Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 104

Chapter 104: Cut Scene of Chatting With The Moderator

Han Jing stared at the contents of the email with a frown, the message in of itself weren't exactly that different from the ones that you'd receive whenever you filed a product complaint. They'd apologize, reassure the client, give the client the answer that they wanted and then offer a freebie or something.

Alright he was lying to himself.

The contents made it all seem like a joke. It was also different because he knew who replied to him:

Oh, it's Han Jing!

Didn't you say you were feeling just peachy when I first asked you? Hmm… I wonder if your 'Soul' is starting to get worn out. Although you've only logged in three times.

Ah, you Humans are really weak. It can't be helped though, you've already survived more than other beta-testers—so you can consider yourself lucky.

If you wish to avoid such negative consequences, why not choose to stay in one world instead? =^.^=

That's the easiest solution of course~

Let me know what you think! If you decide to opt in to the world of the Creators, we have an insurance that will cover the expenses of your physical death in earth along with a monetary package for your family. Not a bad deal, eh?

But I guess I'm also required to send you some documents and files about this matter. You can read them if you want—plus we have this new messaging app! Well, it's good to use side by side with the virtual simulation app.

Looking forward to your reply!

Peach :3


"Cover the expenses? Monetary package?" Han Jing rubbed his face for a moment. What kind of email was this? This was their solution? Did they really think that his life had a price?!

He sniggered for a moment, although muttering to himself quietly, "Although I wonder how much it could possibly be…" 

He wasn't exactly going to 'die' in the truest sense if his 'Soul' got transferred to a new world. It was essentially transmigration or reincarnation.

Han Jing took a deep breath and sighed.

Considering and even being tempted by it just goes to show how he was actually kind of pathetic. Could he really just 'die' here and then forget about his family?

Deciding to move on for a moment from such thoughts, Han Jing decided to download the attachments and then finally the link. What was this going to do now?




After opening the link, the app downloaded, installed and then opened itself. Design-wise it was quite similar to the 'game' app that he used, the familiar logo screen popped up as the name of the app displayed itself:

[ Welcome to Races Universal Network! ]

Talk With Your Friends From Across the Universe!

Detecting Soul Waves, Synchronizing Races: Online App…

[ Welcome Han Jing, Universal Server #69 ]

Input Nickname? _______

He blinked at the familiar question and tried not to roll his eyes. Once again he felt reluctant to answer it, but what else should he put in it? Something like 'Noob-Slayer'? He was the noob game-wise and it wasn't the virtual simulation either.

He placed the words 'Han' once again to get it over with. And he was soon led to a semi-blank page that was soon filled up with suggestions and notifications: 

'Add More Friends?'

'Add Contacts in Races: Online?'

'Find 'Individuals' Near You'

His gaze drifted to the third notification, "Could there be anyone near me?" He asked himself. The thought was a bit appealing and somewhat nervewracking at the same time, a chance to meet another [ Player ] in real life?josei

Although if the range of this chat spanned the entire universe… the term 'near' might not actually be even in the same country or world as him. Han Jing lowered his phone for a bit as he watched his clothes spin in front of him.

He saw his reflection in the glass and managed a self-depreciating grin, "Meeting someone in real life might just make me an embarrassment." 

The email did mention other Humans, so there really was a chance that he'd meet someone like him.

If they were alive.

He couldn't ignore that it was a possibility that other Humans had already died despite the wish of 'Creators' for all Races to get along. Han Jing sighed as he lifted his phone again, "It's a wonder why I'm even playing if that was the case."

A new notification arrived:

[ 'Peach' has sent you a message. ]

You Can Read Message Freely With No Repercussions

Decide Whether You Accept or Deny Them As Contact

Peach: Welcome to RUN… and yes, the name kind of sucks. This allows the [ Players ] to connect with one another despite not being in the simulation itself

Of course he ended up accepting them. It was his chance to get answers about his condition. Hopefully.

Han: Why didn't you give me this in the first place? Although I'm not sure how this can even help my own physical condition

Peach: Maybe I forgot about it? Or you at least finally achieved a certain level to receive this as a benefit—seriously, this is great isn't it?

Han: Kind of, but I'm not sure how this is beneficial… although, seriously, I'm not sure if I'm willing to go online again

All the talk about Soul Waves and transferring between from one world into another was putting strain into his Soul. It made sense. So why should he risk himself by doing this?

If he really wanted to, Han Jing could chuck his phone away at a river and then get on with a normal life. It wasn't too late for him to live like everybody else.

But did he even want that?

Peach: Lies! This simulation was granted to those who wished for something more than just living their own lives—seriously, the Creators doesn't just choose randomly. You guys were selected. Even if you say that now, your desires will lead you back to the simulation ;)

Han Jing paused for a moment. Talking to this… girl? AI? System? Well, whoever this Peach was, it was somewhat easy but annoying at the same time. This Moderator was aware of more things than him but wasn't willing to divulge the information.

Han: The way you said that makes it seems like the Creators picked out [ Players ] by manipulating individuals who would agree to this. It sounds predatory instead of benevolent.

Peach: No comment. I'm not them. Believe what you will, but you are receiving benefits though you may not realize it now. Plus you can receive much more if you continue to rise in the simulation and even connect with other individuals—say, what if you and the Mermaid were to meet up? Or anybody else?

Han: I might end up at a psych ward.

Peach: Funny, but can be true. I wouldn't recommend meeting irl with the Chut if you know what I mean

Han: ….

Han Jing tried not to shudder, remembering the bulbous tentacled face at the beach. How much more grotesque would it be to meet them in person?

Wait. How did she even know—she was the moderator of course. It was a dumb question. 

The information and power she could probably exert in the simulation was a lot. Speaking of which, then she probably have watched the entire session that happened yesterday… whatever the actual time was. 

If he didn't know that it was the Creators who created the missions, he might have assumed that it was she who orchestrated the entire thing for her amusement. Still, Han Jing began to open the other attachment sent to them and tried not to get annoyed.

] Survival Handbook For New Players In Races: Online Simulation.txt

] Creators Will.pdf

] So You Want To Make An Alliance? ( 101 On Player to Player Interactions ).txt

] Warning and Precautions for Human Players.docx

These kind of things should have been available from the start! Seriously he needed to complain—but what would that even do? It was just another way of his bad luck getting to him. Maybe the other Humans who entered their own servers were able to access this from the start?

Speaking of which…

Han: Peach, can I ask for your help in connecting with other Human Players?

Peach: And why would you want that? O.o Wouldn't you prefer connecting with your allies and friends in our server?

Han: I don't think you would get it, but us humans band together you know? In scenarios like this, it'd be the best if we could talk and reassure with one another

Peach: … but you're doing fine. Hmph. Ah, you'll owe me something if I do this, I have to talk with the other Moderators—and they're not as nice as me.

Han: er, what do you mean by 'owe'?

Peach: Your Soul is enough of a payment~ Eternal servitude sounds great :3

Han: …no, will a thank you suffice?

Peach: Argh, if I ever get the chance to meet you. I'll try to hit you in the head—not enough to kill you, but just enough to let you know that mere words don't amount to anything!

It was a curious statement. An interesting one, the big picture was starting to put itself together piece by piece. Well, it actually just brought on more questions for him. Shouldn't the Moderators care more about following what the Creators wanted?

They made a Universal Network but didn't want him to get in contact with other Humans? And it wasn't actually a comforting thought that this 'Peach' could visit him, moreso that she was speaking about hitting him and trying not to kill him.

"Huh? If it isn't big brother Han Jing?"

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