Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 103

Chapter 103: Cut Scene of Show—Laundry Thoughts

Han Jing silently began to eat his lunch with his mother. He stared at the email silently until he heard a loud sigh, his mother was giving him a dirty look.

"Stop using your phone while we're eating." His mother narrowed her eyes at him as she continued to eat.

He sighed and placed his phone down for a moment and flipped it back over and then began to eat the rice and the spring rolls. Unlike before, his mother was now silent as they shared their meal together.

Compared to when they had Chan Lee over, she was much quieter.

Somehow it felt like it was his fault, he rubbed the back of his neck for a moment. "Sorry mom, thanks for the food." He had already told her that he had a short-term contract aka the amount he received from the game company… but he still needed to find a real job.

Especially now that he realized that the simulation had an 'auto-play' mode based on his Soul Waves—whatever that actually meant.

His mother nagged him every now and then about him needing to get his life into shape, but fortunately, she had chosen to be quiet now. Or she was holding back her disappointment—he didn't know. "How's Jinjing at school?"

Well that sounded like a wrong question instead of just asking about her.

"Your sister is doing well of course, she's a smart girl." His mother's expression lightened up, "Of course during Parent and Teacher's meetings, her homeroom teacher is always praising her."

Han Jing knew that, or at least expected that. Although now it felt like he shouldn't have asked this—he was childishly feeling being compared with his younger sister even though he managed to graduate from university in one piece. But wait, his sister— "And ah, I visited my Senior Lifen yesterday, she mentioned that maybe Jinjing and her little brother could have a playdate or something."

His mother tilted her head a bit, her expression thoughtful at his remark, "Really? That sounds nice I guess, this Lifen is… who was she again?"

"She's my Senior in my old club, mother. You've already met her—"

"That reckless motor-racing friend of yours?!" Her eyes widened, "Didn't you break an arm before because you tried driving her bike?"

Of course she was going to remember that.

"Mother, that was ages ago." Han Jing frowned, "Anyway, she was the one who brought me to the hospital too and even covered the fees." It had hurt like hell and it was even more painful to accept her offer of paying for it.

"Well, it was her bike so it made sense." His mother shrugged.

Why did he expect that she would understand how embarrassing that was? He had to bear with it because having an accident and even going to the hospital would put a dent into their family budget. Han Jing began to finish his food and picked up his rice bowl, "I'll do the dishes now."

He pocketed his phone and began to finish the task as quickly as he could. Today it seemed like his mother was staying over instead of going out and doing errands.

Han Jing started to construct a message in his head, 

'Dear Respected Creators: 

I would like to file in a notice on the negative effects from logging off from 'Free-Reign Mode' which had been bothersome as a beta-tester. At first there were no visible effects but today I experienced severe migraines, nausea and extreme fatigue. I hope that this situation can be solved or mitigated with.'

It wasn't actually that bad, although he was afraid that it might have come off like some person complaining to a manager. It didn't come off like that right?

After finishing his dishes and the ones that his mother had handed him, he plopped back down on his bed and took out his phone. He began to write down the message, edited it a bit before signing it off and then sending it back to the same email.

They didn't have a Customer Support Hotline or anything included in the email.

Now that it was finished though, what was he supposed to do now? He rubbed his forehead for a moment and opened another freelancing website. He might as well apply and put all the hard work that his Senior had put in updating his resume to use.

He sent her a thank you reply first.

And then he started actually searching for any available jobs for him to take. And unlike before, there actually seemed to be some job opportunities that he might actually be capable of doing.

Most of them required a laptop or a personal computer but he could always visit the computer shop. He sent an application and hoped he could be luckier this time around.

Although it was kind of his fault—

"Han Jing, why don't you help me with laundry?"

Looking up from his phone, his mother motioned to the three laundry baskets at her feet, "Carry them with me to the fifth floor, my back is killing me."

Groaning for a moment, Han Jing pocketed his phone and nodded, "Alright." He thought his mother was going to go easy on him because he was feeling under the weather but of course that wasn't going to happen.

He went over and picked one up, and though it wasn't like laundry clothes would weight a lot—he picked it up with more ease. He grabbed the second one as well, and it didn't feel like his arms were lugging around too much stuff. Was it just his imagination though?

"What are you standing around there for Jing? Let's go already." His mother held one of the baskets and opened the door before they trudged up the stairs.

She and him passed by the rooms, he glanced at the door and immediately saw the room that Chan Lee was staying in. He stared at it far longer than he wanted to before walking after his mother, she was already waiting by the entrance. "What were you looking at Jing?"

"That was our new neighbor's room, I guess if you want to send food or something, at least you know where it is now, Mother." Han Jing shrugged as he started loading in the laundry. At a time like this, she was probably in her university now.josei

He inwardly sighed as he switched on the machine and stood back up, stretching his back for a bit. Idle times like these, they weren't so bad—he didn't have to think too hard about it.

He just did them.

"Ah, I think at a time like this, Mrs. Gao is probably done with her afternoon nap, I think I'll visit her and see how she's doing." His mother was talking aloud. Or maybe it was her way of indirectly saying, 'Son, watch over the laundry.'

Either way, he scratched the back of his head, "Go ahead, Mother. I'll just stay here I think."

A smile curled on her lips, "Thanks, son. I won't take too long." 

That was perhaps the most straight-faced lie she could ever tell him. Han Jing bit back a sigh and managed a sheepish smile, "Sure thing."

"By the way, the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming up soon, you'll help me buy the ingredients, okay?" She reminded him with a smile of her own, her expression brightened up, "Ah, I think your father will finally get a day off that time, it's been awhile since we've all managed to get together haven't we?"

"...yes, yes it'd been some time." Han Jing tried not to sound unenthusiastic but of course it was a hard thing to do. "I'll help you out, of course, Mother."

After a few moments, his mother nodded and then headed out to meet up and visit one of their neighbors. Han Jing pulled out his phone from his pocket and clicked his tongue. He automatically went towards his game folder and found it empty—except for 'Races: Online' of course.

He had already deleted everything to download this 5GB app, and so far… it had been worth it?

Well, of course it was! Creators and universal secrets aside, this was the future of gaming! It was a virtual reality simulation that had never been done before. And it managed to take his mind off of things.

That was what he wanted to do with games after all, unwind and relax with them.

But should he download another game? He asked himself silently before rolling his eyes. "I've already spent thirteen hours gaming, and I still want to do more?"

It was a dumb question.

Of course he wanted to play more. He needed to download that farming game again, it was fun. Although he enjoyed the farming mini-game at Old Man Joe's farm as well. Once he got back at the village, he'd definitely do that again. There was also another thing, he still even hadn't managed to fully utilize and explore his 'Kingdom-Building' features. Should he focus with that aspect or leveling up his character though? 

...And he was getting distracted again.

Seriously, he promised himself that he was going to get a job. Han Jing slapped a hand over his face. He didn't have to add more games into the mix, it was just another rabbit hole he'd have trouble getting himself out from!


The vibration and sound pulled him out from his thoughts as he stared at his phone: One New Email Received.

It was from Races: Online Game Company

"Well that took them long enough." 

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