Quick Transmigration: Saving The Crazy Villainess

Chapter 259

Chapter 259: Selena Tang (8)

Among the women in Liu De's harem, the one with the highest specs and most stellar background was the boss of Dreamer Entertainment, a woman named Mo Zan.

She was a known ice queen, born to the prestigious Mo family and educated to be one of the Mo business empire's inheritors. She was very independent and efficient in doing things, yet in her management, because she valued results too much, she had no qualms hurting people's feelings to get what she should get done. Her reputation was okay, but still, one which would make people hesitate to cross her.

Mo Zan… A woman with both beauty and brains, who was also gifted with a powerful background… and a guaranteed future... A lady with an iron heart…

But such a woman unattainable to most men…  actually fell for an n-timing bastard named Liu De. What a shocking revelation!

"According to my sources, Ms. Mo encountered Mr. Liu many times in the past and gradually became interested in him. After all, he seems to have powers to predict which works will turn out great. Starting from one and a half years ago too, he has never made or participated in something that flopped. And he could produce hit scripts and songs. What an admirable and lucky guy."

Qin Tai gave the one who spoke a weird look. "How come you're okay praising a dog who stole your wife from you?" He almost asked, if not for realizing it would be too rude. 

The two men ended up grabbing a drink and a table at a nearby club. Jiang Li looked on with interest at the people on the dance floor before shrugging to the man bitterly smiling opposite him. Actually, the other, the guy called Qin Tai was seated diagonally across Jiang Li. He was an admirer of Mo Zan, at the same time, that woman's fiancé.

According to the plot, Qin Tai never hesitated to show how much he loved the woman. Even though he was meant to be the Qin family's leader and manage their family's business, because he wanted to get close to the boss of Dreamer Entertainment, he did not hesitate to join her company and be her vice president.

The title sounded nice, but in reality, it meant being her corporate slave. Who knows why this man thought that was the best way to show his support and affection to the woman? In the end, what he got was heartbreak. Mo Zan only treated him as a business partner… or maybe even a spy.

The woman was a user though, so since the man was good at business and efficient in his work, she made sure to maximize his use for the company's growth. Once he ran out of uses, she would simply toss him out. That was the plan. 

The man was content to be able to contribute something for her. This was why he never told her that all he only put that much effort because of her. In his mind, in the near future, even if she was treating the marriage as a business, they would still be husband and wife. So what was his, should naturally go to her, including his support and talent.

Jiang Li wanted to facepalm at the plot. Yet he also reckoned those two would still have a high chance to be together, if not for a certain third party who barged into their awkward love life.

"Mr. Qin. Don't you think, Ms. Mo is only using Liu De?" Once, Jiang Li asked in a probing tone.

The other man did not really look sad. At least his facial expression was okay. It was just that his aura was a little off, betraying his real feelings within. Probably because of what he was truly feeling inside that he no longer questioned himself why he was suddenly acting so familiar with a person he only knew from the news.

"I don't think so." The young master of the Qin family lowered his head, absentmindedly staring at his emptied wine glass. "I saw how her eyes lit up whenever she watches Liu De, or whenever Liu De is around… I've been with her for so long… So I know that she has really fallen for that man."

The talk inside the private booth went smoothly, albeit in a weird mood, as the place was isolated from the noisy dance floor by soundproofed glass walls. They could see what was going on outside and could hear the loud music if they left the door a bit open. However, they were after the peace and quiet without compromising the beers and liquors so they naturally closed the door.

Jiang Li managed to hypnotize the person into telling him everything about the woman and her interaction with Liu De.

Qin Tai, like any normal jealous man, tried to make Liu De appear lacking in moral and everything to Mo Zan, but his schemes always failed.

Don't ask why. Since he was just a high-quality cannon-fodder, of course, he got defeated easily by the male lead. In the end, it was he who appeared very bad and untrustworthy in the eyes of the woman he loved. 

It was sad. Despite giving so much and supporting her unconditionally since the start, he got nothing good in return. Being able to see her every day was not counted since it worked the other way too. The woman could always see eye candy yet didn't appreciate him. This simply ignoring the pearl for a fisheye. josei

Yep. Jiang Li thought Liu De was a fisheye, not because he relied on the system to rise, but because he was a scumbag through and through. In the end, his Superstar System was merely a tool. It was still the hands of human which dictates whether it would be something that would cause good or evil to the world. Yet look at how the male lead used it. Why couldn't he be content with rising as a superstar? Why did have to do so many unscrupulous and immoral things? Surely, the women he put in his harem had people who loved them better. 

Ah, whatever. Anyway, he really couldn't put the blame to that man all the time since some of the ladies jumped into the male lead's arm in their own volition. He nearly forgot it was Mo Zan who pushed Qin Tai away by herself. 

'I'm an idiot, but thankfully, there are more people with lesser IQ than me.' Jiang Li laughingly thought. 

He didn't dwell much into the reason, but in the end, Qin Tai chose to leave the company as to not torture himself seeing Mo Zan favoring Liu De in an abnormal way.

A moment after confirming some details from Qin Tai's memories, Jiang Li canceled the hypnosis and then returned to a normal talk with the other.

"You know…" With that same warm smile that Mo Fang used to love about Zheng Xiang, Jiang Li said to him, "After what happened to me weeks ago, I realized that sometimes treasuring others so much that we forgot ourselves is not good." 

Qin Tai listened with interest. "Oh?"

"The other party would always want to take advantage of us… and think it's okay to hurt us." The producer finished his bottle of wine and then continued. "Now I know, our fault is loving too much. And forgetting ourselves in the process."

"... You're right." After giving it a thought for some time, Qin Tai replied in a soft and weak voice. Even now, he had no heart to blame the woman he loved. And only thought of blaming the person who he assumed had seduced his fiancee away. In a sense, wasn't he doing this because he loved her too much? 

"So since it's the case, we just have to change our ways."

"How?" the younger of the two asked. The gloominess was still there, but the glint of light and realization in his eyes was an improvement.

Jiang Li answered, "Simple. Treat ourselves better, or put ourselves first. If possible, stop showing to them that while they only walk a step for us, we're okay walking miles for them. Don't forget to shine and excel, of course, But this time, dedicate the successes to us and stop being an idiot working silently behind the scenes for them."

The younger guy was the young master of the Qin family, another prestigious household in the capital. However, right now, he looked like a lost man. Blankness could be seen from his eyes before he closed them.

As an intelligent person, he naturally understood what the producer wanted to say. Actually, he got the gist after seeing the transformation of the man before him. That should be this divorcee's way of showing he was moving on, right? That he planned to excel and love himself more...

Still, Qin Tai subconsciously asked, "So are you saying I should stop thinking of her as my world? Even though she is?"

"Up to you to interpret it." Jiang Li stood up after giving the young man another glance. He was already planning on leaving. But before he completely walked out of the glass door, he told him meaningfully.

"But you know... We have to realize that only if we become treasures ourselves will the others begin treasuring us. Only then will they no longer dismiss our feelings as something disposable..."

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