Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 124

Chapter 124: No Rest For The Wicked

There were several things on Timothy's mind as he travelled back towards his assigned room in the Dewrowan Tower:

1 He needed to feed the girl

2 He needed to feed himself

3 He wanted to take a nap

4 He needed to go to the hidden library

5 He was working with the Half Elf

6 He had to make sure that Iola remained hidden

7 He needed to pass his classes

8 Cross out the want—he needed a nap

Now the order of those things were jumbled in one way or another but they were all inexplicably interwoven with one another as well. He needed to work with the Half Elf to make sure that he could pass his classes—and make sure that the Mage, which he belatedly realized that he didn't even knew their name of, didn't tell him off for sneaking in a non-student, and he snuck her in to get paid and make sure he and Han had enough money to pay for their stay here. He rubbed his head with and continued on his trek back to his room, it would have been a lot easier to have stayed back at their village.

… And do what though?

He didn't need people giving him pitied looks because of what had happened and this was his chance to prove himself, even if it meant that he had to struggle now. Glancing around at his immediate surroundings, there were nobody around as most of them would be in the dining hall for lunch—but he didn't want a repeat of yesterday. He knocked once on the door and was met with complete silence. He coughed and reached for his key and unlocked it before stepping in to see the young woman seated on his bed.

At least he knew that she paid attention and didn't answer to any kind of knocks. But more than that, another thing came to his mind. It must be boring for her to stay here all day without nothing to do, he inclined his head. "Sorry for the delay, I brought lunch." If there was anything that might fix things, it would at least be some good food.

"It's fine, thank you for not forgetting about me." She glanced at him and let out a heavy sigh. Somehow she lacked her earlier ordering tone when she woke him up for breakfast. 

Timothy managed to get a closer look at her, without her cloak across her shoulders at the moment, he could see that she was wearing some kind of lacy but simple white dress. "Er, what kind of person would forget that they're having someone under the same roof?" He shrugged, although he realized that it might be the young woman after all. Not that she had realized it. She had quickly eaten up his breakfast earlier and left him starving but that was a moot point, "Also before you dig in, let me do something."

She was just about to get up from his bed before she raised a brow, "Alright."

He had previously told Han that he was a prodigy with his skills but this one was something he had some trouble with. He glanced at the meal serving in front of him, it seemed to be roasted deer and a slice of what he could tell was Ocean Plum. They weren't a bad meal but why wasn't there anything green? Surely they had to know that they should eat something healthy! Just because there was fruit didn't mean that it was a good meal. Anyhow, now that he could identify the ingredients—he concentrated and waved his hand over it. He whispered the Skill to himself, 

"[ Extra Rations ]." And watched as another plate of the same exact meal appeared beside it.

There was no round of applause that sounded, not that he was expecting anything but this one was actually a lot harder than his [ Firestarter ] Skill that he often used. For some reason, it felt like his inner reserves quickly diminished and he needed ample rest and several hours before he could attempt it again. But he glanced back at the young woman, "You forgot that the breakfast from earlier was supposed to be mine."

"This Academy provides no second servings or some kind of banquet style?" Iola cocked a brow at him and made a face, "My apologies for earlier then but I didn't expect that this place simply allowed you to eat one serving per meal." She stepped closer to him and took her own seat, "A nice [ Skill ] though, it seems useful."

"...useful is the word you would use for it?" He slapped a hand over his face. His mother had told him that it was some groundbreaking skill! It was practically making something out of thin air or at least it seemed to be that, but she simply passed it off as she began to eat.

Perhaps the only good thing was that she wasn't picky.

Who knows what troubles he would have to come across too if she were—not that he'd actually push himself to get them for her. Still, in one way or another, she probably didn't like being here if not for whatever situation happened to her. So once he managed to actually pawn her gold necklace off, he should probably get her something like a book—wait, there was also the importance of clothes and all of that stuff he didn't consider in the first place.

He began to eat as well and noticed the young woman flinch as he did. Timothy raised a brow at her but continued to eat, "Do you have a problem with me sharing the same table with you?"

"Y-Yes… but you are my benefactor so I'll tolerate it," She sniffed and continued to eat.

He rolled his eyes but promptly began to eat up his own share so he could get a few minutes of shut eye, there was a wall clock in his room and she was here as well so it wasn't like he was going to miss the next class. He hadn't been able to ask for some assistance from Professor Lavelda, but in this next class, he would make sure that he would.

Although that didn't mean he would be able to back out from tonight.

Speaking of which, he cleared his throat and glanced at the girl once more, "So, I forgot to mention something, your cloak is supposed to be some kind of enchanted one that conceals your presence right?"

"...It is, but you won't get to have it. If there's an event that somebody sneaks into your room, I would be able to hide because of it."

"Actually, there was already someone who saw you."

"W-What?" Her utensil shook in her hand as she gazed at him with a confused expression, "How did they… the fabric is, but you've dealt with them right? Made sure that they're incapable of speaking of this? Surely you've disposed of them right? I had decided to stay here to avoid the eyes of many and I expect you to ensure that for me." 

Her hand no longer shook but she was gripping her fork too hard that he was afraid that she might have bent it.

Timothy blinked and rubbed his face, perhaps it had been better to not mention it but she was involved in this so she had the right to know. "You know, I'm not some high leveled Mage or Warrior that could threaten anybody, I need to do them a favor in exchange for this… and I was actually wondering about that cloak of yours. If I could borrow it?" 

Perhaps if Han had been in this situation, he would have pointed out that Ellynn had a cloak and it would be good to match them or something. Useless little thoughts that he'd get from time to time as he awaited Iola's response.

"They will be extorting you from now on," She frowned at him, the way she looked at him as if he was some sort of idiot. She stopped eating as she continued, "Even if you do this now, they'll try to have you do more tasks for them...let me meet with them first and I'll come to a proper negotiation."josei

"I'm aware—what? What are you going to do, I mean, how are you going to talk with them when they have the upperhand?" Timothy was already trying to think up a solution for this matter and he didn't exactly want her to trouble herself over this. It might end up worsening things for them.

She hesitated at first but she nodded, "I have a Skill that allows people to stay true to their word… something like what a Merchant would have. You know those kinds of contracts enforcing Skill."

Timothy stayed silent for a moment, she didn't seem like a Merchant to him. Some Merchants who visited their village were quick talkers who weren't afraid to finagle out the coin from your hands to the last piece of copper and tell them it was a good trade. He knew most of them were kicked out by Grandma Moe if they acted that way and she was the complete opposite of that.

Still if she was able to make sure that word didn't get out—about her. Well, she should be making her own effort in staying here, "Alright, but I'll have to look for them again." And who knows how much trouble that would be again.

"Yes, do it right now."

It seemed like he wasn't going to nap anytime soon.

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