feeling of guilt in her heart intensified, thus she declared and offered without thinking much,

"Hey... I am from the Ye Clan and was only sent there due to a mistake. If I'm not mistaken you're in need of a place to stay. I can make you my in-house tutor and ask my parents to sponsor your studies. How about it?"

She finally elicited a response from the boy. He turned to her with a doubtful look asking if he heard correctly and if her head was okay.

"You did not hear wrongly," she seriously added.

While sporting an amused look on his face, Jing Mo asked, "Have you gone insane, Ye Xin?"

Ye Xinya only smiled faintly and replied, "I know what you did. And I can somehow guess your situation. So why don't you just accept my offer instead of asking nonsensical questions?"josei

"Oh?" If the villainess only answered more politely and admitted it was for an apology, Jiang Li would have only pretended to be thinking for some time and then accepted. After all, it meant getting into close proximity with the target.

However, the woman's attitude had rubbed him wrong. Thus he answered while nodding and looking at her meaningfully, "Okay. I understand. You've truly become crazy."

After saying that, he sped up his pace and dove into the crowd. Ye Xingya lost sight of him and couldn't help staring blankly at the direction he took. Such a good offer extended out of goodwill was unexpectedly rejected? She shook her head in disbelief. Not long after, the disbelief turned into anger and she started pouting and scolding Jing Mo in her head.


Two days later, when things had already settled down in the Ye mansion, despite knowing her granddaughter was a genius, the doting Grandpa Ye got her a tutor after hearing what happened from her bodyguard. Ye Xinya, who appeared as her real self, not the disguised Ye Xin, widened her eyes upon seeing who it was. 

A couple of moments later, she sneered in her heart and inwardly thought, 'In the end, here you are, ending up as my tutor.'

The laughter in her eyes for thinking the other did not recognize her distracted her for a few seconds. Because of this, she failed to see the amusement in the expression of the seemingly intellectual boy escorted by the main housekeeper of the Ye Household. 

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