Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 173

Chapter 173: Ye Xinya (15) <2-in-1>

In the days that passed, Ye Xinya learned that Jing Mo knew about her IQ. However, she had a hunch that the guy was merely giving her weird logic questions and 'philosophical' sessions that could annoy people to death because the other discovered she was 'Ye Xin's' sister.

Jing Mo must be counting on Ye Xin's favor so he was courageous. It was true though. 'Ye Xin' felt indebted to him so 'he' wouldn't do a thing. But Ye Xinya could at least retaliate. Thus two people ended up in a weird secret contest where they had to come up of ways to piss off each other. The girl often lost. She was always angry for the other seemed familiar on how to one-up her.

One time, Jing Mo told her, "It's good to be angry once in a while. It provides clues on what your shortcomings are. Look. Aren't you mad because your prided intelligence can't always solve humor and logic questions? But as a result, aren't you realizing being good at memorization and remembering stuff doesn't automatically equate wisdom and intelligence?"

Hatefully, she couldn't retort back.

Meanwhile, the other two, the leads of the world, were busying themselves with uncovering the seemingly endless loop of secrets behind their admittance to the disciplinary institution.

Jiang Li did not monitor them strictly but he knew that Ren Lian and Han Su encountered each other on their way back to the city.

Who knows how the omnipotent plot brought them together?

What's confirmed was that they were now developing feelings for each other as they worked together to uncover the identities of the school teachers, admins, and backers. And oh, the leads were actually living together.

The worlds, or probably the fate's obsession in making the leads get together was not something Jiang Li would understand even if he was given fifty more lifetimes. All he knew was that a few students who had nowhere to go back were with them, but for sure, fate set it up so those people would serve as means to further the relationship between Han Su and Ren Lian.

Regarding their main quest, the last time Jiang Li checked, their progress halted due to being distracted by their families. Han Su was located by his family a few days ago because he used his hacking skills, exposed his evil brother, but left a trace upon doing all of these.

Since he was designated as the leader of their small team, he didn't want to leave the other five so he brought them back with him. What followed was a play between the female lead and somebody from the branch line. If no deviation from the timeline happened, for sure the drama would move to Ren Lian confronting her uncle's family.

Well, enough of those since Jiang Li had no plan to help or meddle with them. It was already a great favor that he was keeping the villainess company.

One thing he disliked though was that it would be impossible to have Ye Xinya not encounter Ren Lian and Han Su, especially after it was confirmed that Han Su was her fiance again. But could the upcoming encounter make the villainess fall in love with the male lead?

Heh.What an interesting question...


Ye Xinya cupped her face as she placed her elbows against the glass surface of the table to support her hands. She was sitting inside the VIP room of the clothing store frequented by her family, lost in thoughts, pondering over the party to be held at a senator's mansion.

'I'd surely meet that Han Su there. The various influential families, including those with deep ties with the government, will also gather in that place.'

Feeling uncomfortable with her position, she moved her hands and crossed them over her chest, her back against the soft cushion of the sofa. Her legs exposed underneath her black knee-length skirt were blemishless and blindingly white, and crossed atop each other.

"Miss Ye. While waiting for your companion, would you like me to go and fetch some jewelries that will go well with the dresses you picked?"

Politely, the manager in her thirties waiting by her side asked when Ye Xinya began to look seemingly bored out of waiting.

The girl pursed her lips and directed her eyes in front where the fitting room was. She was not really feeling impatient or anything.

It had only been two minutes since she threw several sets of formal attire into the arms of the half-suspicious, half-puzzled Jing Mo and pushed him inside to change. It would take some time to take off his own clothes and figure out how to put on the suits. Since there was a chance the other would be not familiar with those types of clothing, she resolved herself to be patient.

Wearing a perfect lady smile on her lips, she replied to the manager, "I will gladly take your offer then. But would it be alright if you bring some men accessories too? Cufflinks, tie clips, and dress watches perhaps?"

"Of course, Miss Ye. Please give me a minute to fetch our finest collections."

"Sure. Thank you. And sorry for the trouble."

"Miss is too kind. It's my pleasure."

The older lady flashed a professional smile and then walked away. A minute later, when the manager went back, two other salesladies were with her.

Together, they spread out boxes after boxes of items on the classy patterned glass table in front of Ye Xinya who then carefully checked each item sparkling with both sophistry and elegance. She was not much interested in the female jewelries for she already had a set at home matching her dress perfectly. So she focused more on the men accessories.

"Miss, are you sure you'll really have Sir Jiang act as your escort? We could ask one of your cousins," asked one of her bodyguards who accompanied her inside. The person was a new one recently assigned to her by her grandfather.

The sudden question was not something she expected. She raised her head, disliking she was asked something like that in the presence of others. She mirthlessly looked at the bodyguard.

"Sir Qiao, you shouldn't be speaking like that. It's me who would be asking Tutor Jiang a favor because I didn't want to bother my cousins."

The other party saw the staff of the shop nodding in praise at the meaning of the young lady's answer. He sweated a bit and then hurriedly said, "Miss is very thoughtful. Forgive me for being the inconsiderate one."

On the outside, Ye Xinya appeared to be magnanimously smiling. But inwardly, she was grudgingly thinking, 'What thoughtful? Each and every one of them already has a partner even before the invitation arrived. It should be easy to tell all of them have already received an instructing to put me in a difficult situation beforehand. But, hah, are they thinking they're the only guys on earth?'

After giving the man a meaningful stare, she went back to browsing what was laid before her.

One time, her eyes stopped at a pair of round sapphire blue cufflinks. She felt like she saw it before. But she immediately shook off the thought since this was definitely the first time she asked for men accessories to be presented to her. She also couldn't retrieve any matching data from her memories which confirmed that she also hadn't seen it from anybody in a social gathering.

Ye Xinya couldn't take away her sight from the item for quite a long time. In the end, she picked a few colors and designs for the watch, tie, and clips, but for cufflinks, the round blue item was the only pair that she asked to leave with her.

It was after she placed down its box that a change occurred in the room. Gasps and sighs of admiration resounded from all the nearby staff. Was a handsome star or a young, rich CEO around? Ye Xinya couldn't help the curiosity so she looked up. Her choice left her with a mouth slightly parted and eyes widened.

Brown eyes, tall nose, perfectly shaped lips, and skin as clear and smooth as Ye Xinya who was a girl... The tall young man possessing all of these facial features looked very imposing and handsome in his tuxedo. 'This is Jing Mo?'

After holding her breath for a full ten seconds, she slowly shook her head, dumbfounded by the transformation he showed. Her eyes followed him as he walked towards her and she could swear that even with that ever-present frown in his face, he still looked the type who could easily take one's breath away.

To distract her from the sudden racing in her heart and the slight burning hear from her cheeks, she hung her head then murmured to herself, '... The Jings surprisingly let this fine specimen go. With such a face, he could even feed them, or be their walking billboard. How could they be so blind to chase him away?'

Jiang Li, that time, was feeling a bit displeased by the ogling eyes turned at him, hence the frown. There was also his guess that the girl planned to invite him somewhere but did not ask for his opinion when he brought him here. This was why as he exited the fitting room, he didn't restrain the cold aura around him.josei

Despite this though, not many dared to look away. Only the security personnel of the girl and the shop did, frightened by the momentum and look he had on his face. In their mind was the disbelief that somebody so young could have the air of someone so dangerous.

As for the ladies... Er... Were these people aware he was still a minor? A few of them were married aunties or single ladies in their thirties, and the kind of stares they were giving him was tempting him to do something violent.

The gaze Jiang Li fixated on Ye Xinya turned a bit sharper than usual. "Let's finish everything here and then talk seriously somewhere else."

Hearing the authoritativeness in his voice, the girl recovered from her daze. But instead of going letting her pride act up, she obediently nodded, fully aware of how bad his mood had become.

She now realized her blunder and her face burned more from a bit of shame. However, even though she wanted to apologize, this was not the right place to do so.

She could only act cool as she clears her throat. "Tell me your opinions about these things."

"Fine, but give me a good explanation later." He replied in an annoyed tone, only checking the items spread out on the table after the girl meekly nodded.

Jiang Li focused his gaze at the box of the sole pair of wrist accessories there, a brow of his raised.

He picked up and closely scrutinized one of the cufflinks, the matter about his irritation from the stares and Ye Xinya's dragging of him somewhere without his opinion temporarily forgotten.

'So it's Zhu Li's memories this time?'

While it was true that he liked blue gems and sterling silver for stuff like this, something Na Yu definitely knew, the one before his eyes right now was almost identical to the pair he used that time.

Before leaving the first world, he got curious about the person who helped him bankrupt the family of that world's scummy male lead. It was then that he discovered it was the heiress of the Zhu family, the male lead's supposed fiancee.

That woman was Na Yu's first incarnation.

Now that he thought about it, in the previous life, when he was idling at the southern region, he once asked what happened to Zhu Li after he left that world, and the system told him the girl suddenly kissed 'him' and proposed to be his fiancee.

Unfortunately by then, he had already left the world.

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