Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 172

Chapter 172: Ye Xinya (14)

On the surface, Ye Xinya appeared as her real self, not the disguised Ye Xin. Her previous appearance was drastically different from what she looked like now, thanks to the skin mask she asked to be custom-made before she got sent to that place. The item helped her in various ways.

To be honest, she was not too worried about her identity when they walked out of the forest. The face registered in both the school and the police records was totally different from the real Ye Xin.

Now the family suspected that even before she first stepped into the disciplinary school, Ye Xin was already long been replaced. But replaced doesn't mean dead. Until her brother was confirmed deceased, her family would stay safe from the others' deadly schemes and machinations.

However, she doesn't dare assume the mask would remain foolproof and that they could maintain the status quo. There were many intelligent and capable people in this world so she doesn't dare be complacent.

If she and her mother won't do anything to strengthen their influence and power, they would still be vulnerable to the other houses. After all, the family head places too much importance on tradition. And the main branch was not really looking good due to Ye Xin's disappearance. 

Ye Xinya decided to stop thinking about her circumstances and focused more on the situation in front. Looking at the person escorted to the main hall, she unconsciously snickered.

'In the end, he still ended up as my tutor. Did he forget about me mentioning I am from the Ye Family? Hmmm... Grandpa most likely heard about me trying to rope this person in, but did not know it's because I feel guilty and indebted to him for what I did. Whatever the case is, he probably mistook it as me discovering a talent, or simply being whimsical.'

Because she was informed that she would be meeting another person today, she put on a long curly wig tied into a ponytail and dolled herself up before walking down the gigantic staircase. She was wearing an elaborate yellow dress, a pair of silvery-white stilettos, and a few pieces of jewelry on her jade white wrists, ears, and neck.

Face-wise, she qualified as a villainess since she was more beautiful and elegant than the female lead. She was also wealthier and wittier. Unfortunately, none of these could beat up the female lead's halo and luck. 

Given her change in appearance, she reckoned the big boy in front of her would not recognize her. And it seemed she guessed right. So far, he never showed aggression or dislike to her. After all, this was officially their first meeting.  However, if she was to appear as the Ye Xin he knew, he would definitely look at her indifferently or leave. There was no way he would act as polite and warm as he was now.

To be honest, for a few seconds, Ye Xinya was stunned. When she laid eyes on him looking a bit professional in his white dress shirt tucked into his pants, the gloomy but calculating disposition was gone, replaced by an intelligent look. If only he was a bit older and with more meat and muscles in his thin body, he would appear more mature and truly intellectual. A pity...

But now that she remembered it, there was a rumor about this guy allegedly having been mistreated in his own household. So maybe that was why he looked almost as thin as her? No matter what though, it was still a fact that his face and built surprised the princess of the Yes.

"Good morning, young miss. You come at a very opportune time. Let me introduce to you your new tutor." With a wide smile that would give people a comfortable feeling and favorable impression, the aged housekeeper, one of the longest employed people in the mansion, gently motioned his wrinkled hand to Jing Mo. "He is Mr. Jiang Li. Mr. Jiang, she's the student you will tutor from now on."

A bit taken aback at the name she heard, she stared at Jing Mo for a while before understanding that the person indeed no longer planned to go back to Ruby City's Jing family. Why create an alias for himself otherwise?

She smiled sweetly at the person and then lightly bowed. Her ponytailed hair swayed and peeked out elegantly behind her. "Hello, my name is Ye Xinya. Please take care of me from now on."

The young man returned the greeting with another polite smile.

"Young Miss, Mr. Jiang is a bit young and only two years older than you, but you don't need to worry. He is a real genius already in his third year of college. He is taking business administration so aside from helping you catch up and acclimate with the countries' current education curriculum, he will give you advance lessons in business administration."

The last part said by the housekeeper was probably because everyone knew she just came back from abroad.

Ye Xinya secretly grunted, 'This liar. He said he's 18 when he's also 16 years old like me.'josei

She was starting to suspect again this person's martyr-like attitude three days ago was only something he does once in a blue moon. His real self was the detestable bootlicker who helped the devil teachers in oppressing his fellow students.

If Jiang Li heard the thought she was having in mind, he would definitely snort and say with a cynical smile, 'Yeah, Proud liar here. My real age is more than ten times of yours.'

Thirty more minutes were spent on small talks with the housekeeper. After that, the old man left the two of them on the verandah. Atop the table were many textbooks, workbooks, and reference materials.

Jiang Li casually sat in front of the girl, feeling funny in his heart as he took in her prim and lady-like posture. She was now so different from that annoying woman who kept bombarding him questions that night in that forest.

"Once again, I'm Jiang Li. And I'll be your tutor from today onwards. Shall we begin?"

The two seemed to be hell-bent on acting their own parts. Both were feeling superiority upon thinking they knew who the other party really was and knew whether the other was lying or not.

When Ye Xinya nodded, Jiang Li showed her a demonic grin. A second after, he said, "So... Since we're newly acquainted and there is a need for me to gauge what you know, I would have to administer some test on you. You don't mind, do you?"

She knitted her brows for a moment, wondering if she would be given a very long diagnostic test for high schoolers or college students. If given a choice, she actually didn't want to do them. However, since she was confident with her memories, she still nodded.

No matter what was thrown at her, she wouldn't have to worry about failing because even if she had skipped school, a proper one, for a year, whatever she read and studied before, tertiary level knowledge included, would never be erased from her memories.

Jiang Li noted the overflowing confidence radiating from her body and got annoyed at it. Naturally, he did not show it on his face. As he passed the test booklet to her, he maintained his calm expression, acting as if he didn't know the girl before him had a damn cheat.

Ye Xinya scanned the questions for a full minute. After that, even though she felt that something was wrong with them, she only tilted her head once then slightly knitted her brows before answering. An hour passed before she finally put down her pen.

Jiang Li gave her paper a cursory glance then picked up his red pen for marking. Before scribbling anything there, he raised his head at the beautiful girl giving him confident smiles. After that, under her careful scrutiny, he marked several of her answers wrong.


Upon receiving her test booklet and seeing the results and reasons for getting an x there, Ye Xinya threw Jiang Li a disbelieving look and then glanced down again at her paper held by her trembling hands. Her lips were twitching as she reread the explanations there.

Question 73. Where was the treaty of Haris signed on September 13, 1783?

Her answer: Hotel D'York

Correction: At the bottom of the paper, duh.

She froze. A moment later, her eyes went to the person looking at her innocently.

'...Keep calm. He made sense a bit. So don't doubt his sanity yet.'

She looked at the next question given a huge x.

Question 98. Name the following quadrilaterals. *images below*

Her answer: Depending on the lengths, shapes, and angles of the figure, Square, Rectangle, Rhombus...

Correction: Duh, I said 'name'. Give the poor four-sided figures specific names, not general ones. E.g., Harry, Justin, James, Lisa. Gets?

A vein popped up and throbbed in her forehead. 'Keep calm. Don't think of murder!'

Question 136. Andy has 57 candies. She ate 52. What does she have now?

Her answer: 57 – 52 = 5 candies

Correction: Girl, the question is 'what does she have', not 'how many left'. It's diabetes, okay? Andy now has diabetes.

Several other questions were corrected by him in such a manner. Ye Xinya weakly placed her booklet down the table. It was now badly wrinkled due to her clutching it too tightly and crumpling its sides.

With a sharp, almost murderous, glare, she asked, "Mr, Jiang, this is how you plan to tutor me?"

Jiang Li inwardly snorted. 'No, this is only how I plan to mess with you, IQ braggart.'

He laughed, aware that if he did this to another tutee, he would definitely be chased away and fired at the next second. However, he had confidence that Ye Xinya wouldn't do that. After all... 

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