Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 125

Chapter 125: Events In The Background

After getting chewed out by the Bodyguard, the Councilman let out a sigh once the visitor left his office. But of course, his day was far from over as he stared at the stack of letters on his desk that his Secretary had left him.

It was easy to surmise what they contained. Councilman Barth massaged their forehead as they glanced at the first of the many complaints and reprimand he received—

'Why are your men and women incompetent at their work?'

'Some citizens are requesting for compensation at injuries obtained and buildings destroyed.'

'The work of the builders in the North Wall has been demolished during the incident yesterday, requesting more funds.'

'It has come to my attention that the City of Gloria has failed to do their duty, were you aware that nearby Villages had been attacked by Goblins amidst the Wyvern Migration?'

'Please hire more competent men and do not be reliant on the Professors of the Kraelonia Academy, we have our own affairs. Train them if you will, this city has gone too soft and weak.'

The last part annoyed him, if Headmaster Pierce had the nerve to say something as callous like that—well, why didn't he get himself elected and run the City of Gloria along with the Academy? Surely they would be able to do so if he wished.

Besides, they had the audacity to mention the Guardsmen being weak when even his own Professors suffered devastating defeat. Two of them had been found outside of the city after the Shield of the City had shattered.

He shuddered, his own place had been around that portion and he and his family were shook—tremors occurred when it hit the walls and it had even pierced through some buildings and collapsed walls. It was easy to complain when one was living in the fortifications of a fortress.

That old geezer should come out of his office and try actually doing some work now! Councilman Barth thought of that but never spoke it aloud, who knew of what ears that man could possibly have but also as he saw another piece of letter given to him from the office of the Guardsmen.

'Injuries and fatalities report from yesterday under the Guardsmen of the City is as follows:'

Reports with lives lost, damages taken by the city itself and people whose lives were endangered was given to him and other Councilmen who proceeded over the city. He felt his face pale at the reports.

There were rumors.

'There have witnesses who claim to have seen of a Light Elf, Tiefling and Shadow Elf prior to the events of the Colossal Wyverns.'

What was he going to do about something like this? Perhaps this had been some induced hallucinations from the panic yesterday. If there had actually been some other Races who came here… were they looking for war?

Should he bring this case up? If this proved to be nothing but a case of hysteria, his position would be at stake and even the competency of the City would be questioned.

.. .

Now he wasn't the only one who was stressed. It was natural to say that most people experienced it from day to day, whether it was the Merchant trying to sell his wares, a Guardsman dismayed at their new Class or a Student trying to pass their subjects.

As the high leveled Bodyguard left the office, even he let out a deep sigh as he saw his colleague. Normally, their ward's father wouldn't have hired a young man—but there was trust in their competencies.

And look at where it brought them?

"How did it go?" His junior, Liam asked. He had been waiting outside the office with an anxious look and they were rubbing their hands together right now.

"As well as you accomplishing your job went. Nothing was found." He eyed them with a sour look. While he had been clearing out the road during the mass panic and stampede yesterday, this person was the one who was supposed to stay in the carriage.

Their ward had been able to escape all thanks to his incompetence. Although it was his fault for trusting that they would be able to do it just fine. The younger man wavered in front of him and winced.

The young Bodyguard stood up, looking around for anybody within earshot."Do you think it's time that we tell the—"

"Would you like to do the reporting yourself?" He shot them down with the question.

It had only been a little less than a day, the two of them should still be able to look for them without raising a fuss. He couldn't imagine the stress it would add to the father who had already had a lot on his plate.

"N-No! But perhaps we could hire a Scout of some sort? They'd be able to find her since their Skills are more on tracking," The younger man suggested with a sheepish smile.

"Do you think that they're some kind of animal to be found? Our ward had been able to escape thanks to her being able to outwit you, as befitting of someone her station." He sighed and rubbed his face.

How long could they delay their return?

He and his colleague left the office of the Council Members of the City of Gloria and they quickly passed by the streets. How difficult would it be to find them in this large City?josei

He didn't know, but what would have their ward done? He was sure that she would have been able to stay safe and wouldn't do anything as dangerous as leaving the City on her own.

.. .

It wasn't suffice to say that only the City of Gloria suffered repercussions, not at all! If one were to be honest, several other locations had suffered much more yesterday and until today.

One could say that the City of Gloria had faced a lighter sentence than any other.

Well, pillaging Goblins were one thing. It was a story or a report for another day, although the number of attacks had been growing and not much care had been given. They were after all, only some low life monsters.

But as for the Army and straggler groups of Adventurers that faced the sudden migratation of Wyverns from their station at Endless Passess—it had been a nightmare. It didn't matter that Soldiers and higher ranks were able to form groups and follow into formations, they had still been caught in surprise.

Many had died and many survived. Theodrick felt his entire body ache as he limped along the camp. He had been nearly blown apart, chomped off or eaten up by the Wyverns they'd face. With proper maneuvering, and the Master Sergeant that came up and organized them, it wasn't as bad as it could be.

But it was still terrible.

A good number of special scrolls and supplies had been used up when they were supposed to be saved for after they'd passed through the Endless Passess. Now it was time for recuperating, restocking—and also grieving.

He passed by pyres of fallen Soldiers, his friends and companions. He could have been any of them and yet he still feared for the worst. There were still others who hadn't been taken into account for and among them had been Relyea who hadn't returned since last night.

It was easy to assume that she had died. It was much easier for him to think of that and to get it over with, numerous Adveturing parties had died. They had suffered more than the Army and that was their fault.

But that was too harsh of a treatment. In the end, all of them had gone through a lot and who knew of what was more to come?

.. .

"I knew something like this would happen! Give me the money I won from the wager!" The Old Hero drank his tankard of the remaining beer that the Tavern Owner, Moe reluctantly shared with him. They still hadn't gotten the chance to get some, "Right as those two start studying there, some Colossal Wyvern decides to come out of nowhere and attack the city! If that isn't a sign, I don't know that is!"

Usually, news of such attacks like Colossal Wyverns attacking a city that was far from them would take time—but he had ears and contact. He had even felt the disturbance in the air when he had visited the inn on his way back home.

Now that hadn't been the Colossal Wyvern but it was still something.

"Shut your yapping, it's hurting my ears." Grandma Moe muttered as she downed her drink, "But if that's what happened in Gloria, we shouldn't let Becky visit anytime soon—it's still dangerous. Those boys better be safe."

"They're under Kraelonia Academy, if that Pierce didn't keep them safe, I don't know who will." Old Man Joe Light remarked. Despite their falling out a few decades ago, he was confident that the old Assassin still managed things well and wouldn't let anything bad happen.

It was the reason why he had been the next option as the Headmaster when he turned it down before. Now Old Man Joe didn't do well with lots of kids—although there probably would have been a lot of beautiful Professors maybe.

If that lout's face hadn't been so annoying, he could have stayed awhile and met the faculty! Alas, he wasn't going back there anytime soon. If a retired Hero like him had been able to live relatively peaceful staying here, he wouldn't want to change it.

The old man sobered up a bit. He could only wish that Han and his friend would be able to survive the challenges that they had to face.

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