Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 258

Chapter 258: Selena Tang (7)

Jiang Li enjoyed the food in peace and contentment. Afterward, he briefly toured around, feasting his eyes on the beautiful scenery in the outskirts.

He didn't know why… but he had a strong feeling that he should spoil himself a bit. That he should eat the best food, see the best places, and make himself happy. It was definitely not because of his Original's memories. Zheng Xiang's experiences were not his, even though he sympathized and vowed to complete the mission cleanly this time.

The feeling was a puzzle. But anyway, he followed the urge, trying out street foods, dining at expensive restaurants, going wherever he wants using his car, and buying whatever he liked, mostly techie stuff.

He had seemingly forgotten about the Creator. In his mind, there was nothing about how the previous' last boss forced him to be a suicide bomb. This must be why he did not react strongly about it after waking up in another world.

After all, if he could remember, why hadn't he thrown a fit yet? Judging from his character, why hadn't he blamed the system for all reasons he could think of, for example, not warning him about the real backstory and giving him the opportunity to use points so he could stay? The questions could be endless.

Knowing that Jiang Li was fond of the Goddess, he would also definitely ask about her condition if he could remember. Did she escape from the Creator? How about the inhabitants of the mortal world? Had she settled them down in her divine realm? Was she doing alright? Or angry at him?

However, out of these questions, only the last two crossed his mind. And these were because he was worried about how she was faring after his death. Funny enough, Jiang Li knew he died, prematurely at that… But he couldn't connect his death to the Creator.

When he woke up as Zheng Xiang, the first thing he did was ask if he failed his mission due to the villainess, Su Luxi. When the system replied to him a 'yes', he naturally noticed the slight pause before the answer. However, even when he thought hard about it, he couldn't come up with any guess regarding that.

Jiang Li died. Before he got sent away, he still managed to say a few words to the Goddess, and none of these stayed in his memories. He didn't know that because of the system's nonsensical fear of how the trauma or sequala would harm his soul or change his attitude about life or something, it tampered with his memories before death. Who knows if the system was truly showing care?

But now all he remembered was dying stupidly after the crowning ceremony. The reason… his traitorous illness that mysteriously relapsed and made him vomit blood for a whole damn five minutes. Who the hell could remain alive by then? In his recollection, the rebellion happened but before the newly crown emperor managed to suppress it, he was already long dead. Then he became Zheng Xiang.

While the man hated the feeling it was as if there was something he had forgotten, he had to dismiss the matter as he was already in the new world and had to move on.

A new life meant a new beginning.

The man looked at the setting sun spraying orangish rays of lights on the slightly wavy surface of the lake before him. A smile graced his lips then.

Leaning against the pillar, Jiang Li also watched as people flocked towards the sunset terrace of the mall. Most of them came by batches, probably on a tour, but some were lovers, the others, family. The excitement on their faces was heartwarming… but also annoying. Why was he feeling that once in his life, he also brought a group of people somewhere like this?

The man seemingly couldn't tell that he was being jealous or envious of these people as he had come here alone.josei

One time he saw a teenage girl telling the boy beside her, "OMG, look at that guy. He's so hot! I want to take a picture of him!"

Seemingly jealous, the boy looked back to see who his girlfriend was pointing at. Displeasure crossed the teenager's face, and mixed with it was envy and anger. Jiang Li watched as the person held his girl's face and forcibly turned it to him. "Hey, you already have me! So you're not allowed to look at others! If you look at others, see if I don't punish you with more exercises!"

Jiang Li's face turned weird, the same as those nearby who heard the boy. Many eyes went to the girl so her cheeks turned red. What were these people thinking? As answers rushed in her mind, she felt very embarrassed. Her embarrassment made her punch the guy in the stomach. "What the hell are you saying!? Watch your mouth! Or else I'll break up with you!"

"Ouch!" the boy first groaned, his face warping in pain. He probably couldn't believe that what his girlfriend just did to her. "Xiaotong, y-you punch me for a random uncle?"

"You speaking nonsense! Of course, I did not! You said something misleading so of course, you have to be punished!"

The guy clutching his stomach was probably minding the pain a lot so he shook his head and bitterly replied, "You clearly found a random uncle more attractive than me. I'm so hurt! For a bastard who might be a single dog and was deliberately seducing you, you did not hesitate to hit your boyfriend in the stomach!"

Uncle… bastard… single dog…

While the two little lovers were quarreling over there, with the laughter of those around and the setting sun as their backdrop, Jiang Li's mouth was twitching in anger and annoyance.

'Forget it. They're not worth my time.'

He moved his gaze away from the two annoying people and swept his eyes around. The place which only had around twenty people ten minutes ago, was now holding more than a hundred. However, since the terrace was huge, there were still spaces among the groups of people. He focused on single dogs as well.

A hint of laughter flashed across his eyes when he saw a very forlorn figure among the crowd of happy people. This other guy was quite very conspicuous at the place. After all, who asked him to look so lost and sad while looking at the distant waters? While everyone else at least had a slight smile on their faces, this person was the only looking as if at any moment he would cry.

Tch. In a sleek black suit with a small red rose brooch on his front pocket, the man appeared somebody from the high society, with a good upbringing, ability, and handsome face. Why look as if he just came here straight from a funeral?

Jiang Li pulled up his phone and checked for news related to Liu De again. The bastard was reported to have attended a prestigious award ceremony yesterday and, in the photo captured, there was something in the smiles he exchanged with the beautiful woman who handed the golden trophy to him.

'I coincidentally meet a guy secretly head over heels for this blind woman.' Jiang Li was in a happy mood as he approached the guy.

Since the two of them were victims of the same bastard, maybe they could take this chance to share stories and let out grievances to each other?

System: .... Sorry, host... But who are you fooling?

With that in mind, Jiang Li stood next to the heartbroken guy. The other seemingly did not notice the sudden appearance of another person next to him. Or maybe he did, but only assumed that the guy wanted a better location to observe the scenery. His current spot was one of the best since it was only a meter away from the safety balustrade and there was nobody standing in front to obstruct the view.

"They said it would be easier to get over the pain if a person who underwent the same thing was there to support or perhaps, be there to say that he was not alone."

Suddenly, those words entered the handsome young man's ears, and he couldn't help but turn his head to his right. There, he saw another guy in casual attire with a mature but warm smile on his lips.

The man who dropped that meaningful line smilingly extended his hand introduced himself, "I'm Zheng Xian."

Feeling bewildered, and a bit cautious, he first studied the person trying to make him his acquaintance. However, after realizing that the other held no ill-will towards him, he accepted the handshake, albeit with a complicated expression on his face.

"Nice to meet you, Producer Zheng. I'm Qin Tai."

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